cerita ahad lagi

lagi dan lagi.

last week sunday (yes last week), my team leader Caroline and her husband Jean-Francois (JF) (whos also my coordinator) took us (me and william) out. to the Old Montreal (again). haha but its nicer this time because the weather was awesome. its the 2nd half of the month, summer is looming, and its not as cold as the 1st half of the month. its much more sunnier, and windier. sangat nice! and since the weather is nice, everybody in montreal decided to go out and have some fun with their family and friends. so the place was sort of crowded.

caro, william, and JF

bes gak bleh lukis2 caricature

org ni nyanyi sedap

i had my second beaver tails! hehe but i took a different topping this time. oh sedapnye!
then JF said, oh there's another one common montreal cuisine you HAVE to taste. its called Poutine (pronounce "putchin"). and they took me to the most delicious poutine place in town. its called Le Banquise.

its a very simple dish, but freaking CARB-y. guess what. its just a whole stack of french fries, mixed with gravy, and some fromage (it's cheese in french). but my malay tongue still longed for smthing savoury so i put some ketchup. and its de.lic.iou.s.s.s.s. yeah its so simple i shud try it at home! you know what, you should too! now everybody can eat poutine! i didnt manage to finish the whole plate but i got so full for the whole night AND the morning AND the afternoon the next day.

next, we went to an art gallery. Caro and JF wanted to buy some painting for their upcoming firstborn's room. so masuk jugak art gallery tu, takpenah2 aku suka painting masuk gallery tu terus jatuh cinta. lawa kot gamba2 situ. dan super mahal also. paling murah pn 700 or 800$. and mcm bes je the thought of hehe beli2 painting nak hias ape dlm rumah ngan hasben/waif. kih3. tapi apehal nak letak lukisan utk bilik baby smpai 700$. kalau aku lukis sendiri kot. cey padahal takreti lukis.

they drive a yaris. and just got a mazda cx-7 dengan alasan, we thought that with this baby coming, we might need a bigger car. right kete ko muat je kot nak letak car seat kat belakang tu. cey apehal dengki.

neverthelessssseses, thanks JF and Caro! i had a great time!


a passerby said…
eh aritu munah bwk alak makan kat Lord of the Fries tau. satu fast food baru kat sini! omg sedap sgt jugak die mcm fries yg gemuk2 pastu boleh pilih nak sos ape. dan sos nye sgt menggemukkan mcm cheesyyy n bykkkk22 lagi flavour lain waahhh sodapp!!

tak lupe juge reminder utk ko buat puchin tu kat rumah nanti k. beavers tail ke kanggaro tail ke koala tail ke (cey tak klaka) sile la buat sume nanti kat msia hahaha ntah2 google ade je resipi sume tuh. (thts ur job google master) kih3.
Naaiemah said…
besnye lord of the fries? nama pun mcm tempting! buat wei buat wei!

ala puchin tu senang gile kot nak buat. bibik pun boleh buat cey awal2 lagi dah bygkan bibik yg buat haha

ekor kucing la kalau berani! haha
ala buat je mcm dough donut, pastu bentuk2 kan. pastu letak coklat. again, since bibik tere gile buat donat, makanya, bibik jela lagi yg buat. haha sian die

and, im no google master
a passerby said…
yeh?? bibik dh pandai wat donut?? tak ku tahu itu...

oh btw mang, baju ape ko pakai tuh berani btol byk je koleksi baju2 baru ko. kalo aku tau , aritu masa nk dtg sini byk je alak bwk byk baju2 kite -_-; skrg aku yg kesuntukan baju T_T
Naaiemah said…
baru2 ni bibik rajin buat donat sebab sume org puji donat die sedap mase die festaim buat.

btw tu baju $5 haha i love cheap stuff!
a passerby said…
$5? u know i hate you. xoxo, gosip geng.