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Showing posts with the label Noxxa

Briyani Rice Hentam Sajalah

Assalamualaikum I wanted to prepare Nasi Briyani for Iftar the other day, but we did not have any Briyani Spices at home. Added with the laziness to step out of the house especially in this Movement Control Order season, I need to quickly think for some option. My solution is to mix my own spices for briyani. Hoping for it to work. And .... yesss, it works, Alhamdulillah. The ingredients for the rice: 3 cups of Basmathi rice - washed and drained Chicken - cut and washed *2 tablespoon kurma powder *1 tablespoon chicken curry powder *mixed both, add some water to form a thick paste **1 large onion ** 2 cloves of garlic ** 1/2 inch of ginger **Blend all ingredients 1/4 cup evaporated milk Salt for seasoning some Saffron to end it Enough water For frying :  shallot,  cinnamon stick, star anise and clove,  1 piece of pandan leave Ghee Method: In a hot pot, heat the ghee (or cooking oil or you can add both ghee and cooking oil), about 2 tablespoon of it. As I am using Noxxa, i ...

Nasi Arab in the houz and Beef Korma in Noxxa

Assalamualaikum. We have guest today. My cousin and family is coming over for lunch. Its their son convocation day. Its a day when family celebrates it together. And they decided to celebrate it at our house. We are honored. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for this close ties. We decided a nasi arab would be fast and good for this special day. And ayah agreed to give a hand into this. The recipe for Nasi Arab is here . To spice up, ibu will make some beef korma and roast chicken. Plus some salad and the tomato sauce. For the beef korma, Noxxa Pressure Cooker expedite the task tremendously. 1 kg beef cut into squares 4 table spoon korma powder 2 onion* 1 inch ginger* 3 cloves garlic* (* blend these ingredients together) 1 table spoon cooking oil Enough water to cover the the beef. ~Put all the ingredients into the NPC, set to high pressure for 30 minutes. Press the start button. After 30 minutes, after the beep. Let the steam out. ...

Chicken: Pressured with Noxxa; Roasted with convec oven.

Assalamualaikum, Today, I would like to share a recipe which is very fast (but not furious) ... of course with the correct gadget. Total preparation and cooking time is approximately 1 hour. From the bathing process for the chicken, powdered, massaged, scrubbed, pressurized and roasted. 1 hour for a roasted chicken?... I would say, it's fast. I had some stuffing into the hollow chicken which adds the flavour to the chicken. Here goes my ingredients: For the chicken 1 whole chicken - remove all the internal organs Salt & pepper 2 inches butter Oregano and Mix herb spices Preparation: Bathing process means cleaning the chicken from any excessive fats and blood clot. Powdered the chicken with some multipurpose flour to remove any unwanted ordour. Next is massaging the chicken with some butter throughout the body, underneath the skin ( I learnt this from a Youtube). Finally, scrubbing the chicken with salt and pepper, oregano and mixed herbs...

Kuetiau Gulung + Tomyam Lemon Noxxa

Assalamualaykum, Ada satu malam 'ter'rajin sikit nak menggulung. Idea ni dapat masa makan di rumah sepupu long time ago. And I suddenly feels like eating it. So here it is. Kuetiao Gulung 1 paket kuetieao 3 biji telur 2 sudu susu segar 1. Kuetiao dicelur seketika. 2. Telur dan susu dikacau bersama dan didadarkan nipis di atas kuali tidak melekat. 3. Letakkan kuetiao di atas telur dadar tadi dan gulung. 4. Ulang sehingga kesemua telur habis digunakan. My cousin had this kuetiao with soup, but i feel like having tomyam. But I do not have the tomyam paste nor the lime juice. So I decided to make the Tomyam putih' and use lemon for the soury taste. Its delicious, Alhamdulillah. By the way, I used the Noxxa pressure cooker, which help to expedite the whole cooking process. I never regret buying the pressure cooker even though there's only the two of us eating. Tomyam Putih 2 or 3 pieces Chicken - cut small Carrot Cauliflower ...

(1) Focacia and (2) Harira : the Noxxa way

Assalamualaikum,, A friend of mine was telling about a book that she read, "A day in Prophet Muhammad SAW life". In the book mentioned about Aisya RA prepared Harira for their meals. The name of it sounds interesting that made me start getting more information. My Google just the right place to get this kind of information. Harira is a Morroccan soup. It's filling, and from the recipe I found that it is healthy as well. Morroccan used to prepare this and eat it for the iftar (break the fast) in the month of Ramadhan. These are the ingredients: 2 tomato - blended 1 onion - diced A handful of  parsley and coriander - chopped 1 celery stalk - diced Salt, pepper, ginger powder (I used the fresh ginger) - to your taste 2 tbsp tomato paste 3 cups plain water 1 tbsp butter A handful of vermicelli - broken to about 1 inch A bowl of chickpeas/ lentils - pre-boiled 1 tbsp multipurpose flour 1/2 cup plain water The Noxxa way: Set the No...

Resipi Noxxa: Asam Pedas Ayam

Assalamualaikum... Here I am again....Alhamdulillah the highest gratitude to the Most Merciful Allah. Hari ni nak berkongsi hasil tanganku, yang pertama kali dimasak. First time in my kitchen. The idea to cook this came when a friend of mine, sis Zarina Zainol distributed her homegrown 'bunga kantan'. Bunga kantan is quite expensive nowadays pricing ata RM3 per bud at average. When someone gave it for free, it's a great oppprtunity to turn it into something edible. A modified but copy and paste from Cik Mat Gebu's What is required 5 ketul ayam 2 sudu besar cili kisar (I precooked my chilli paste) 1 batang serai, diketuk 1 genggam daun kesom 1 kuntum bunga kantan, belah 2 1 camca teh asam jawa 2 biji terung ungu, kerat 2, belah 2 setiap keratan, rendam 1 biji tomato dibelah 4 Garam dan gula secukup rasa Air secukupnya Frying 1 ulas bawang merah 2 ulas bawang putih 1/2 inci kunyit hidup 1/2 inci halia 1/2 camca...

Nasi Lemak Noxxa

Assalamualaikum Selamat bersarapan semua. Ini sarapan kami seisi keluarga di pagi hari Selasa ni.  Alhamdulillah ... syukur dengan segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan. Nikmat rezeki, nikmat kasih sayang, nikmat masa, nikmat selera dan nikmat makan. Nikmat rezeki - akhirnya aku memiliki periuk Noxxa (dulu rasa tak penting tapi kempen kuat dari kawan dan adik beradik telah menggeletek hatiku untuk membelinya) Nilmat kasih sayang - kak yan, kakakku telah membelikannya denga harga yang berpatutan Nikmat masa - dalam kesempatan terhad, sempat aku menyiapkannya untuk seisi keluarga sebelum keluar bekerja Nikmat selera - nikmat yang sering kita lupakan kerana ramai di luar sana yang tidak berselera untuk makan walaupun punya wang berjuta ringgit dan boleh memilih makanan terenak di dunia tetapi telah Allah tarik nikmat selera ini.  Nikmat makan - Ada juga yang berselera tapi Allah tarik nikmat makan, tidak boleh makan kerana kekangan pelbagai penyakit. Jadi ......