Showing posts with label shine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shine. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

little words

little words
can pack a punch!

little words
can hurt so much

little words
can heal so much.

little words
have power!

sometimes it's easy 
to ignore those
hurtful words
and sometimes it is not

sometimes a simple
word of kindness
means more than
we will ever know

those little words
can either
knock someone down
they can pick someone up!

melody-mae 2016

I belong to a couple online running groups
and have signed up to 'run the year' 2016 in 2016.

These groups are very active on facebook 
posting runs/mileage but, also posting 
personal triumphs and struggles.

A few days ago, someone posted about her run.

Jennifer said she was out running and a couple
other runners said some very hateful and mean words
about her, thinking she couldn't hear them
because she had headphones on.
Well, guess what? She heard them...and the words
were just plain ugly!!
So ugly in fact, that she turned around and went
back to her car.
When she posted this story on to the running group,
the support and love were ASTOUNDING.
I am still amazed at the outpouring
she was shown!

Yesterday, Feb. 3rd we were prompted to dedicate our runs/walks
to Jennifer and to wear red. (Jennifer was wearing red
the day of her run)
I couldn't even tell you how many miles were dedicated to
Jennifer or how many pictures of people in RED
popped up in my newsfeed on facebook!
It was moving, to say the least.

It was awesome to be a part of this.
To witness the goodness in people,
the support that was shown.

It was also a HUGE reminder
that even little words matter.

Words can have an impact,
positive or negative.
Words matter.

Little words offered up in kindness
can truly matter.
they can make a difference!!

The power of simple words.

Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." C. S. Lewis


Monday, December 14, 2015

tis the season

tis the season
all is merry and bright.
deck the halls... and that jazz!

the twinkle lights are up
all around the house.
to be truthful, they haven't
been taken down!
last year, i liked the glow from
the twinkle lights so much i left them up!
yes, i have twinkle light all over my
kitchen, living room and even our
i love the glow and warmth they bring,
so they stayed up all year long.

but, the rest of the house is also
decorated now.
the tree is up and there are smatterings
of christmas everywhere.

one thing has been tugging at me though.
it has been resonating in my heart
and whispering in my ear-

the fact, that there are people around us
who are hurting.
hurting deep inside
where no one else can see.

they want no part of what christmas
brings them or reminds them.
no part at all.
they are hurting!!

according to an article in
better health--
Christmas is meant to be a happy and joyful time, this isn't how everyone feels at this time of the year. Christmas can be a stressful and depressing time for many people. 

Some people find that the Christmas spirit can be undermined by:

  • Financial and time pressures
  • Isolation
  • Family tensions
  • Separation and divorce
  • Bereavement
  • Becoming a step-family
  • Reflecting on another year gone by.
the fact is, they are hurting.

so, yes...i get that not everyone wants
to deck the halls and sing, jingle bells!!

what can we do?

i have decided to really
challenge myself
to reach out in kindness.
to pay it forward.
shine my light.
show love.
show compassion

when i see someone, whether they
are a loved one, an acquaintance or
even strangers...
to ask myself:
what does this person need right now?

now, i don't profess to know what people need...
but hey, maybe a smile or a hug would remind them
they matter. their life matters!?

is a young mom looking frazzled
because her kiddos are acting up?
let her know, she is doing a great job.

maybe this person needs a few dollars?
a kind word? a sympathetic ear?
help out to the car with the groceries?

sometimes it's hard to know when
to step in and help
but, if it feels right...i plan to act on it.

just think what a difference you can
make on people you encounter during this
hectic season.
just think of the difference you can make
in your own life!

merry christmas
my sweet friends!

you are loved.
you matter.
be blessed.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

you. yes you. matter.

you are beautiful
yes. you.

your life matters
you are important
and you are loved.

someone a long time ago
showed you just how IMPORTANT
and LOVED you really are!

He gave His Son-

i mean, wow!

He did that for you.
He did that for me!

He did this because He
loves you.
He loves me.

He calls us 
His friend.

He calls us
His children.

He calls us
His family.

you. yes you. matter.

because of this...

will you go today
shine your light,
smile at someone.
show them they care.
that they matter.
that they are loved,
they are worthy.

you. yes you are beautiful.
you. yes you. matter.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

time. where does it go?

oh my goodness, it seems that time just keeps marching on
i cannot believe i haven't updated this blog for a whole month!

things are about the same with my mom in law; the day to day
and the progression of the disease itself.

for us, we are lucky enough to live only minutes from her care center
which means we visit her daily. (even if she doesn't remember. )
alzheimers is an ugly, ugly disease!

my birthday came and went and with it a surprise vacation!
my hubs surprised me with a short 3 day cruise.
it was wonderful to just get away and relax.
just the two of us, a time to reconnect.
sigh. it was wonderful.
something we needed too.


valentines day is this weekend?! wow.
i am planning to participate in a 5k that morning. :)
in fact, my goal for 2015 is to participate in a 5k each month.
and a few half marathons thrown in for good measure! ha.

we usually don't do a whole lot for valentines day
our anniversary is the week after we do a combination
valentine/anniversary celebration.

so, my you have something special planned for v-day?
will you share it with me in your comments?
maybe i can live vicariously through you.


i leave you with this: know that you are loved. you are special. always.

shine my friends. shine.



