Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

we did it!

the bellingham bay marathon
is now under our belt!!

i did this with my husband, our best friend,
his daughter, her husband
and one of her friends
we did it!
we made it!
we finished the race!

we walked in the rain;
(yes, remember i live in the PNW)
they were predicting a rain AND windstorm
but, we missed it.
we still had rain, mostly a light sprinkle
and some wind
but, nothing that made it miserable!

we had over 5500 people participate.
i broke my record even though i was
only trying to complete a half marathon
it was my fastest long distance walk,
according to my runkeeper app! :)

we did it!
now we
can chalk that off
our personal bucket list! ha.

i am not sore at all today
although a bit tired.
today i will take the day to
mend muscles and sit by the fire :)

enjoy your monday!
it is the beginning of a new week.
a fresh start.
a new chance at something wonderful!

smile. shine. see beauty!

we picked up our bib numbers and shirts the day before.

we parked and walked to the starting line.
excited and ready to go!

two grandpa's and one granny. :)

my hubbie and our best friend!
we have been best friends with him (and his wife)
for 23 years!

the 'team'
we met up with 
our friends daughter, son in law and her friend

yes, it was raining as we waited
to get started.

13+ miles later;
we are still able to smile! :)

our medals for completing the course!

screen shot of my 
runkeepers app!
i love how on the bottom it says:
your best time!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

the rain may come~

today it rains-
it rains &
the wind blows
so fiercely that
hair flies haphazardly
and wild.
faces are wet
with rain.

i run for cover
seeking shelter.

i sit in front of a
warm fire-
soothing aching bones
melting away
stresses from the day.

you can come-
i am safe,
i am warm
i am here.


Monday, August 22, 2011

a rainy monday

a rainy day

when i was just lovin'
the sunshine...

i woke to a rainy kind of day...

it is a day for staying inside
for some hot tea
and watching re-runs of
the office & reading-

this weekend,
i was able to see
the movie 'the help'
and if you have not seen it
then i highly recommend it!

i am off to enjoy
a lovely, lazy day...
i have a date with a book-

i hope you too
have a day filled
with things that
make you smile
and bring you joy!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

what i wore*

happy wednesday!

i am hoping this day finds
you doing well
that you are happy & content
i challenge you give someone
just ONE of your smiles!
i have heard that
smiling takes less facial muscles
than frowning!

it is very wet and rainy
once again...
a couple days
of sun and then
just when you start to
warm up a bit...
the rain comes down again-
oh, boo!

i am posting
an outfit today
after the 30 for 30 daily photo,
one outfit is all i can
seem to muster! :)

yellow cardi (h&m in france!) necklace (ashley)  leopard top is actually a
nightie i thrifted...I tucked it in and loved it! khaki skirt and tights... (target), belt is from an old dress.
so then i decided to untuck it put on skinnie jeans and belt it...i liked it both ways! :)

have you ever bought something like this nightie
and decided to wear it out in public?

i personally have done this
intentionally twice now
i  bought a nightie and a slip 
with the sole purpose of not using them
for their intended purpose.
when i bought this particular
one, i was planning to re-fashion
it and make it shorter...i still might
do that by making it shorter and with
a rounded hemline.

so, have you ever done this?
what did you wear?
or do you think i am nuts? LOL
oh wait a minute...maybe i shouldn't
ask that last question?!!!! hehe

be blessed today,

Thursday, April 28, 2011

an update on the orphaned coyote

my daughter found the facility on facebook
and there on the 'wall' was
a picture of her little
'Wylie'...she is so adorable
hopefully this link to the facebook page will work;
click here

in case you have no idea what
i am referring to
here is the post from the other day;

i totally understand after seeing that
cute little face just how truly hard it was
for my daughter to
give the baby coyote to this facility
she knows it was for the best...
oh, the face with the milk mustache
just adorable!!
this thursday,
even though it is another rainy ugly day
here at home...
just cold and rainy
i am i babysitting a
little 9 month old grandson
whose smiles makes me sigh
deep down in the depths
of my heart-
so, i WILL get to see some
'sunshine' amidst the clouds!!!!
I am so thankful...yes, thankful this
day, this thursday for so many things
but today, that little smile will
top my list for sure!

