Sunday, February 19, 2012


It started off as an idea germinating in my head after I saw what Madi gave Adam for Valentine's Day:  100 hearts filled with things that she loved about him.  Then I saw that my friend Alicia did a similar thing for her husband, and I know from what he told Steve that he absolutely loved it and was touched by the things she had written.  Could I come up with 100 things I loved about Steve?  I knew I could, but how do you put feelings and a sense of things into words.  I love Steve for so many reasons.  So on Friday, while at work, I started with one text:

Reason #1 of why I love you:  you work hard to provide for your family.

And throughout the day, I sent him another one and another one so that by the end of the day I had texted 100 reasons.  Some were funny, some were sexy, some were heart breaking reminders of carrying each other, some were sweet and tender.  I reminded him of things that he had forgotten, and of things that he thought I had forgotten.  Throughout the day, I pulled back the layers of time in my mind and revisited 26 years of time together.  It made me even more in love with him than I realized.  And so grateful that I am his and he is mine.