Showing posts with label Sandra Garrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandra Garrity. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Reaper Miniatures Deathsleet - 77110


Wow! What a great dragon by Sandra Garrity - is just too bad they don't make this one in metal or at least bones black. This was an original Kickstarter and according to Reaper's website at the time of this publishing it's still only in "classic" bones. So you lost some details in the eyes and teeth but the real problem is that this model doesn't want to stand in "classic" bones as the pvc material doesn't have enough stability to it. I found I was able to super glue the feet to the base in a bit of a wider stance.

However, that didn't keep the model from wanting to fall backwards to the right - 3D printing to the rescue! I found an appropriate "rock" from the collection which had a groove in it. I then scaled it down to fit right where the tale goes into the groove to keep the model upright and look natural.

This is a "huge" model which is based appropriately on a 3" round base from Reaper. The last couple of pictures show the scale. The sorceress and the cleric are medium size on a 1" base. The Owlbear is considered large on a 2" base. Then there's the dragon which according to Reaper is 6" tall with a 10" wingspan!

A model of this size is perfect for the airbrush and indeed, as this model has been sitting on the shelf for more than a decade, it was airbrushing water hexes for my Hexton Hills project (where I'm always looking for other minis to airbrush when I have extra paint in the pot) that got me to take this "miniature" off the unpainted shelf and into the paintbooth.

With the name Deathsleet and given Reaper's description, this is intended to be more white dragon than blue - but besides color, the main difference according to standard Dungeons & Dragon lore... the main horn is straight up (1-3rd editions) and actually curved slightly forward in 5e whereas with the white dragon the main horn is curved towards the back. My players won't know the difference and I have an encounter in mind for a blue dragon - so blue it is!

As to airbrushing, this model started off with Ultramarine Blue and then Electric Blue. I believe that I used Leather Brown but I didn't note or set aside the color used for highlighighting - I think it was Bonewhite. All out of the airbrush. I also hit it with a highlight drybrush using Vallejo's new Sunrise Blue which is a highlight color for Electric Blue. The underbelly and the horn was done with a paintbrush and that was Plague Brown with a drybrush of Bonewhite. I then picked out the eyes, teeth, talons with a brush as well and called it done. 

Kickstarter paint total 213 + 1 Deathsleet = 214

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Reaper Miniatures Female Centaur - 77264

One of my current players has another D&D session were he's playing this centaur creature - he asked if I'd paint it and I figured why not.  Completed this on Friday night from start to finish - my goal was to get the best looking mini I could paint within a few hours.

Painting instructions for Female Centaur (used Reaper paints)...

Step 1: I'm using Stynylrez primer on the bones models - just slop it on and cover everything - it works great!
Step 2: Use Charred Brown on the entire model
Step 3: Use Uniform Brown on the horse skin
Step 4: Use Green Ochre as highlights on horse skin
Step 5: Use Faded Khaki as final highlights on horse skin
(those three colors make up the Reaper triad 9127, 28, 29)
Step 6: Drybrush Stained Ivory on the fur
Step 7: Use Desert Tan on the human skin
Step 8: Use Golden Yellow on hair
Step 9: Use Pale Saffron as highlights on hair
Step 10: Use Garnet Red on spear shaft
Step 11: Use Dwarven Gold on spear point and armor plating
Step 12: Use Pure Black on base
Step 13: Drybrush Concrete Grey on base
Step 14: Drybrush Arctic Grey as highlights on base

Monday, February 14, 2022

Reaper Miniatures Orc With Axe - 6017


Early 2000's a group of us were playing 3/3.5e D&D in person and I would paint some of the models used in our games - hence this group posting of Orcs back in 2003.  Our DM moved up to New York and we used early video cameras over dial-up modems looking at miniatures on a map - an early version of a VTT system, lol.  

In late 2021 our DM found these four models and sent them back to me.  There were a few dings from time and travel through USPS, so I took the opportunity in early 2022 to patch them up.

Originally, I posted these together, but I've figured out the sku number and I'll take the opportunity to post each individually and backdate this post to February 2022 when I fixed them up before putting them back in the display case.

This is 4 of 4.

