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Showing posts with the label Drinks

Pegaga, lemon dan madu

Assalamualaikum Pegaga atau dalam nama saintifiknya Centella Asiatica adalah sejenis tumbuhan menjalar. Pegaga dianggap sebagai herba berkhasiat. Sesuai untuk lelaki dan wanita. Rasanya? Rasanya macam daun. Terasa klorofilnya. Kalau sesiapa yang pernah minum klorofil, itulah rasa daun pegaga ni. Biasanya dimakan sebagai ulam.... jadi tak la terasa macam makan rumput. Nak lebih khasiat? Kita buat jus. Macam mana cara pemakanan atau minuman pegaga ni, yang seeloknya dimakan sebelum dimasak atau 'home made' (tidak dicampur sebarang bahan kimia). The beauty of having this plant grown in your own backyard is you can pick and have it fresh any day that you wish. I have these planted in several pots in my small garden.  It grows pretty fast. Chemical and pesticides free. Here is how I made my drinks: A handful stalks of pegaga (the stems too) Blended in a blender till chopped finely. Strain it. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and squeeze a slice o...

Len Chee Kang

Thirst quenching!!! That's all I could say on the hot and humid weather. But it's not today or even yesterday. This was few dayssss before. As usual, this is a belated entry. This few days the weather is friendlier to us who are fasting. Alhamdulillah, TQ Allah. Len Chee Kang, as it is called is originated from the Chinese (I guess). How it is spelled, I am not so sure, but this is how it is pronounced. Some call it 'Laici Kang'. I, myself not sure of the correct version. Why do I say that this drink is originated from the Chinese? It's because I got all the ingredients from a Chinese Herbal Store, actually, I got brother in-law to purchase it for me from a Chinese Herbal Store. According to my brother in-law, he just walked-into the store and asked for ingredients to make the drinks and the shopkeeper eagerly prepare the ingredients. All are the dried ingredients. To turn it into a drink, simply boil it until tender for about an hour or so. Some of the i...

Watermelon Juice

Fuhh!!! It's a hot, hot, hot day .... and night. The global weather is unpredictable with extreme cold in certain part of the world, extreme hot in the other, and rainy days for another. And the flood situation in Johor is not 100% recover yet after sooo many days. Apa hal le pulak dok cerita ceriti pasa weather ni? Ye la, bila hari-hari panas macam ni, kalau dapat minuman yang menyegarkan alangkah enaknya .... nyaman. Ini kepelbagaian jus tembikai. You can enjoy the watermelon juice the way you like it. Cut the watermelon into small pieces. Place it into the blender or juice extractor and let the machine do the wonders. And you, just pick up a glass, pour the juice into the glass and drink it. You may add some sugar if you like it sweet. For blender, dont forget to add water or else your blender wont work. Or, you can make an ice-blended water melon juice by adding few cubes of ice into the blender and blend it together with the melon. For the top juice, cut the melon into cubes...