Thursday, November 05, 2009

an ordinary day!!

wool etc 001
When we left our jobs and moved down here by the sea lots of people asked “how will you fill your day, won’t you be bored?”
My answer is “NO”, we don’t have time to be bored, we love it.
We have the sea to look at everyday and long walks to keep us fit
wool etc 002 There are always new recipes to try like this mincemeat one I did from Delia’s Christmas book – recipe below
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Now the days are getting colder I’ve suddenly rediscovered my love of knitting. There is nothing better than sitting by the fire with a good film and my knitting, bliss.


jenny said...

i hope that scarf is for my birthday

Sue aka Greyhound Lover said...

Love reading your new blog prompts Jane and that scarf looks lovely, as does the walks by the sea.

humel said...

Hooray, someone else who makes their own mincemeat! :-) Some of my friends think I'm mad for doing so, but I have a nut allergy so I have particularly good reason. Plus, I like doing it, which is reason enough! My recipe has apple in it too but the apple's grated so I don't think it can be a Delia.

Hope you're enjoying Shimelle's class as much as I am :-)