Showing posts with label Terrain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrain. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Games-Workshop Lord of the Rings Terrain


These are a couple of old pieces of terrain from the original Games Workshop Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. 

They've been sitting on the shelf for years and when I originally received my airbrush I used these as practice pieces for airbrushing. Starting with a black primer and then spraying dark grey, medium grey from a 3 and 9 position, and then a white from a 12 position - giving the models a shade through highlight. 

Then I put them back on the shelf until tonight when I stippled on some paint for the ground cover - using paints from Reaper - Stained Olive and Turf Green - added some Crimson Red and Pale Saffron (yellow) to add some flower cover.

Now I've got some interesting pieces to throw on the table.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Game Day With the Dragon Bone Bridge

The pillars were completed as well as the demon spider that was going to be the big bad at the bottom of the bottom of the chasm. I set everything up on the dining room table.

Giving the miniatures a test go on the platform to make sure everything was stable. It was exceptionally so! There are pegs that link into the bottom of the dungeon tiles and the bottoms of the pillars are dragon locked into the other pieces - the board was solid and would take any abuse from the players.

The results were awesome! Both groups had a great time and the board held up as expected. Highly recommend the dungeon tiles by Fat Dragon Games and the pillars module which provides the ability to create multi-level dungeon terrain.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Making the Bridge Work With Fat Dragon Games Dungeon Terrain

It was time to put that really cool dragon bone bridge to good use by building it into a terrain gaming piece for a module I was going to run from Kobold Press for two different groups. I had a friend print off a bunch of dungeon tiles from Fat Dragon Games which I sprayed black and then layed out into what was going to be the top layer within a dungeon chasm with the bone bridge going across.

I then went to Home Depot and picked up some sample pots in color matched grey. Then a trip to the local hobby store and I picked up this giant scenery brush by Games Workshop. Then I went drybrush crazy.

The pillars weren't quite ready so I used some paint bottles to elevate the top layer from the bottom and gave it a test with the miniatures that were going to be used for the dungeon adventure.

And there you have it - more or less ready to go! I have two groups that are both in need to run through the same module so I get to use this scenario twice!

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

3d Printed Terrain

One of the guys in the gaming group printed off 3d terrain of some graveyard ruins.  I sprayed it all with a black primer and then ran a drybrush of Cold Grey base and Stonewall Grey highlights.  Came out looking good for a quick drybrush project.  I'll look to incorporate these pieces into an upcoming game session.  Fourth picture has the fire elemental in the background - I sent that picture out as a bit of foreshadowing.