Aha, En.Suami rupanya.
SMS : Tolong cari ubat berhenti merokok, Yang. Kalau boleh in liquid, utk makan.
Simple & tiba2 sahaja bunyi sms ini. Aikkk...dah bersedia ke nie.. But, deep inside my heart, it's good...something that we've discussed a long time ago.. at least he has initiative to do that.. And I know, keputusan utk berhenti tandanya 'he love me'...kan?
So, ada apa2 suggestion utk ubat berhenti merokok? Sila tolong saya cari ubat yang sesuai. If not, we need to go to the clinic to consult wif the doctor first... Tapi consult dgn Dr. dulu is better rite?
Saya sooookaaaa... ~Aishhh..~
Amie, hehe..I'm ur silent reader..neway congrats on ur wedding... still pengantin baru lagi..
Bagus cik abang hendak benti rokok.. ubat i tak sure.. but i google search utk panduan benti rokok utk husband u..
Oh, terima kasih Amira.. harus ditunjukkan kepada En.Suami...
Ada satu ubat nie..mmg berkesan..ayah saya pernah ambil untuk berhenti rokok. Nnnt saya check balik.. Neway sis, i love ur wedding...upload la gambar lagi...nk tgk...
Missy_baby, dapat je nama ubat tue, boleh le bagi pada i ya.. lagi cpt lagi bagus... Neway, nak upload... tapi sedia maklum, soft copy belum dpt lagi... nie pun cilok2 dr photo online selection dr dorang..ekekeke...
Ok, try PATCH SMOKER.. tapi nie bukan ubat untuk makan...just patch dekat tgn, then nnt boleh hilangkan rasa merokok.. find it at pharmacy...berjaya tau...
o yer ker..ok, will try to find it at pharmacy..thanks
hi there, just stumbled 2 ur blog..
there r few choices actually depending on ur husband conveniece. he can try nicotine replacement therapy comes in nicotine patches or gums or inhaler. try google this : nicorette gum/patch
another type he can try is a medicine 2 consume calls Zyban 150mg, to be taken twice daily. it reduces the craving actually.
good luck!!
Hi elixir,
thank u so much for ur help.. really helpful..
hi mrs amie..another 1 actually i forgot 2 mention..relatively new in malaysian market calls Champix, tablets to be taken orally, it has cycles like oral contraceptive pills, sort of la i think..responds fr my pharmacist frens actually quite good eventhough bit pricey..u can check it out at ur local pharmacy..
glad 2 help
Elixir, thanks thanks..
Ishhh..will try this one..
dh berjaya berhenti blm?? klu x, cb try smoker haven. ni rokok yg jenis letrik tu.
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