So this one is interesting - I couldn't find it on the Reaper Miniatures website on it's own - only as part of a four pack with the code of 6017 - which included two of these models along with two of 2124. As I don't have additional copies of those two miniatures this must have been sold in the past on its own - I also reviewed Lost Mini Wiki and didn't come up with anything there.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Reaper Miniatures Orc Warrior of Kargir - 2272


Early 2000's a group of us were playing 3/3.5e D&D in person and I would paint some of the models used in our games - hence this group posting of Orcs back in 2003.  Our DM moved up to New York and we used early video cameras over dial-up modems looking at miniatures on a map - an early version of a VTT system, lol.  

In late 2021 our DM found these four models and sent them back to me.  There were a few dings from time and travel through USPS, so I took the opportunity in early 2022 to patch them up.

Originally, I posted these together, but I've figured out the sku number and I'll take the opportunity to post each individually and backdate this post to February 2022 when I fixed them up before putting them back in the display case.

This is 3 of 4.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Reaper Miniatures Orc Warrior of Kargir - 2262

Early 2000's a group of us were playing 3/3.5e D&D in person and I would paint some of the models used in our games - hence this group posting of Orcs back in 2003.  Our DM moved up to New York and we used early video cameras over dial-up modems looking at miniatures on a map - an early version of a VTT system, lol.  

In late 2021 our DM found these four models and sent them back to me.  There were a few dings from time and travel through USPS, so I took the opportunity in early 2022 to patch them up.

Originally, I posted these together, but I've figured out the sku number and I'll take the opportunity to post each individually and backdate this post to February 2022 when I fixed them up before putting them back in the display case.

This is 2 of 4.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Reaper Miniatures Orc Warrior - 2124

Early 2000's a group of us were playing 3/3.5e D&D in person and I would paint some of the models used in our games - hence this group posting of Orcs back in 2003.  Our DM moved up to New York and we used early video cameras over dial-up modems looking at miniatures on a map - an early version of a VTT system, lol.  

In late 2021 our DM found these four models and sent them back to me.  There were a few dings from time and travel through USPS, so I took the opportunity in early 2022 to patch them up.

Originally, I posted these together, but I've figured out the sku number and I'll take the opportunity to post each individually and backdate this post to February 2022 when I fixed them up before putting them back in the display case.

This is 1 of 4.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Reaper Miniatures Earth Elemental - 2250

I've noted before that I don't always agree with the end result of Reaper's goal for a particular model - and while Sandra Garrity really knocked it out of the park with this sculpt, it looks more troll-like than it does elemental.  In the 5th edition of D&D a new troll is published in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes called the Rot Troll.  I think this model fits brilliantly in that new roll - particularly that it gives necrotic damage on its attacks and therefore the graveyard look is perfect - so I designated it my version of a Rot Troll and I can't wait to drop this nasty beast on my party of do-gooders!

My last model I noted nothing could be easier than a few layers of metallic drybrushing - hmmm.... this might have actually been easier.  I used a wash technique which is something I do very little of but I kept using layer after layer until I achieved the effect desired.

This is the metal version for which I don't see a bones version of at this time.  As such, it's a nice heavy model and has quite the thud when you put this one on the game mat.

Painting instructions for Earth Elemental / Rot Troll (used my Vallejo Game Color)...

Step 1: Undercoat model with black primer
Step 2: Paint entire model with Bronze Flesh
Step 3: Make a heavily watered down wash of Cayman Green - let dry - repeat many times
Step 4: Use Sombre Grey on gravestone
Step 5: Use Bonewhite on skull
Step 6: Highlight skull with Dead White

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reaper Miniatures Chimera - 77257

This was a fun model to paint up and should prove to be a good wandering monster as the party makes their way through the Fields of the Dead just north of Baldur's Gate.  Hopefully I can burn them to a crisp, maul them with a paw, and gore them with a horn.

Painting instructions for Chimera...

Step 1: Undercoat model with Stynylrez green primer (this is awesome on bones)
Step 2: Use Maroon Red on dragon head, tail and wings
Step 3: Use Garnet Red on dragon head, tail and wings as first highlight
Step 4: Use Brilliant Red on dragon head, tail and wings as final highlight
Step 5: Use Griffon Tan on lion body
Step 6: Use Desert Tan as highlights on lion body
Step 7: Use Umber Brown on lion mane
Step 8: Use Ruddy Brown on lion mane
Step 9: Use Sunburn Flesh on lion mane
Step 10: Use Armor Grey on goat head
Step 11: Use Dirty Grey as highlights on goat head
Step 12: Use Maiden Flesh on goat nose
Step 13: Use Tusk Ivory on horns
Step 14: Use Maiden Flesh as highlights on horns
Step 15: Use Solid Block on lion nose and the base
Step 16: Use Armor Grey as highlight on lion nose
Step 17: Drybrush Concrete Grey on base
Step 18: Drybrush Arctic Grey on base as highlight
Step 19: Drybrush Solid White on base as final highlight

Kickstarter paint total: 108 + 1 Chimera = 109

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Reaper Miniatures Fire Elemental - 2251

The photo over-saturated on the yellow - there's actually a bit of gradient from a white-yellow base.  One of my players asked me if I wanted this model and could use him in the campaign - heck yes!  He's part of the whole rescue the maiden campaign to thwart the goody goody characters - heh, heh.

