
Showing posts with the label korea

Can't help it

Blessed are the ones who, despite the majority's scorn, strive against the tide just to seek victory for the deen, for the sake of Allah and Allah only. They are truly like the aromatherapy candles. The more they are burnt, the more they are fragrant. May the blessed ones win. ---- On another similar but kinda different note, The general election is coming in a couple of months. Or sooner, I don't know. I wish I could make it in time to cast my vote. If I do, it will be my second time voting. My vote should count. Who knows it could make a difference. Hehe. Honestly speaking, these days, with GE approaching and all, my Facebook feeds are not exactly the most interesting things to read. In fact I don't really look forward to at all. It's just full of information I never thought of knowing. Some are worth knowing/reading. Some are not. And I even get very, very anxious each time I click the Facebook icon that I may be fed with the information/status/comments/s...

Telefon tabah

After being thrown by Amru for the 3463th time, my phone decided to refuse to switch on, on the very first morning of 2013. I so sad. My phone is a tough piece of metal, its been thrown all over the places since day 1. And its been a year. Sekian kisah sedih. Happy new year. Never thought of having it somewhere other than home. I miss home already huhu. This town was so silent last night as if the people forgot that it was the last day of 2012. Maybe they thought it wasn't a big deal going into a new year. Which is sort of correct. Can't help but feeling a bit odd because from where I came from when January 1st embarks all I could hear outside was the bursts of fireworks. But it was a good thing though because otherwise maybe Amru could not sleep well last night :) Today my husband still goes to work as usual. No public holiday for the new year. Haha. Or maybe it's just his shipyard. There's a small surau nearby which he usually goes, its about 10 minutes wal...

Housewifery month 1

It's been over a month now. I weighed myself on a weight scale I found in Tesco (because we don't have one at home) in hopes that a few kilos are cut down. But, no. Huhu sedih! In fact bertambah lagi sekilo ade la. Cis ingatkan dah naik turun tangga 4 tingkat (our apartment is at the 4th floor and we don't have elevator) bawak Amru 10kg dah boleh turun berat! Haha, tapi makan pun tak berenti jugak, so what's the point kan. Lagipun kan sejuk2 ni asik lapar je. One of the things I like about Korea is the coffee shops and boulangerie/patisserie shops are really everywhere. I never liked coffee shops while in KL because I don't drink coffees pun, and some more all there's avail is Starbucks which is boycotted (plus mahal) or Coffee Beans (read: not cheap) or Gloria Jeans (if a mug of coffee costs teens of ringgit I wouldn't call it cheap) or etc - and they're not exactly everywhere. Here, apart from cool coffee chains that I usually go, there are indivi...