Tuesday, August 6, 2013

twice a year, I make cakes

Hi everyone!
Just for a little change, I would like to show you the cake I made for Maya this year as she turned 3.
There was no real celebration. My parents were here and a friend of mine came over for cake with her 2 kids, but beside that, nothing special happened. Well, there was the cake. :)

Maya is very much into Winnie the Pooh since a couple of months so my husband wanted me to try that. You know, it's hard to make characters..... like Winnie the Pooh vs a Teddy bear. Or like Tigger vs a tiger. Or like Piglet vs a pig..... And when I got to it I thought, ok, what have I got myself into??

I thought I'd start with Winnie the Pooh and that if I could get that right, I'd stop and do something else. And well, my first attempt was bad.... How bad? Bad enough for me not to have any picture of it anymore.... But if you know me better than that, you'd know that when I said if it didn't work I'd do something else, you'd know that I wouldn't quit after only one attempt. ;) So I moved on to piglet, made Eeyore and came back to Winnie, and in one evening, I had achieve this:

I was pretty confidence for the rest, but Tigger wouldn't be easy. in fact, I had NO IDEA how to make the head. But after 4 hours working on it, I managed to get something nice:

I wouldn't know how to make it again.... and he's my favorite of the gang.

The night before the decoration of the make, Arielle wanted to help me so we made flowers together.

And hadn't she spill the whole bottle of yellow beads in the spilled glue....it would have been a big help. ;) But anyway, we had a good time together and it was fun. That night I made all the flowers and mushrooms, honey pots and bees and the next morning I "only" have to put everything that on the cake!!  At the end it looked like this.

And Maya was happy. My husband too. Arielle too. And me, well, as always, I was happy that I could prove to myself that I can do things that I don't think I'll be able to do.
Here are some pictures of the birthday. :)

And if you wonder.... YES! We eat them!! They are the best part.

Last year I took a class with Heidi Swapp and one prompt was: how do you show love? And every time I make a cake now I think of her. It takes a lot of time and a lot of time to make a cake like these. But the kids really enjoy them. And when their birthdays are coming they don't ask for a gift, they ask for a cake so, it makes it worth it. :)

See you soon with another scrapbook page, or two!! :)

Monday, August 5, 2013


Hi everyone!

Here's a page I made for an article on watercolor over at Get it scrapped.

It's about my feelings when I'm watching my daughter nap in the afternoon. You the feeling that you should do more with her, love her more, enjoy her more..... I wish I wouldn't stress so much, and stress her as much...

I wanted the page to be very soft. I wanted it to feel like a dreamy background, with stars and gold and some resist embossing.

The resist was hard to make because I really couldn't see a thing I was drawing with my embossing pen on the watercolor paper. I drew some lines and some stars.

I then added some gold stitching and gold stars. I love the result of these gold stars sewed down.
I also added some drops of the gold lamé color shine from Heidi Swapp.

The white embossing in the yellow watercolor almost doesn't show. It shows a bit more when you see it in real. You can see some tiny gold glitters from the gold color shine.

I added lots of layers from velum to cardstock envelopes, Project Life 3x4 cards, patterned papers...

And I added extra stars on top of the picture.

For more ideas for using watercolor on your scrapbook pages you can go to the article at Get It Scrapped, and you can read my post about watercolor also at Get It Scrapped.

Thanks for looking!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

12x12 die cut

Hi everyone!!

First of all, I would like to thank you to come and visit me. :) That's really greatly appreciated!!
Second, since you are here it means you like scrapbooking and what I do, I would like to ask you a little vote. I participated in a Studio Calico contest but my video alone is not enough to win, I would need enough votes too!! So if you are interested in seeing my video AND voting, here's the link to get to the Facebook page where the contest is happening. You'll have to like the Studio Calico's page.

to vote: http://bit.ly/16g1KIM

Did you ever ask yourself what you could do with this huge 12x12 stencil or die cut that you love?? That was our assignment for getitscrapped.com this month. Here's what I did:

On this page I wanted to record what my daughter Maya is saying at the moment. She is just starting to talk more so the same things are coming over and over again.

The background is a piece of white cardstock that I had left over after I had cutout several speech bubbles. I backed the ones where I wanted to write with ledger paper and the other bubbles where backed with colorful patterned papers.

I added a title with foam letter stickers and with corrugated cardboard letters.

Here you can see a little of what I wrote.

And I added a stitched border and some black color shine splatters.

My die cut was not very balanced. There was a large column on the right where there were not speech bubbles so I used this space to add some embellishments. I used the speech bubbles that were left over from mu die cut.

VoilĂ !
Thanks for looking!! :)
And thanks for voting!! :)
here's the link again: http://bit.ly/16g1KIM


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

3 in a row for Get it Scrapped

Hi everyone!

One of my assignments for Getitscrapped.com this month was to make a page featuring 3 photos in a row. Here's my page:

The story here is that my daughter Arielle met Princess Ariel when we went to Disney in Mai. We were lucky enough to meet Ariel twice in two days and she remembered Arielle from the previous day so it was quite a feeling when she said: Wait! Did I meet you yesterday? You were at the castle!!" The three very similar photos I chose are telling a story, almost like a comic strip. 

To embellish I did some stitching on a chipboard flower, I used lots of rub ons (the bubbles) and I arranged the ribbons in a "wavy" way.

My journaling is Princess Ariel talking.

And then me talking, and saying how we feel about the story.

I added some Color Shine from Heidi Swapp to add some sparkle. This spray mist goes every where these days!! I love it! (make sure you check the new colors coming out in September. There's white!!!!)

I was not very fund of my photos since they were taken in the grotto and they are all reddish and dark, but I love the story to for me, that has priority over the quality of the pictures. Always! I will never refrain from telling a good story just because I don't have good (or any) pictures! :)

Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Project Life - Week 23

Hi everyone!

Here is week 23 of my Project Life album.

Patrick turned 37.

This is a 8x8 insert holding one of Arielle's drawing. I like to see her drawing evolution in my album.

On the other side of the 8x8 page protector I printed a cute picture of my girls together,

I added a simple embellishment from Dear Lizzy.

Here's another insert, holding more pictures.

I added some small tags for the journaling.

This is the card I made for Arielle's dance teacher.

The quality of this picture is NOT good at all. But still, it's a picture of Arielle and Maya so I kept it. I wrote directly with photoshop on the picture and added a small tag and a chipboard tiny star.

On the other side I have lots of pictures of Arielle's dance show and a ticket stub.

To hold the show program I used a magazine holder that I found at Staples.

A small paperclip is hold the page of Arielle's group picture. Right behind the program you'll see her diploma that she got.

And on the back side of the diploma I added her group picture that would have never find a home on our walls anyway.

This week was Arielle's last day of Pre-school. Very emotional. Maya will be the next one going to this school in September and as you can see, she already loves her future teacher.

Some pictures of Arielle at the dentist and Maya watching the scene closely.

My parents were here for Arielle's dance recital and Arielle's birthday (it was on the same day).
And I saw a snapping turtle in the street. At least it's slower than a bear if I ever have to run away!

This is Arielle's birthday meal with grand-papa and grand-maman.

She was so happy to turn 5!!

See you soon for some pages!! :)
