Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hot Pot Singer Dinger

To my brothers:

Remember how we used to tease each other unmercifully when we were little?  We had fun nicknames for each other  (Hos Van Cartwright, Squirrel Pie, Hang Tooth, TA--or TATA--??).  Remember when all nine of us would wrap ourselves in blankets and then tumble down the stairs in one big heap?  What about the brother(s) who often came home from the across-the-street park with a cool bike or Big Wheel that they "found?" We also loved to catch each other singing on the potty.  If that ever happened, we would sit outside of the bathroom door and chant:  "Hot Pot Singer Dinger!" Those were good times, weren't they?

I had forgotten about the Hot Pot Singer Dinger chant until just the other day when I had to help a sweet older person get on the potty and then wait for them to finish their business.  You can't hurry these things, and usually I would leave them to it and ask them push their call button when they were done.  But not this person, oh no.  They wanted to have a full on conversation with me.  Twenty minutes later, after repeated inquiries into whether or not they had finished, we were able to wrap things up.  As I helped this lovely person back into their chair, I could hear the lovely strains of "Hot Pot Singer Dinger" running through my head while exiting the room.

So, dear brothers, thank for the fun and crazy times we shared as younguns...the memories have brightened many a day and have given many occasions to laugh!