This figure is an Assassin from Soldiers & Swords Games. Don't know much about him - picked him up from a bargain bin. He was the test figure in shades of black for a Reaper Assasin.
Painting Instructions for Soldier & Swords Assassin:
Step 01: Undercoat model with Chaos Black primer
Step 02: Drybrush mix of 7:3 mix of Chaos Black to Codex Grey
Step 03: Use mix of 1:1 of Chaos Black to Codex Grey to base highlight
Step 04: Use mix of 1:2 of Chaos Black to Codex Grey to highlight
Step 05: Use 1:1 Fortress Grey to mix and highlight
Step 06: Use Fortress Grey for final highlight
Step 07: Use watered down Black Ink
Step 08: Use Bronzed Flesh on skin
Step 09: Use Flesh Wash on skin
Step 10: Use Bronzed Flesh on skin to highlight
Step 11: Use 1:1 mix of Elf Flesh to Bronzed Flesh on skin for highlight
Step 12: Use Boltgun Metal on knives