Thursday, January 1, 2015

happy new year

just a simple wish.
that you would have a wonderful and blessed new year.
that 2015 would be good to you.

my word of the year: compassion.

with the family moving my mom in law
into a rest home---
my word was easy this year: compassion.

to show more compassion and love.

my mom in law doesn't recognize me a lot of the time
but, she knows i love her.
i tell her every time we visit.

she might not remember who i am
but, she knows she is loved.

i want to show more compassion
to her and to her sons/daughters
who are going through this scary and sad time.

just loving on her
so she knows she is cared about.
spending time with her.
cherishing sweet moments
with her.

that is what my goal is for this year.

shining my light.
loving others.

there is hope & a future. -jer. 29:11

peace and blessing to you and yours
this 2015.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

blessings and more


a beautifully quiet afternnoon
spent with our loved ones
visiting and eating 
far too much wonderful food!

we have more than enough blessings
to last a lifetime!

we came home after
visting and eating...
rested for a few hours
and then my husband and i
met our eldest daughter
in town
and we shopped!

oh yes, we did.

we met at approx eleven pm
and we stayed up all night long!
we did not arrive home
until 10 am friday!

we had a lot of fun.
of course we were a bit giddy
from lack of sleep
and too much coffee! :)

memories were made
and i wouldn't trade them
for the world!


sweet moments that i treasured this past week:

receiving text messages from all three of my daughters

giggles with my grandson and his gramps

packaging up birthday gifts for my grandson
 to send to austria...and knowing how excited he will be to receive them!

spending time with family over the holiday

warm fires in the evenings

skyping with family overseas

hearing the wind blowing my windchime and the music it makes

getting out the christmas decorations!!

cinnamon spice tea

twinkle lights going up in my home

scarves, boots and beanie hats

fleece jammie pants. 
every single day.
 fleece jammie pants!

staying up all night long- shopping and laughing

my husband

a warm and lovely place to call home


 love & acceptance.


may you have a wonderful week my friends.
and may i leave you with these final thoughts:

will you?
just share your smile.

this time of year
in the hustle and bustle
it is SO easy to get caught up in it all.
to forget about the people around us.

we can not pretend to know what others 
are going through
and especially during this time of year.

there are
people hurting.
people who are lonely.
people missing loved ones.

not everyone is happy and joyful
that the holidays are upon us!

there is pain, heartache
mixed in with all
 the cheer
this holiday brings.

so, will you join me?
will you shine your light this week?

all it takes is
just a smile...

one of
unique and special smiles...

shine it.

shine it to the:
mail carriers
retail workers
health care workers
family members
people at church
someone in line at the grocery store

people whose lives you 
touch on a daily or weekly basis...

because my dear friends
we never know what our smile
can mean
to someone.

maybe that simple act
of shining a smile
will be the 
bright and shining light
they see
all week long.

come on
join me
will you?

let's shine!


i am linking this post to:

join us will you?
link up here:


Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


practice kindness.
inspire someone today.
be a blessing.
shine your light.

be the change.



Thursday, March 20, 2014

happy spring!

we went for a walk
a week ago,
taking advantage of the sunshine.

around here
in the pacific northwest
you need to 
learn to take advantage of the
when you can
tomorrow it could
rain! :)

we went to one of our 
favorite coffee shops;
it is near the
and walked along the ocean.

the sailboats
the ocean
and a cup of coffee
with the one you love?

does it get much better
 than that!?

my wish for you?

that you too,
a wonderful spring,
that you would be able
to look
truly see;
the lovely and the beauty
in each and every
single day!

the beauty 
is there.
it is in the simplest of
but, it is there.

we just need to 
Be Still.

it is there.

treasure it.
hold on to it.
savor it.
be thankful for

be blessed
and shine!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


just a simple what i wore 
post today!

although i never have claimed
to be a fashion blogger
i do love fashion
so every once in awhile
i capture 

my normal morning routine;
i try to walk almost every day
and this is the kind of outfit
 i usually wear.

husband was running errands
i threw a hat on 
and tagged along;
he promised me coffee. ;)

polka dot skirt (target)
mustard yellow tights (h&m)
one of my favorite sweaters (local boutique)

cardigan (target)
owl shirt (urban outfitters)
skinny jeans (old?)
booties (target)
owl necklace (forever 21)
arm bling:
1. thrifted while in Luxembourg (Europe)
2. smile cuff from farmgirlpaints
3. cuff from local boutique

sweater (thrifted)
skirt (target)
leggings (aeropostle)
boots (target)

tried a side twist/pony tail x 3
with the hair today.
it was a fun change of pace
and stayed put all day long,
which means i will doing it again! :)

have a wonderful rest of the week
my friends!
me? oh yes, indeed...
i am flying of friday
to so my youngest daughter
for a short but, fun 
NEEDED get away!



