
Showing posts with the label Recipe


Amru is sleeping. Must... write.... more...entry... The other day I tried to make Churros! (Can't help putting exclamation mark after typing Churros!) And unsurprisingly they weren't really good. I think terlebih letak telur kot. Cis berani resipi tu salah! Don't ask how was my husband's face when he ate this hahaha. Tapi kitorg terpakse habiskan same2. Gambar sebenar churros T_T jauh beza dgn yg atas kan haha Actually it's just a normal cekodok dipped with chocolote syrup (atau castor sugar), tapi nak kasi fefeeling spain, org panggil la churros! Hehehe. But trust me if you can make it betul2 jadi, sangat sedap makan petang2! Bahan2: - 1 cawan air - 1 sudu besar gula - 1.75 cawan wheat flour - 1 biji telur (saya terguna 2 telur dan rase tak sedap) - 0.5 sudu kecik garam - 1 sudu besar butter/marjerin Cara2: - Didihkan air, garam, gula dan butter. Api kecik. - Lepas dah mendidih, jangan tutup api lagi, tapi masukkan tepun...

Quick karicap!

Salam I just thought I could share this recipe. So simple, preparation wouldn't exceed 15 minutes max! Well it depends on how fast you slice the onions la kan. Daging karicap (kari+kicap) Bahan2: - half labu bawang besar - half pack of minced meat - kicap manis (preferable brand ABC yg dari Indonesia tu tp kicap habal pun sodap aje) - serbuk kari (tak kisah kari ikan/ayam/lembu etc) - garam ikut suke Cara2: - goreng bawang sampai naik bau - masukkan minced meat - letak serbuk kari, gaul ngan minced meat tu, tambah ngan kicap - gaul2 dan tambah garam sampai rasa sedap - angkat - jgn lupe baca bismillah sebelum mkn - alamak takde gambar sbg bukti. Tak sempat nak ambik gamba dah habis +++ I used to hate referring to recipes yg ada tulis garam/gula secukup rasa sebab as someone yg memasak bukan agenda utama kehidupan, how can I know. How big of pinch of salt to start with? How much is how much? How many spoons of sugar until it tastes just right? Cant you just p...