
Showing posts from May, 2010


Tomorrow, I'm finally coming home tomorrow. I just gotta get through today, But hey, what's one more day to wait? :) Hehe. French word of the day: Demain = tomorrow

all that matters

just recently i stumbled upon this equation after what, 4,5 years? but this time i see it differently. not just a solution to some planetary or rocketry etc problems. wiki says, Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses. G is known as the universal gravitational constant . It is termed a "universal constant" because it is the same at all places and all times , and thus universally characterizes the intrinsic strength of the gravitational force. .. or in layman's term, the closer the distance between 2 entities, the greater the attracting force is, between each other. isnt it the same with someone and his Creator. the distance is even squared. which means, we have to be like reaa~~llly close (not just by twice), in order to get such a big attra...


yes another new post. i guess i never mentioned that i ehem, cook? *koff* ok actually its not as great as nasi beriyani kambing panggang madu etc. and im not a good cook pun. oftenly its just nasi goreng! haha. dan takdelah sedap mane pun, i guess? tapi setiap kali saye masak tambah 2 kali you. kire mcm sedap gak la kot kasi can. sebab selalunye orang yg masak kan takde selera. tapi ni siap tambah 2 kali. tepakse la saye masak banyak2 utk saye (pelik pulak denga ayat ni). haha pada satu hari saye dah boring makan nasi yg saye masak. jadi saye decide nak buat mc chicken. cey, tapi rase die betul2 mcm mc chicken oh! sebab roti tu toast dengan cheese spread dulu. pastu letak ayam bbq malam semalam punye. sedap gak la. selalunye makan depan laptop je. nak tengok tv boring. french tv. ade la english channel. tapi takbes. ni pada hari yg lain. tak reti nak potong ayam. so main potong je, jadi size besar2 dan tak even. tapi takperasan pun kan. ni pada hari yg lain. macam ter rajin lak nak gor...

mission impossible

do you know maher zain has a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering? i just did. +++ suddenly i found myself browsing for tickets to LA for this coming saturday. konon2 dengan niat nak attend RIS . sangat bes kalau boleh attend T_T konon2 fikir, alang2 dah dekat (takde la dekat mane pun ekceli) plus the tickets are not as bombing as compared to flying all the way from kl. (not quite bad jugak). tapi macam tak berbaloi je. sebab timing tak match langsung. habis kerja petang2. montreal airport tak ambik flight tengah2 malam. paling lambat 2200 kot. flight pegi LA pulak tengahari jumaat. nak cuti memang impossible. the whole flight would take about 7+ hours. sampai LA, dengan beg2 nye, pastu ok nak tidur mana. program start around 1100. monday, flight balik montreal balik around 1300 afternoon padahal program habis around 1700. dah pegi jauh2 macam sayang nak miss program. so, takpelah takde rezeki. lagi satu, sepanjang 3 hari, mau tidur mana sih? oh boleh tak lupe ada lagi sat...

maison :)

this is what i come home to (well. apart from many other things) yey lagi 5 hari! gigi banyak makan coklat eh! kenapa henfon umi macam gemuk saje dari cik imang punya? sebab, cik imang punye bukan henfon pun T_T iqbal terasa hensem pakai zorro mask iqbal takde caption sebab dia ckp hujung2 je. ^ amazed by the zeppelin! *nangis* (not hikmat, of course) ++ is there such thing as blogoholic? pasni macam rasa nak post berjuta2 lagi blog post. should i say sorry in advance?

3-day weekend!

yey next monday is national holiday. its Queen's Day. apparently canada is a commonwealth country, so they have one day off to celebrate queen elizabeth from england. i wonder if we do that in malaysia? i dont think so. kan? so, yey to 3 days weekend! i have many plans in mind. but none is gonna work out. haha. because, first i dont have jalan2 buddy. i'd look pathetic if all my pics are myspace-ish kinds right. cey padahal most of my pics mcm gitu! and second, im running out of cash. haha padan muke sila lah berenti beli cookies dan jajan dan masuk kedai makanan sedap sesuke hati. anyway, here's what i have in mind. 1. la ronde (pronounce "la ghon")! its an amusement park located in quebec city. like six flags, the one they have in united states (i guess) but just now debbie said ugh, genting is much more better than la ronde. oo yeke? oklah. cancelled. i wouldnt wanna go alone pun anyway. 2. ottawa. i heard they have many lakes there but im not sure. its just 2 ...

