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Showing posts with the label Main course

Black Pomfret in Sambal

Assalamualaykum, A bunch of my husband's friend is coming for lunch on my off day. I need a quick fix as I am preparing it alone. This is among the dish prepared for them: A black pomfret in sambal. I bought palm sized pomfret, for easy consumption. Each can take one.  Cleaned it. Rubbed it with salt and turmeric powder.  And deep fried it till golden in colour. For the sambal: 1 onion - sliced thinly 2 garlic - chopped I used about 5 tablespoon of my ready made home-made chili paste (I like to prepare it ahead, so that I dont have to cook it for a long time on busy days? Tamarind juice extracts Salt and sugar for taste For the sambal: Fry the onion and garlic till soften Add the chilli paste Add water. Let it boil. Add tamarind juice. When it reaches the thickness that you like, add the salt and sugar to taste. Pour over the fried pomfret.  For garnishing, I fry 1 onion (sliced) and few cherry tomatoes. When softe...

Nasi Arab in the houz and Beef Korma in Noxxa

Assalamualaikum. We have guest today. My cousin and family is coming over for lunch. Its their son convocation day. Its a day when family celebrates it together. And they decided to celebrate it at our house. We are honored. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for this close ties. We decided a nasi arab would be fast and good for this special day. And ayah agreed to give a hand into this. The recipe for Nasi Arab is here . To spice up, ibu will make some beef korma and roast chicken. Plus some salad and the tomato sauce. For the beef korma, Noxxa Pressure Cooker expedite the task tremendously. 1 kg beef cut into squares 4 table spoon korma powder 2 onion* 1 inch ginger* 3 cloves garlic* (* blend these ingredients together) 1 table spoon cooking oil Enough water to cover the the beef. ~Put all the ingredients into the NPC, set to high pressure for 30 minutes. Press the start button. After 30 minutes, after the beep. Let the steam out. ...


Assalamualaykum, Kicap ... o ... kicap. Maaf, ini bukan iklan kicap. Tapi masakan hari ni tiba-tiba terlalu berkicap. But, this is what my husband love the most. Anything berkicap is always his favourite. As the wife, we cook as what he likes. Jadi tema hari ni KICAP. Top: Telur masak kicap Bottom: Kacang panjang goreng kicap. Ini aje lah yang sempat aku masak untuk juadah Jumaat. Maklum la ... sampai rumah hampir pukul 1.00 tengahari, aku terus meluru ke dapur dan memulakan tugasa seperti yang dirancangkan (while driving, I have everything planned in my head: what to cook; what needs to be done first; and how will the job sequence be).  Mula-mula, masak nasi. Then goreng telur. Sambil menggoreng, aku mula mengupas bawang-bawang yang diperlukan untuk kesemua juadah (2 je pun...). Bila telur dah siap, bawang pun dah siap untuk memulakan masak kicap telurku. Dan tangan mula pula memotong kacang panjang mengikut kesesuaianku. Bila masak kicap telur dah siap. Ka...

Resipi Noxxa: Asam Pedas Ayam

Assalamualaikum... Here I am again....Alhamdulillah the highest gratitude to the Most Merciful Allah. Hari ni nak berkongsi hasil tanganku, yang pertama kali dimasak. First time in my kitchen. The idea to cook this came when a friend of mine, sis Zarina Zainol distributed her homegrown 'bunga kantan'. Bunga kantan is quite expensive nowadays pricing ata RM3 per bud at average. When someone gave it for free, it's a great oppprtunity to turn it into something edible. A modified but copy and paste from Cik Mat Gebu's What is required 5 ketul ayam 2 sudu besar cili kisar (I precooked my chilli paste) 1 batang serai, diketuk 1 genggam daun kesom 1 kuntum bunga kantan, belah 2 1 camca teh asam jawa 2 biji terung ungu, kerat 2, belah 2 setiap keratan, rendam 1 biji tomato dibelah 4 Garam dan gula secukup rasa Air secukupnya Frying 1 ulas bawang merah 2 ulas bawang putih 1/2 inci kunyit hidup 1/2 inci halia 1/2 camca...

Gulai Udang dan Kacang Buncis

Assalamualaykum all.... Hari ni nak share one of my favorite dish... that's GULAI UDANG AND KACANG BUNCIS. Kalau di sebelah utara semenanjung Malaysia, that is Seberang Perai and Kedah (that I know of, not sure about Perlis) Gulai udang ni sedap juga dimakan dengan nasi lemak disamping sambal ikan bilis. Kata orang utagha... "boh kuah licau-licau tu" .... mmm...bila makan boleh lupa nak tengok orang lalu lalang, tambah pulak nasi panas dan ada pulak tenggiri masam goreng.... ermmm... meletup!!!! Kesedapannya... mau berpeluh pagi-pagi. Itulah peri sedapnya masakan ni. But again.... only for those who really likes it like myself. Other members of the family? Mr Hubby? ... 'ok... lama dah tak makan. '. Atikah? ...'i dont like it'. Sabrina and Hakim? I wish they were here. The preparation time : approx 30 -40 mins My ingredients: 8 prawns - de-vein 1 large onion 2 tbsp curry powder 1 potato 5 french beans 1 cup coconut milk (i used...