I needed to get this done quick for our campaign.  So a basecoat of Skull White mixed with Moon Yellow.  Then drybrush of Moon Yellow, Gold Yellow, Hot Orange, and Gory Red.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Reaper Miniatures Familiar Pack II - 2399

There are miniatures and then there is tiny.  These guys are really really really tiny.  Normal figures are about 28-32mm heroic scale which is slightly over one inch.  These guys are approximately a half inch and smaller.  To get any sort of "pop" I had to use extreme highlighting.

I needed another winged kobold for a current campaign (I had a couple of the pre-paints from Wizards) which had me digging around in various bags, drawers and boxes.  I figured if I was going to paint one I might as well paint the entire set.  According to Reaper's website, there's a pseudodragon and a bobcat that are part of the blister package but I could not find them.  I probably bought the pack for my daughter fifteen years ago.  I'm sure those two models were painted by her and lost ages ago. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Reaper Miniatures Young Fire (Ice) Dragon - 77026

Someone in Reaper's marketing department didn't get the message or doesn't play "the world's most popular role-playing game" as this model is clearly the classic example of the iconic white dragon and not a red "fire" dragon.  In fact, the metal model this bones replication is based on is Reaper catalog number 3338 which is identified as a young "ice" dragon.

Which is exactly what I needed and this is the fourth and final miniature I painted up for this past Saturday's 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons game where we are running an enhancement module for Hoard of the Dragon Queen.  ** Plot spoiler ** In this module the Harper's have contracted the party to catch a double agent, but they don't know it until the very end when Xande shifts into her natural white dragon form.  Our session made it to the very end of the plot reveal, I switched the Xande model with the white dragon and then we ran up against the pumpkin hour - which is perfect, we'll get to start off our next session with a boss battle!

This is also my 100th bones model from the various first three Reaper Miniatures Kickstarters.  There's something exciting about having a 100 bones miniatures with paint and a base.  This is one of four models (Xande, Bulette, Giant Scorpion, White Dragon) which I had to paint during the evenings and Saturday morning last week - so fast/good was the operative word - this one was a basecoat and a complete set of drybrush layers.

Painting instructions for Young Fire (Ice) Dragon...

Step 1: Undercoat model with Stynylrez green primer (this is awesome on bones)
Step 2: Use Dragon Blue on everything including base
Step 3: Drybrush Ice Blue on everything
Step 4: Drybrush Blue Flame on everything as highlights
Step 5: Drybrush Solid White on everything as final highlights
Step 6: Use Brilliant Red on eyes

Kickstarter paint total: 99 + 1 White Dragon = 100

Friday, September 01, 2017

Reaper Miniatures Hydra - 77191

Excuse the quality of the pics - this is a good size "miniature" from Reaper and the camera had major difficulties providing a macro focus on a figure this large.  I've put a single knight up against the Hydra for scale in the last two pictures.  This Hydra has five heads and towers over everything on the board.  I painted this one up over the past weekend as Hurricane Harvey was dumping rain everywhere canceling all outdoor events and forcing me to sit down and paint.  I needed a hydra in my upcoming D&D campaign, so this figure was bumped to the top of the list.

I originally was going to go with more of an alligator/crocodile paint scheme - which would have a more yellowish/creme underbody and a complete green body.  However, the more I thought about it I wanted a fantasy look and therefore I choose the purple on the scales.  For the underbody, I then moved to more of an orange based coloring with neutral tones for highlighting.

This was pretty much a straight up drybrush event starting with Imperial Purple to Tentacle Pink; Scaly Green to Vile Green mixed with Rottting Flesh; and Fiery Orange to Dwarf Flesh mixed with Bleached Bone.

Kickstarter paint total: 54 + 1 Hydra = 55 (should count as 5 - one for each head)