Showing posts with label Project Life 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project Life 2015. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Citrus Twist Kits | Tutorial

Hey everyone!
Salut tout le monde!!

Today I'm sharing a Project life page I made with the January 2016 Citrus Twist Kits Project Life Kit and Embellishments kit. But before you go, you can check out the details of the page over here. :)
Voici une page de mon album Project Life 2015 faite avec mon kit de Janvier de Citrus Twist Kits.

Upper left corner is my calendar that I used at the beginning of each month.
Dans le coin gauche, mon calendrier qui m'a servi tout au long de l'année. J'adore les petites cases pour écrire et avoir une idée générale du mois. 

Small details made with little pieces taken here and there in my kits. I also used the stamp.
Voici des petits détails fait avec des petits bouts pris ici et là dans le kit. J'ai aussi utilisé l'estampe. 

Lots of cute puffy stickers and beautiful cards this months!
Des puffy stickers et des belles cartes colorées ce mois-ci.

Little details cut out from patterned papers.
Des petits détails découpés dans mes papiers à motifs.

And the scraps can be used too! The previous heart was cut out right here.
A good way to use "x" is to make them stitching points.
On peut même utiliser les restants. Le coeur d'en haut a été découpé dans ce morceau de papier.
Une façon d'utiliser les "x" c'est d'en faire des points de couture.

There's small tutorial about this yellow card on the Citrus Twist Kits blog today.
Pour un petit tutoriel à propos de cette carte, rendez-vous sur le blog de Citrus Twist Kits.

"BEST" are wood veneer letters painted with Copic markers.
J'ai écrit "best" avec des lettres en bois que j'ai coloré avec des Copics.

Chevrons are always a great way to direct the viewer's attention.
Les chevrons sont toujours bon pour diriger l'attention du lecteur.

You can create your own cards by taking patterned paper and cutting it down to 4x6. Lined papers are always great to write longer stories.
Vous pouvez faire vos propres cartes en découpant un bout de 4x6 dans un papier à motifs. Ce n'est plus un secret, les lignes sont parfaites pour écrire de plus longues histoires.

So, how's your 2015 PL album coming along? Are you done??
Did you start 2016??
Comment va votre PL? Avez-vous fini 2015?? 
Commencé 2016?

Talk to you later soon!!
à bientôt!


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Citrus Twist Kits | Project Life

Hey everyone!
Salut tout le monde!

I'm almost done with my Project Life 2015. I just have to finish December, but want to finish my December Daily before I get to this.
J'achève mon album Project Life 2015. Il ne me reste que décembre à faire, mais je veux d'abord finir mon December Daily. Je veux faire décembre short and sweet. Just survoler les grands événements.

Here's my last week of November made with my Citrus Twist Kits January PL and embellishments kits.
Voici ma dernière semaine de Novembre faite avec mes kits de Citrus Twist Kits de janvier.

Very colorful. Just like fall. And lots of small details. There's not much to add I think so I'll let you look at the images. If you have questions, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments section.
Pages très colorées, à l'image de la saison. Et beaucoup de petits détails. Je vais laisser les images parler d'elles-mêmes. Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à les laisser dans les commentaires.

take care!
À bientôt!! 


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hip Kit Club | Project Life 2015

Hi everyone!
Today I'm sharing a spread I made about our trip to Sanibel Island in November 2015. I made it with Hip Kit Club December 2015 Kits.
I really like my new approach to Project Life which is not weekly but story by story, regardless of the length of the story.

Left page:

And some close up shots:

I love these little dash to catch the attention of the viewer.

I like lots of space on a photo to add a big word.
And stitching is always one my favorite!! Remember that you can stitch through everything (almost - don,t try metal!!). Seriously I stitch through wood veneers and the thickest chipboard. It's really a great way to add that WOW factor!

White drops of ink. I haven't found a white ink that makes cute drops I like. If you know of one, let me know in the comments... Maybe it's just my technique that is bad, I don,t know. I really love the look of white  on dark patterned papers.

As I already mentioned often, striped patterned papers are great for journaling. Here's another good example of that. I cut out a sheet of 6x6 into a 3x4 card. it gave me one 4x6 and 2 3x4 cards. Awesome stuff!! :)

Silver is coming along gold these days and I love it. Lots of people think that gold and silver don't go together but they really do. They are 2 neutrals.

Here a really thick cluster of wood veneer and flair. Not sure I'm a big fan of that in my PL album. I'm afraid it will distort my photos laying on top of that with time... :( I love the stitching on the card under the photo though. :) That little flair is really rally cute!

Right page:

Ombre patterned paper cut into a 4x6 card. I really love the look of that!

These little golden hearts on the side were cut in 2. Here is one half on them.

And here's the other half.It's different. It's kind of cute ;)

Lovely card, exclusivity of Hip Kit Club! And a little wooden frame to bring together all the other wooden pieces I used on this spread.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Citrus Twist Kits - Project Life

Hey everyone!

Just a quick share today of 3 Project Life spreads I made with my December Kit From Citrus Twist Kits!!

Lots of pictures. I feel like I don't need to write a lot. If you have questions on any products or how I did something, please just leave me a comment ans I'll answer. :)

Thanks for coming by!!