Thursday, July 18, 2013

keep looking UP

i am not sure how many of you have heard
about the young talia castellano

i had heard tidbits about her
and her youtube tutorials
over these last few months

and on tuesday she past away
from cancer.

i have watched many of her youtube videos.
she was beautiful and a talented makeup artist

but, what really had me?
her amazing and upbeat personality!

she showed so many people
what it was like to have spirit.

she just oozed happiness and spunk.

when she was interviewed on the ellen show
ellen asked her how she stayed so upbeat;
she said, "a little fishy told me, to just keep swimming" :)

watching her and listening to her
reminded me:
no matter what my problems are,
there is always someone who has it worse!

when our backs are against a wall
and it feels like we can't go on
i want to remember to:

keep swimming.
keep putting one foot in front of the other.
keep looking for something beautiful in each day.
keep smiling; even when it hurts.
keep looking UP. ^
keep on keeping on.
keep having faith.
keep having hope.
keep being happy.
keep being thankful.
keep shining my light.

because, at the end of the day;
what i want to be remembered by
isn't the money i had.
the things i owned.
the house i lived in.
the car i drove.
the clothes i wore.
the places i traveled.

what i want to be remembered by is:
my heart. my love.
how did i make others feel?
& that i chose to see beauty every day
and i kept on smiling!

i want that dash in between my birthdate and my death
to mean something. :)

so will you keep smiling, keep looking up and will you see beauty
today, with me?


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

happiness & joy

i have been thinking a lot lately
about attitude

in how we see life.

i have been intentionally or
maybe unintentionally called
a 'pollyanna'.
(happy or maybe i am oblivious?)

it really doesn't offend me at all.
in fact, if i have a choice
of having others think of me
as being a pessimist or an optimist

i of course choose optimist!

it is not as though i do not know
what hardships are;

i have known loss. death of my dad at a young age.
sadness. sorrow. pain. worry. insecurity. feeling alone.
i have suffered anxiety & sickness.
sickness of my closest & dearest loved ones

i have heard the words:
you have cancer. twice in my life.
i have lost all my hair on my whole body.
have had two mastectomies
& been very sick while going through chemotherapy.

i have experienced anxiety attacks from the surgery
& all the chemo.

so when i say that i
choose joy.

i mean just that!

i embrace joy.

i choose to be happy
to look at the good.
i truly believe that there has to be
something good in it all.

i do realize that there are
people who are sick and are clinically depressed
and i am not belittling this at all!
i know it is real.

what i am saying is this:
in MY life what works for ME;
is when i choose to look UP
and see the good!

to surround myself in
the beauty & wonder of life.
to take time to look for the
loveliness in even the smallest things.

to sit and be still.

to be comforted by my faith
be reassured that i am loved beyond measure.
and allow love and wonder to envelop me.

happiness & joy.

i choose it.

when others hint to me
that i am not being 'real'
and that i don't understand what they are going through
that i am only looking at the good and that life isn't always
the happiest place on earth for everyone...
to this i say:

no matter how ugly it looks
i believe that
there is hope in this day!

i choose to look at the good!

to find the joy and to
claim the hope!

i want to wallow in happiness!

when i was diagnosed with cancer
i was scared out of my mind!
there was a huge pit in my stomach
full of fear and sadness.

i had three daughters ages 15, 13 and 8.
i chose life.

i chose to get out of bed and fight cancer,
& not to let cancer win.
but, to kick it to the curb!

i refused to curl up in a ball and cry
and say, "i have cancer and might die"
i got up and put a smile on my face
and fought like a mother who wanted
to see her daughters grow into women!

i chose happiness.

it might not be what works for you.

but, do not ever say i do not know what
it feels like to be unhappy, scared or sad.

i do.

i just choose joy.

i see beauty!
all word photos today 
were found on pintrest

by the way,
this past sunday i walked
the 5k with my oldest daughter
in seattle as a two time survivor of breast cancer!

the sun was shining it was a beautiful day.

there was a sea of pink t-shirt wearing survivors

as we walked along the way,
i chose to look up!
to see the beauty in the blue sky. the space needle. the sunshine.
& the smiling faces of fellow survivors and the people
who love them.

life is lovely and i am thankful
for each and every day!
