Monday, December 14, 2009

Take a Peek!

I just wanted to give any readers out there a sneek peek inside my home, just bits and pieces, corners and nooks that I've taken pictures of to give all of you a glimpes in to my life. We moved into our home a little over a year ago, it is still a work in progress and probably will be for the next 10 years! Our home is just over 100 years old and still has most of the original wallpaper, flooring and woodwork, which is what made us fall in love with it! Gabe and I both love older homes with lots of character and this house had all of that and more! I can see us here for the rest of our lives, if the Lord allows (as long as we don't have anymore space heater issues).

Here is a peek...

Pieces of our kitchen.

Corners of the dining room.

Here is our media center that my talented husband made from an old wardrobe.

This is my favorite picture that hangs in our living room, sorry about the flash.

Now here is what I'm most excited about, my new sewing area that my wonderful husband helped me put together last night! As you can tell from all of these pictures, Gabe and I both love all things vintage or antique. My Mother-in-Law gave me a 1959 Singer Sewing Machine this weekend she found at an auction for about $3.00 It still has it's original sales ticket with it and it had cost $445.00, 50 years ago and looks like it has hardly been used. She still has to come over and give me a quick lesson on how to run it, it's not like the machines we used in Home/Ec class that's for sure.

A little bit more....

Well there you go, a peek into my home, hope you enjoyed it and come again soon!


P.S. I am going to be starting a new adventure of sorts in 2010, trying new crafts that I haven't done before, and taking up again the ones that I have done in the past. I will post pictures of projects that I am attempting as I go. I'll take any tips, pointers or advice that anyone wants to give me, I am an open book with blank pages! Thanks to all of you for your inspiration that I take in while reading your blogs! Well, here I go, wish me luck!


  1. LOVE the old wardrobe turned media center!

  2. I adore this post! Your home is soo cozy and lovely! I adore that lovely sewing machine and the old wardrobe is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely home with us! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


  3. Oh and almost forgot to mention that i am sooo excited about your new adventure of sorts in 2010!! Looking forward to peek at all your wonderful creations. :)


  4. Thank you for looking! I am really excited it all!



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