Monday, July 26, 2010


we're not racist (one of my BFF's is black, well brown, but you get the point!)

Today at Arden B (clothing store) a black girl was ringing up my clothes and talking to Brody:

Girl: How old are you?
Brody: (holds up 3 fingers)
Girl: you're 3?! wow!
Brody: (shakes his head yes)
Me: Can you tell her your name?
Brody: (shakes his head no)
Me: :) Tell her your name, silly!
Brody: No! She looks too dark!

Luckily this nice girl didn't take offense to my 3 year olds comment, she thought it was pretty funny! I talk about wanting to be dark alot- especially during the summer, so I think that's where he came up with that idea! My bad!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Bobby just came out of our bedroom laughing. This is what was so funny:

Brody: where are you going?
Bobby: to take the movie back.
Brody: oh! mommy's going to babysit?

April 2010- The "zoom"

My in-laws got season passes to the zoo this year so we've been a few times. Brody loves it! Gavin has a fun time looking at all of the animals and pointing at them. Kids make everything so much more fun!
We've been on the carousel a couple of times and every time we get on Brody picks the same seat- the peacock that is a bench and doesn't move at all. He's so funny!

April 2010- Brody's First T-ball game

Brody had a blast playing T-ball this spring! He was on the Diamond backs. He had 6 games (or so?) the weather wasn't the best in April/May so about half of his games were either canceled or very cold. It was still a lot of fun watching him play!
He had a hard time getting the hang of the game at first- whenever another player on his team got ahold of the ball in the outfield he would go and tackle them. He thought of it like football :) He learned quickly that you don't tackle in baseball.
He also enjoyed playing in the dirt while in the outfield. While he was in the dugout he would climb the fence. He's a busy, fun little boy!
During the last few games his coach would pitch the ball to the kids instead of having them hit it off of the T. He loved it and did a great job!
He loved getting a ticket after the game to go pick out a treat at the snack bar. His favorite things to get were: hot dogs, laffy taffy, ring pops, chips, and drinks!
We can't wait until next spring to start T-ball again!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

While I'm on here...

I just had to log on to invite some friends to the blog (Shout out to Kev and Mindy!!). I decided I would let you all know that I am still a blogger! Woot woot! And, I have some major catching up to do... as you know, I consider this thing my journal! I will get on and update soon... promise! Lots of pictures from our fun, finally warm, summer!! We've been keeping busy in the sun!

On a side note: I bought a new bathing suit today. Love it! I also bought a cute beach hat (or, pool hat since I live... well, not even close to a beach) anyway, when Bobby got home from work I decided to try on my new little ensemble for him and as I was putting on the hat Brody shouted "Oh!! You look... like a cowboy! You should ride a horse!" Hilarious kid, I tell ya! Hilarious!