cerita kerja

ok. fuh.

this post is gonna be about my work. i mean, thats the sole reason im here right. about my job. i think ive fallen in love with it. haha. oklah takdelah completely, ade la jugak love-hate situation ok banyak je lah hate nye tapi hmm so far alhamdulillah, and there's no better word to say.

the past weeks ive been dealing with simulator issues. like, people been buying our simulators right, and of course the machines are not 100% perfect. so they will lodge a report if there are issues - which i'll be dealing through the rest of my career i guess. cey gaya mcm lama je nak keje. well! hopefully i would last long here. but Allah knows best. my first issue was about engine pressure ratio (EPR) that doesnt show up in the ECAM display in the cockpit when pitot tube is blocked in captain side or F/O (co-pilot org panggil F/O - first officer) side and it only happens only with the IAE engine type. ok pls ignore the jargons. and then i have to go to the lab to reproduce the issue (usually there's a test engineer/pilot comes along and theyre super helpful!), and see where it goes wrong, tweaked a lil in the source code (usually it only takes a line or two je haih), and compile, and insert it back into the simulator config, and test again if its working or not, and tell the customer if the fix is ready, and have them tested the fix on site. and thats the ideal case scenario.

the not-so-ideal is, the issue would take so long to reproduce because the corresponding lab is obsolete therefore broken, and have to fix the lab first, or the test engineers/design people (like there's engine guys, avionics guys, flight performance guys, environmt guys etc) are too busy to reply emails, or i just couldnt find the cause of the issue because i could barely read the gate logics schematic drawing - which sucks big time. tapi yelah, belajar je la kan lame2 pandai la kot bace logics tuh. and usually the lifespan of an issue would take up to a month, or more. ada yg sampai bertahun. kira mcm tak elok jugak la designer2 simulator ni buat keje haha. cey sukehati je ckp org. and this issue (i would call it BUG during my days in materialise) is still not fixed yet. its gonna take several weeks. or months. i guess. and now there are two more issues on hand. and the rest of them will keep coming and wont stop coming. but the cool thing is i get to deal with a lot of professionals. like theyre only an email away. and the cooler thing is, lepas email, boleh terus jumpa kat lab. mcm senang je la kalau takfaham ok bleh terus jumpa. taktau la nanti bile dah balik kl mcmane. susah kot kalau kejap2 kene pegi lab2 mano nak dapek lab. tapi ade VPN, so bleh access. tapi mcm leceh je. ade satu lagi, time difference. hello 12 jam beza, kalau kasi email hari ni esok baru bleh baca reply ape kes. and maybe, maybe my working hours is not gonna be 830 - 1730 anymore. ok sekian cerite kerja yg takkan habis tu.

sekarang cite kawan2 ofis. oh mereka sgt bes dan baik! apart from me and william, there are a few interns from universities who also just started their internships the same day as us. ada 5 org. and guess what, sangat tak aci theyre paid higher than us. like 18$ per hour apehal. kalau convert duit malaysia dekat rm8k kot sebulan. tapi sesuai la kot dengan living cost. ok takkisah la. selain daripada interns, rakan2 ofis yg lain jugak baik2. and they speak french mostly. and its sort of stressful like during the meeting, suddenly everybody goes korkoff2 and 10minutes later they would turn to me and, "oh we forgot you dont speak french". i was like, i wish i do T_T. banyak lagi cite pasal derang tapi mcm ngantuk gile nak type.

satu lagi 1 benda bes kat ofis ialah, there's cookie/chocolate machines everywhere! the lab is usually located 10minutes walk from where i sit. along the way, there's a lot of jajan machines. and the temptation merely kills. i have to bring extra coins just to satisfy the crave. mengada gila. pastu, they have delicious cookies as well T__T and the size is big and tastes much better than the small famous amos. ala famous amos biase je pun rasa die. im officially a cookie monster. you shud notice my double triple chin.

ini ialah dadah. mcm takmampu nak jauhi dadah ni.

and since montreal has many french people in it, a lot of boulangeries and patisseries shops are found everywhere. sangat sedap T_T

oh and ive gained extra extra kilos as well!! tahniahh!! T_T

seluar makin singkat! haha lawak gila, ok seluar singkat bukan petanda makin tinggi vertically ye. tapi tinggi horizontally!

sekian post yg dah duduk dalam draft bin berhari2.


a passerby said…
ok these are all jargonishy to me! considering aku fizik pun tak amik dulu! hahaha tp takpe i know ur work is cool dr dulu. jgn lupe angan2 kite pasal ko dlm kokpit smalam ;) cey tasalll

btw sgt paham suar makin singkat huahua
Naaiemah said…
ye! berangan tu free. malah doa pulak! haha

seluar singkat sangat stress!! kih2
rawaidah said…
kellogs rice crispies tu, ya dulu2 mase f1 f2 ade jual ke? oh.. sedapnyeee.. :-L mmg adalah dadah yg plg bhy!
hey, tp halal ke klu kat sane? kan ade marshmallow.. hehe.. dengki2.. >:D
Naaiemah said…
ala insyallah halal! ok penuh keyakinan dia adalah halal. heeh
wahhhh..dh bce2..eh bestnye keje awak nekmah..kalo deal dgn real aircraft msti lg best kan nekmah..xper lps ni dh byk experience leh apply kt Boeing or Airbus plak ye..ehhee...
eh btul ke 8ribu sebulan..tipula..huuh...kte kt sni pn br dpt around 5ribu sebulan internship sini..uhuhuh..giler best 8ribu..;p...
nekmah..kte tgh busy nk cr keje skrg..tgh siapkn cv n cover letter..awk tau mane2 company yg ade offer keje best2 gak..kte rse mcm pyh je la nk stay n apply kt airbus ni..rse tkut nk try recruitment die...uuuh...
doakn kte ye..All the best nekmah!
naaiemah said…
taksure kalau keje ngan real aircraft akan jadi lagi bes ke tak. haha sebab mcm lagi complicated je kalau acraft betul2.

fuyo 5ribu sebulan! dahla euro! balik belanje kite wajib! hhaha

eh taknak try avcen? jap, its still operational kan, walaupun baru aircrash hari tu? dr hamid mesti suka anak murid kesygan die dtg balik with a masters degree even! :)

tp try jela airbus dulu, selalunye bende yg susah ni bes, sebab die mcm kasi kite 'drive', faham tak. so bile dah get thru, mcm rase bes. hehe i think la.
kalo outside msia?..awak tau x mane2..was thinking to try abroad first..hehe...
eh...5 ribu in RM le..kalo dlm euro br seribu lbh la...huhuuuh...
inshaAllah..kite cube je try mane2 ...rse sgt takut nk start facing working life,i mean mmg kte dh start keje pn..tp a Real one!..
takut x nekmah?uhhuuhu..waaaa...ade dlm 3 months and a half lg nk abes praktikal..
naaiemah said…
Nak try abroad tapi taknak yg susah2 (mcm airbus tu)?