Masak Lemak Cili Api Telur Masin

Assalamualaikum Kata orang, "Rezeki jangan Ditolak". Itulah ibarat apa yang terjadi. I have longed hoping to eat this masak lemak cili api but the belimbing buluh seems nowehere to be found. Not always at the market, and the tree outside my house is considered barren.  Coming for kuliah subuh at the surau on Sunday morning, is where the 'rezeki' lies. Alhamdulillah. But... I do not have the suitable fish for the dish. As an alternative, the sailted egg will do. Apa yang kita perlukan:  1 telur masin (for single serving)  1 batang serai (dititik) 1 inci kunyit 10 biji cili api Segenggam belimbing buluh Santan Garam secukup rasa 1. Kisar cili dan kunyit. 2. Masukkan bahan blend ke dalam periuk bersama serai yang dititik. 3. Masukkan 2 -3 biji belimbing buluh untuk mengeluarkan rasa masanya. 4. Masa sehingga cili dan kunyit masak. masukkan sedikit air. 5. Masukkan telur masin yang dipecahkan. Biarkan dia mengeras. 6. Masukkan sa...

Salted Egg Crab aka. Ketam telur masin

Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah... i am back. Yup. True. Have not been posted any updates for quite sometime... no reasons. It is just because .... However, i am currently feeling at the top when i managed to successfully prepare the much likeable (at least by us) The Salted Egg Crab. First tried the dish at Adam Lai in  Shah Alam and we immediately fell in love with the taste. But... as we aware, eating crab at a restaurant does not gives us the pleasure of sucking everything to the last bit which makes us think twice to order it again. Able to cook it at home satisfies me....  My Salted Egg Crab Enough with the crap, now back to the recipe. Thanks to net technology, the recipe is found through various cooking blogs.. thanks to all. Ingredients (I) 2 crabs - halved and cleaned Corn starch Salt and pepper Frying oil We begin preparing the crab. Coat the crab with the corn starch, salt and pepper. The fry to cook. Cooled. (II) 2 salted e...

Gulai Telur Ikan Duri

Assalamualaikum. Hari ni rasa nak puji diri sikit tapi sebelum tu ku panjatkan kesyukuran dan puji-pujian hanya pada Allah kerana hanya Dialah yang layak dipuji. Bersyukur kerana Allah mengurniakan kudrat untuk menyiapkan juadah ini. Laaaa.... masak gulai je pun. Kenapa nak kecoh sangat? Kecoh la jugak. Maklumlah pukul 1130 pagi baru selesai perbincangan dengan pelajar. 12tgh masuk dapur dan juadah terhidang sebaik selepas zohor. Apa tak kecohnya, sebab pada hari-hari kebiasaan, aku dah ajak ke restoran bila balik kelas tengahari ni, mengenangkan telur ikan ni, ku gagahi jugak. Alhamdulillah. Istimewanya telur ikan yang menjadi kegemaran kami adalah kerana kami mendapatnya ketika membeli anak ikan duri terbabit. Sebaik membelah perut ikan tersebut semasa menyiangnya, suamiku mendapati keempat-empat ikan duri kecil tersebut mempunyai telur. Inilah rezeki namanya. Alhamdulillah. (Macam bunyi karangan sekolah tak?) Macam mana nak masak? Mudah.  Cuma sediakan bah...

Lemon Grass Chilli Prawn

Assalamualaikum all, Ready for some hot and spicy!!! How about this Lemon Grass Chilli Prawn? Looks delicious! Taste delicious! Serve it with hot rice .....mmmm .... yummy... yummy Feel like eating it now. This is a fast to cook dish provided that you have a pre-cooked chilli paste. I pre-cooked mine ahead of the week to minimize my cooking time. I seem to like the lemon grass in my cooking. Beside giving aromatic scent, it also has a special taste that is un-explain in words. Lemon grass is classified as herbs for its benefits in use. Among the benefits of this herbs are: reduce toxins, excess fat, cholesterol and uric acid in the body. it detoxify the digestive tract, bladder, kidney, pancreas and liver. it stimulates lactation, blood circulation and digestion.  [source: Lemon Grass Facts and Lemon Grass Health Benefits ] Apart from cooking, lemon grass is proven as insect repellent. I used it at home and it work miraculously. Chemical-free ins...

