Showing posts with label puppies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppies. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2014

Random 5 Friday

This is my first time participating in the Random 5 Friday. Here is where I am supposed to name 5 random facts about me, my week, my pets or whatever I feel like. 

1. I will be glad when these pups go to their homes. 
I love the boogers but they are so much work!! I can not explain how much I hate to clean up puppy poo and to have it coming from five! Yeah enough is enough. They are 6 weeks old and ready to go. I had full intentions on keeping them for the full 8 weeks but with my sons home therapy starting it would be a bit much. 

2. I am actually blogging when I should be getting some other projects done. Two of these beautiful pups are leaving to go to their new homes tonight. I had an idea of creating gift bags for each new owner for the puppy. I have a few more things left to do and I will have it done. I just need to do it. 

3. My son has been home all week. I wanted to give him time to build his immune system up from being sick with pneumonia and the flu. He will return either Monday or Tuesday. I am sure he will be happy to get back to his routine. 

4. I have made a deal with myself. Well kind of. I really do not get anything in return. One of my most hated chores is laundry. Everyday I am doing loads and loads and some days I skip which then it backs up. I have made myself do at least 2 loads of laundry a day. Surprisingly I have kept up with this for a whole week now and its not so bad anymore. Maybe I can keep it up!

5. I am so ready to get our tax returns back! I am not a very patient person. After paying bills I am almost positive that I will be investing some money into a new camera. I love to take pictures but I am so dis-satisfied with the camera I have. I am not a fan of the Nikon and its old and outdated. Its time for an upgrade. I think I will be going with a Canon t3i. I am just not sure yet. I have a hard time thinking that I will drop $600+ on one item. 

So there it is. My random 5. Not very exciting I am afraid. Who knows it may be more exciting next week. You will Have to come back and see. In the meantime feel free to follow me via GFC, Bloglovin or my FB page which you can find in the side bar. Leave a comment and let me know how you followed and I will return the follow back! I hope you enjoy! 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pesky Pet Hair

It is no secret that dog hair makes up part of our wardrobe and furniture! 
 We are proud owners of a white Siberian husky and an all white chihuahua and currently at this moment 5 little husky puppies (4 weeks old) 
Dog hair is everywhere! I sweep everyday and swear I find another puppy every time. Today was one of those days where the hair just got on my last nerve and my OCD kicked it. I had to get rid of it off of our furniture. Even if it only lasts a day...
Supplies needed:
1. Rubber Gloves
2. Static Guard

3. A vacuum or lint roller
I had neither of these but I can manage

Here is the couch before
Yuk that white hair is everywhere!!

So here is what you do, spray the static guard on the cushions and let it is sit for maybe a minute. Now you if you have a vacuum you can just vacuum it right up but of course mine died. Put on your rubber gloves and start rubbing your couch down in circles or straight lines just whatever works for you. Now you can vacuum up the hair that you pile up or just grab with the gloves like I did and here is what you come up with.
Yuk huh? Now look at my couch after
How cool is this?? 

This is so easy and fast to do and no dog hair!! Now go get to rubbing down your furniture to have it pet hair free for a couple of hours!! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Picture Friday

So its Friday!! I have decided on Fridays I will post some super cute pictures to brighten your day and hopefully keep you smiling throughout the weekend. Enjoy

Google search,cute animal pictures :-)