Monday, November 24, 2014

Me on Monday


enjoying a pleasant walk by the sea after a weekend of Christmas shopping, strictly watching, JYC preparations and the unexpected ordering of a new washing machine, just what you need before Christmas!

This meme is an idea of Sian’s do go over and visit her lovely blog

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

a couple of layouts



Finally this week I got out some papers and made two layouts. I’ve been looking on my blog and finding stories I want to put in my 2013 album to complete it. I’ve come to accept I am quite a methodical person and this is the way I like things done. A few more layouts to go then I can plan this year’s album.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Me on Monday


It was a quiet weekend with a drive out on Sunday for a coffee ( I was good and said no to the mince pie) and a chat with my son. The Christmas decorations were up at the shopping centre and by the time we left it was starting to get busy. I did come back with a present for mum and several ideas, mainly books for other members of the family.

This morning with music playing I measured, stirred, poured in some brandy and made the Christmas pudding, slowly I am starting to embrace the Christmas season.

Thanks to Sian for this great meme.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

One photo and twenty words


a beautiful November day celebrating a grandson’s birthday, it’s moments like these that make me realise how blessed I am

this lovely meme was started by Abi, do go over to her blog and join in

Monday, November 10, 2014

Me on Monday


enjoying some quiet crochet time with my ripple blanket

The last week has been quite busy for us so it was lovely at the weekend to enjoy some time with my two younger sons, especially when I didn’t have to cook.

I can relax now knowing I have glasses ordered (I really shouldn’t leave it over three years before my next eye test) and hopefully this winter we will be warmer as loft insulation has been approved.

Do go over to Sian’s blog and join in.