Chicken Madras

Assalamualaikum all, Don't ask me how the recipe got it name.  I do not know. I am sorry if people from Madras says that they have never encounter such a dish in Madras before. Perhaps because it uses many curry leaves, therefore it is called as such. It is a passed down from my husband's aunty who is a great caterer in Sg Petani, Mak Nun. She made it for one of the wedding ceremony, I like it and asked her to teach me how to cook this. It's pretty simple and can be considered as a fast cooking meal - provided that you have all the ingredients ready, like I always did. The ingredients 1/2 Chicken - cut into 8, washed and marinate with salt and turmeric powder 2 large onions - diced finely (using a blender is not adviceable as it will result with a too watery dish) 4 tbs chilli paste Tamarind juice 1 handful of curry leaves Salt to taste Cooking oil. It does not require too many ingredients. All are almost readily available in most kitchen except for ...

Pot Roast Chicken

Assalamualaikum all, Selamat Hari Raya. Enjoy your eid festive? Alhamdulillah .... Enjoy the food? Alhamdulillah. Today, I would like to share my success story. The story of the Pot Roast Chicken . Can you see the roasted chicken? It looks burnt, but its not. Its the honey that I poured on it that is burnt. The taste is marvelous. I even got a request to have it again from my husband. This was my second attempt (as an amateur). My first try with the oven was not so successful. The chicken was overcooked and became very dry and hard even though its not burnt. Therefore, this time I took all the precautionary action and seek some tips from the expert. I got the tips from my friend, Rose Hafsah, who is an active cook, who cooks for her eight children and a husband everyday. Wow! I salute!!! She told me to use the Pot Roast technique. According to her, this will able to preserve the moist of the chicken leaving it very tender and juicy when cooked. With her technique, I pre-cooked a marin...

Asam Tumis Ikan Patin

It was about 6.30pm. Ring! Ring! Ring! My handphone was ringing. Terkejar2 aku mencapainya. 'Assalamualaikum', pendek salamku. "Makan ikan patin tak?", tanya suara dihujung telefon. Siapa pulak la ni yang tiba2 terus tanya pasal ikan patin ni? Tak boleh nak salahkan sipemanggil sebab aku yang bersalah kerana telah ter'delete' semua nombor rakan taulan, sedara mara dari memory handphoneku. 'Errr.... tak makan. Tapi Azwan suka.", jawabku sambil sudah boleh meneka pemanggilnya, jiranku. "OK, saya hantar.", balasnya ringkas. Tak lama lepas tu, loceng rumah berbunyi dan jiranku telah terpacul di pagar bersama satu plastik kecil yang mengandungi Ikan Patin . Alhamdulillah. Rezeki yang Allah berikan dengan tidak disangka2 selaras dengan doa yang kita baca melalui ayat seribu dinar. Begitulah cerita yang telah diringkaskan tentang bagaimana ikan patin yang telah mati ini sampai ke rumah ku. Kena sebut yang telah mati sebab kami bela ikan pa...

Buah Belinjau

Salam semua, Pernah dengar nama buah ni tak? Buah ni memang famous bagi aku semasa zaman kekanakku di kampung dulu. Tiap2 pagi lepas sarapan, misi utamaku adalah untuk mencari buah belinjau ini. Tapi yang dicari adalah yang masak ranum dan jatuh ke bumi. Tujuannya adalah untuk dibuat kerepek. Proses pembuatannya unik (at least to me). Ha .... inilah rupanya buah belinjau yang hampir masak. Kalau dah benar2 masak, buah ni akan berwarna merah dan gugur ke bumi. Masa tu lah kita orang akan berebut2 kutip. Especially time lepas hujan. Sumber foto: Dedaun Alam Lepas kutip, kulitnya yang dah lembik tu dibuang meninggalkan biji yang bersalut kulit keras. Kemudian biji yang macam kekacang ni akan digoreng tanpa minyak sampai agak2 masak. Ni memang 'real life' punya main masak-masak. At the age of 5 years old, we all dah menggoreng biji belinjau ni, but of course mak sebagai mandur tak jauh dari situ. Bila dah agak2 masak, buah ni dikeluarkan. Dan part yang ...

Mee Rebus

Again, this is a recipe that I learnt from my mother. Well, most of my cooking knowledge comes from mak. Make sense isn't it? Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. But I have not acquired all. There are many more to learn. Anyway, this is my first time cooking the mee rebus for my own family since got married. Phew! That's so looOOOOOOng ................ Apo nak buet, kadang-kadang R ajin tapi kadang-kadang juga M alas. These are some of the MUST HAVE ingredients: Boiled beef bones. Boiled and mashed sweet potato. Fresh prawns. (cut off its head, blend the head and strain for the 'juice', betul ke? hentam je lah ) Other ingredients will be: chilli paste tomato pure (tomato sauce pun hentam je lah) shallots and garlic peanut (fried & blended or boiled & blended - pick your choice) - but i did not put this into my cooking as my beloved daughter, Sabrina is allergic to this -meaning to say, the gravy 'menjadi' even without the peanut. tamarind juice co...