may you have a blessed day,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the rain came down

the rain keeps
pittering on the roof
everything is
soggy and wet

the clouds
all grey and stormy
the weather damp and cold

the sun is hiding
not wanting
to even peek
out and show
his face

the fireplace
is warm, cozy
i am drawn to
the chair
in front of it...
to make some tea
and curl up
book in hand
and let the
sound of the
lull me into
a blissful much
needed nap

the rain keeps falling
my tulips are confused
is it spring yet?
they are ready
to show us their beauty
if only the
sun would stay
coaxing them out of
their buds

the rain comes down...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

a treasure hunt

last night as i was
getting ready for bed
the rain and wind picked up
the wind blew, shaking the bedroom window
the rain just poured-

i am so ready for sunshine
truly, i cannot even begin to
tell you how much i
long for warm weather
to be in the garden
 in my flip flops
to sit on my garden swing with a book
oh yes, i am yearning-
maybe it means we are in for
a long hot summer?
i can dream can't i?
oh sunshine, oh spring
you are missed, where are you?

tuesday i had
my two year old grandson here
and it was sprinkling but not
too terribly-
enough that we were able
to go outside for a bit and
walk around the farm and burn
some of his two year old energy off ;)
i got this idea from rebecca
who posted about how she went on
a treasure hunt with her kiddos
and so i told her i loved this idea...
i gave 'the boy' a bucket and told him
we were going outside to find treasures!
he loved it, oh my goodness
dandelions, rocks, feathers, sticks,
then more, sticks
he could have been out there for hours
he had such  a great time...
thanks rebecca, this granny plans to
do this again and again!

may you have a beautiful day!
i hope that whatever you do
you find joy in it today!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

oh hello, tuesday!

blue cardi (gap) skinnies (jcpenneys) white top (walmart) and these
 awesome ballet flats...i think from target...but the color is
so cool because they look khaki most days
but, if you wear yellow/mustard they take on that color...
they are like chameleon shoes!!! hehe

i woke to the alarm
seems like i had just
fallen asleep and it was
time to get up!
another cold rainy day
but, some sunshine will
be arriving in the form
of a 2 year old and a 9 month old!
today it works out that both mommies
need help so i will have the
two boys (cousins) today
so there will be sunshine
in my life in the form of
huge smiles & laughter today
so let it rain!!

oh yes, today
is a happy granny day...
may you be blessed today
& be shiny!

happy birthday to my beanie baby!
my youngest daughter, tessa or 'bean' as we call her :)
is having a birthday and she is in classes
today at college and i believe this
is the first birthday we have ever
been apart...
i thank God for you sweetie and
wish you only the best always & always!

Monday, April 4, 2011

sixteen-and a rainy day it is

sixteen days of taking your own photo?
sixteen days of the 30 day challenge

so it is raining like crazy here
i got dressed and then the
hubs comes in from the barn
and says he can't do what
he had planned to do today
in the rain (field work)
and so he says lets take a drive
and do lunch
so i was all up for that!!!
i love spontaneous
days like that with him!

so i had started with
a pony tail because the
rain was making this granny's
curly hair nothing but a frizz-ball
so I straightened the bangs and pulled it back
but, then hubs wanted to go for a drive
and possible walk...
so i threw on the cute
beanie and a coat
in case we do any walking-
i also had on my cute brown boots
but, he said we might walk on the beach
so; cheater- cheater...i put on my
rain boots (that were not part of my 30!)

here are some pictures of the outfit;

so the awesome yellow striped top is thrifted, i am loving this mustard color lately...something i thought
i would never it!  the beanie i think i bought a few years ago from target...not sure though,
scarf is from walmart and jacket is very old but comfy...and then of course we have these sweet,
amazing rain boots, i bought them a few years back from macy's, love wearing them!

we drove to an adorable town, full of antiques...which is about an hour or so away from home, called LaConner WA.
we went down to the beach...
it was ridiculously cold but, we had fun then went to lunch and had coffee to warm up-
days like these make me count my blessings,
i am happy and thankful that
we still enjoy spending time together even on a rainy beach! :)

 the land behind my husband in the background is an island called: Whidbey Island...


 lookie...i found another heart rock!

i hope you are having a lovely monday
no matter what you are doing
i pray you find something in it
that makes your heart glad!


Momma Go Round
linking this post to Dani and her 'blue plate special' here