cerita kerja

ok. fuh. this post is gonna be about my work. i mean, thats the sole reason im here right. about my job. i think ive fallen in love with it. haha. oklah takdelah completely, ade la jugak love-hate situation ok banyak je lah hate nye tapi hmm so far alhamdulillah, and there's no better word to say. the past weeks ive been dealing with simulator issues. like, people been buying our simulators right, and of course the machines are not 100% perfect. so they will lodge a report if there are issues - which i'll be dealing through the rest of my career i guess. cey gaya mcm lama je nak keje. well! hopefully i would last long here. but Allah knows best. my first issue was about engine pressure ratio (EPR) that doesnt show up in the ECAM display in the cockpit when pitot tube is blocked in captain side or F/O (co-pilot org panggil F/O - first officer) side and it only happens only with the IAE engine type. ok pls ignore the jargons. and then i have to go to the lab to reproduce the issu...

cerita ahad lagi

lagi dan lagi. last week sunday (yes last week), my team leader Caroline and her husband Jean-Francois (JF) (whos also my coordinator) took us (me and william) out. to the Old Montreal (again). haha but its nicer this time because the weather was awesome. its the 2nd half of the month, summer is looming, and its not as cold as the 1st half of the month. its much more sunnier, and windier. sangat nice! and since the weather is nice, everybody in montreal decided to go out and have some fun with their family and friends. so the place was sort of crowded. caro, william, and JF bes gak bleh lukis2 caricature org ni nyanyi sedap i had my second beaver tails! hehe but i took a different topping this time. oh sedapnye! then JF said, oh there's another one common montreal cuisine you HAVE to taste. its called Poutine (pronounce "putchin"). and they took me to the most delicious poutine place in town. its called Le Banquise. its a very simple dish, but freaking CARB-y. guess what...

kechs lebs

last morning i got this email =_= ++ Hi, It’s been reported to my attention that your laptop L3571 is presently generating a lot of network traffic. By investigating, we have found that your laptop have Skype installed. This software needs to be remove as soon as possible from CAE laptop since it’s attacking the firewall and this software is not a CAE Standard application used at CAE. Can you please let me know once the application is removed. If you have any questions, please call me. Karl IT Technologist X6329 ++ my first emotional expression was, ek eleh kecoh nye! dahla dah tukar laptop aku jadi win xp, takde admin rights pulak tuh. siap tampal sticker CAE ngan asset tag kat lid sangat la buruk. haih takut sgt. then the rationale kicked in. ok this laptop is not even mine. and they have all the rights in the world to keep their properties against all non-policy software. (aaaa) and its the same with us jugak. we never own anything. everything is Allah's dan dah cukup baik la tu...

Makan tghari

We had this conversation during lunch time yesterday. Nothing remarkable but I wish I could have answered smarter and more detailed (bil hikmah, that is). Haih. And since this is like really long, and ok segan pulak tibe2, so more posts coming up shortly. Haha. First session there were only me and Helen. Ah are you a vegetarian? Eh no. Why No because. I don't see any meats on your plate so I'm just assuming. And there's a lot of veges there as well, so.. Hehe Ooh. I don't really eat vegetables, in fact. Hehe But why didn't you take meats instead? Ohh. You see, I'm a Muslim right. We don't eat just any meats. We eat hmm a special kind of meats. Ah how special is your meat I wonder. Is it any different than what I have here? Have you heard of the word halal? Yeah Okay so I only eat halal food, especially meats we have a special way of slaughtering the cows. Or chickens. Oh I see. Yeah2 like in some Lebanese or Indian shops here I always see the word halal. Yea...

cerita hari ahad

the next day sunday it was mildly snowing. i could see snow sprinkling down from my window. the weather here is unpredictable (as they said) like hello snow in spring? then later in the afternoon Valerie (my group leader) took me and william to Biodome somewhere near olympic stadium. biodome is like a mini zoo without big animals. or so i understand. i mean theres only small animals like birds bats ducks porcupines beavers and wait for it... penguins! i was so jakun seeing those cute waddling penguins! but sadly i could only see them from outside the glass. tapi sangat comel penguin tu jalan terkedek2 pastu terus melompat masuk air dan berenang dengan lajunye dengan bangga dan hebat. i wish i could ride a bike penguin berenang dengan laju! oh alphonse loved this! oh ye. valerie brought her son along, Alphonse, 4 years old. subhanallah sangat comel boleh pengsan. but he only speaks french and doesnt understand english at all . so it was kinda hard la for me to main2 with him. since my f...