The archer is a test using Reaper Pro-Paints for a class I'm teaching to elementary school age children. In the classroom we are using the paint-kits #1 & #2 by Reaper Miniatures.
I happened to have a bunch of Games Workshop Brettonian archers on the shelf which I picked up from e-bay cheap. So one of them became my study. I used 16 out of the 17 pots of Reaper paint in my possession.
Painting Instructions for Archer:
Step 01: Undercoat model with grey
Step 02: Use Dragon Black to outline all boundaries and metal
Step 03: Use Ruddy Flesh on face and hands
Step 04: Use watered down Flesh Wash on face and hands
Step 05: Use Caucasion as highlights on face and hands
Step 06: Used Oil Leather on all leather
Step 07: Use a wash of Walnut on all leather
Step 08: Used Oil Leather mixed with Caucasion on all leather
Step 09: Used more Caucasion into mix as highlights on all leather
Step 10: Use Breonne Navy on half of jacket
Step 11: Use mix of Breonne Navy and Dragon Blue on half of jacket
Step 12: Use Dragon Blue on jacket
Step 13: Use mix of Linen White and Dragon Blue as highlights on jacket
Step 14: Use Blood Red on half of jacket
Step 15: Use Firehawk on half of jacket
Step 16: Use mix of Sunlight and Firehawk on half of jacket
Step 17: Use Kilt Green on half of pants
Step 18: Use mix of Emerald and Kilt Green on half of pants
Step 19: Use more Emerald into mix as highlights on half of pants
Step 20: Use Sunlight on half of pants
Step 21: Use mix of Dragon White and Sunlight on half of pants
Step 22: Use more Dragon White into mix as highlights on half of pants
Step 23: Use Walnut on bow and arrow shafts
Step 24: Use mix of Woodland Brown and Walnut on bow and arrow shafts
Step 25: Use more Woodland Brown to mix on bow and arrow shafts
Step 26: Use Woodland Brown on bow and arrow shafts
Step 27: Use Linen White on arrow flights
Step 28: Use much watered down Dragon Blue on arrow flights
Step 29: Use Dragon White on arrow flights
Step 30: Use Truesilver on metal bits
Step 31: Use Dragon Black on base