Wow! What a great dragon by Sandra Garrity - is just too bad they don't make this one in metal or at least bones black. This was an original Kickstarter and according to Reaper's website at the time of this publishing it's still only in "classic" bones. So you lost some details in the eyes and teeth but the real problem is that this model doesn't want to stand in "classic" bones as the pvc material doesn't have enough stability to it. I found I was able to super glue the feet to the base in a bit of a wider stance.
However, that didn't keep the model from wanting to fall backwards to the right - 3D printing to the rescue! I found an appropriate "rock" from the collection which had a groove in it. I then scaled it down to fit right where the tale goes into the groove to keep the model upright and look natural.
This is a "huge" model which is based appropriately on a 3" round base from Reaper. The last couple of pictures show the scale. The sorceress and the cleric are medium size on a 1" base. The Owlbear is considered large on a 2" base. Then there's the dragon which according to Reaper is 6" tall with a 10" wingspan!
A model of this size is perfect for the airbrush and indeed, as this model has been sitting on the shelf for more than a decade, it was airbrushing water hexes for my Hexton Hills project (where I'm always looking for other minis to airbrush when I have extra paint in the pot) that got me to take this "miniature" off the unpainted shelf and into the paintbooth.
With the name Deathsleet and given Reaper's description, this is intended to be more white dragon than blue - but besides color, the main difference according to standard Dungeons & Dragon lore... the main horn is straight up (1-3rd editions) and actually curved slightly forward in 5e whereas with the white dragon the main horn is curved towards the back. My players won't know the difference and I have an encounter in mind for a blue dragon - so blue it is!
As to airbrushing, this model started off with Ultramarine Blue and then Electric Blue. I believe that I used Leather Brown but I didn't note or set aside the color used for highlighighting - I think it was Bonewhite. All out of the airbrush. I also hit it with a highlight drybrush using Vallejo's new Sunrise Blue which is a highlight color for Electric Blue. The underbelly and the horn was done with a paintbrush and that was Plague Brown with a drybrush of Bonewhite. I then picked out the eyes, teeth, talons with a brush as well and called it done.
Kickstarter paint total 213 + 1 Deathsleet = 214