Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm so proud of you!! (I tell you this all the time, and you love it!) I think it's important for you to know how awesome you are :) especially coming from your mama!!

We were reading a bedtime book tonight (Bernstein Bears... afraid of the dark) and you happened to notice the bears cool bunk bed. You told me you wanted one, which I already knew! You climbed all over them at R.C. Willey a couple of months ago! After you reminded me of wanting a bunk bed I decided to make a deal with you.

I told you that if you went to bed on your own in your own room (for 30 days!) I would buy you a bunk bed (Dad was at school, so hopefully he's cool with it!). YOU DID IT!! And, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!

Keep it up and you'll be in your new bunk bed "with a ladder" in no time!!

We love you, Bubbas!!

***Brody started sleeping in our bed when he was only 8 months old. I was desperate. For sleep. He is now 3 years and 2 months and for the first time ever has fallen asleep ON HIS OWN. I have always had to lay by him until he was asleep (unless he was in the car). I learned my lesson and now Gavin is a great sleeper! I will never do that again! Although, I do love to snuggle with my sweet boys!! Also, Brody just barely got rid of his bottle a few weeks ago. I know- I was bad with his habits! I have to learn somehow, right? Too bad I just didn't listen to people. It would've been so much easier- he only had it at bedtime. And, I'm only putting this stuff on the blog so that I can remember it!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Bobby and I (mainly Bobby) folded all of the white laundry and today Gavin got ahold of the nice organized basket that I had yet to put away. He was quiet for about 1 minute (yes, after 1 minute, I figured he must be getting into something) so I went into my bedroom and found him throwing out all of the clothes! Look at that grin!!


Brody loves GOLF (to say the least)! I have been taking him out golfing lately (thanks to the nice weather!) We don't go to the park on a nice day, we go to the golf course. Whenever the sun comes up he looks out the window and says "suns out!!! let's go golfing". Monday we went to the putting green at the golf course. You should have seen the looks I got. They weren't rude at all, but I think all of the other golfers were just a little bit shocked! Imagine seeing me walk onto a golf course, pushing a stroller with a 3 year old walking beside me. I'm sure it was pretty funny, but hey! Brody loves it! It looks like we'll be spending our sunny days on the putting green! I love watching him play! He amazes me! Today we spent the afternoon in the backyard!

These are some of his golf moves. He watches Phil Mickelson all the time (thank goodness for DVR!!) and golfs along with him. He crouches down to look at his ball and holds his club up- it's so darn cute! When I told him it was time to come in he threw his club (happily) and said "that's what Phil does". I'm going to have to chat with Phil about that one!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Brody talk

We say the word "shut up" in our house. But in our house the word "shut up" = "no way!!"

I know. It's not something we're proud of saying, it just happens. I think it was started by me. My bad! I say it a lot when I'm shocked. Usually to Bobby. Bobby does the same, apparently...

My mom told me that Brody said "shut up" and then looked at her and said " I no need say shut up anymore, only daddy say shut up when he watching golf"

I thought it was hilarious that he said that! We have been trying not to say it as much, and we're trying to teach Brody not to say it- even though he usually doesn't say it to be rude. He occasionally does that, and yes, he gets in trouble for doing so.

It's crazy how we don't realize what we are saying until we hear it being repeated by our 3 year old!