Thursday, January 28, 2010

A public note... two, for that matter!

Dear man at the library,

I don't exactly appreciate the looks you gave me as my child was screaming at the top of his lungs today. I was only in the library to pick up the book "Parenting the Strong-Willed Child". Could you tell? And, I noticed you were with two kids of your own. Sure, they were much older than my 2-year-old, but still... you've been in my spot before, I'm sure.

I'm sure you were aware that I was trying my best to calm him down and tell him to be quiet. It seemed a lot harder this time, probably because my son just KNEW we were in a SILENT place. Doesn't it always work like that? You laugh harder when you shouldn't be laughing at all? It's natural. Really!

So, unkind sir, in the future if you happen to be at a library and a mother's child decides to have a tantrum in the kids area, maybe, just maybe, think to yourself, "hey! that mom is doing her best. Perhaps I could give her a nice smile or nod implying that it's ok. I've been there before! You'll be fine." I'm just sayin'...



Dear lady at the library,

Unlike the man, who was a father himself, you knew what I was going thru. Thank you so very much for the sweet pat-on-the-shoulder and for telling me "fun times" with a smile on your face! It meant the world to me!!



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

He takes after his mama!

Brody is asleep on the couch right now and I just heard him yell:

"I want it! I want it! PLEASE!" Over and over again. It was so funny, yet sad at the same time. What does he want? He sounded a little frustrated... does he want a churro? The cute little wooden house at Costco? A new blender? (ok- I want that last one!)

Can you tell where we spent our afternoon?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Funny Boy!

Brody's conversation with the worker at the bank (the place he thought we were going to eat dinner!):

Worker: Hi! What's your name?
Brody: Brody James McGuire Fourteen

(He has a BYU jersey that says MCGUIRE on the back with the number 14, so he thinks it's part of his name! Also, if we ask him what Gavin's name is, or mom or dad's name, he says Gavin James McGuire 14... Daddy James McGuire 14... etc.)

Worker: Oh! That's a cute name :) How old are you?
Brody: SIX!!!! (yells it!)
Worker: Six?! WOW! Are you in school?
Brody: Yeah!
Worker: Do you do math and reading??
Brody: No
Worker: Oh. Do you study the fine arts of play-doh?
Brody: yeah!

Then, she gave him a sticker and asked where he wanted to put it... on his arm? his shirt? He said "my shoe!!"

He is always entertaining me! I had to call Bobby and tell him about this conversation - it was too funny! I love when kids make things up... like their age! They come up with the funniest stuff!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brody's first dental exam!!

Today, Brody went to his FIRST Dental exam! (Well, his first was technically in my mom's bathroom last week when she was just playing around, but this one was OFFICIAL!)

He did a great job! He layed on me in the chair while we watched Disney Channel on the ceiling. He loved it! He has NO cavities!! YAY!

He loves to look at teeth with the little mirrors. He wants to be a Dentist too! The other day I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up and he said "nana!". haha!!

My mom did check his bite and found that he has a "cross bite" meaning his bottom teeth (on his right side) go out farther than the ones on top. His left side was fine, but his right side we need to keep an eye on. If it doesn't go away by the time he starts to get his adult teeth (at age 6) we'll have to do ortho. (Am I right, Mom?!)

Brody watching TV in my mom's office after he got his teeth cleaned.
Watching TV while getting his teeth cleaned... Gavin in his car seat in the background :) My mom (the Dentist), me and Brody! What a fun day! You're the best, MOM! I'm so proud of you!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Boys in the bath!

Can I call it official?

Starting his "crawling" process

getting on his hands and knees

about to lunge forward

the end result of the "worm" :)

Gavin has been "scooting" forward (he looks like he's doing the "worm"!). He gets on his hands and knees and just rocks back and forth, but once he starts to move, it's just his arms pushing him up and his legs wiggling forward. SO CUTE! He began scooting about 2 weeks ago (at 8 months) and has been getting better and better ever since. At first, he would scoot to the remote if we put it on the floor, now he'll scoot to get something - or just out of curiosity! He's so much fun!

Friday, January 8, 2010

FMI (WHAT? You don't know what that means?)

For My Information. DUH!

I took the boys to the Dr last week to get Gavin's ears checked. While we were there they were both weighed.

Gavin (at 8 months) = a whopping 18 pounds!
Brody (2 yrs 10 months)= 31 pounds!

Holy COWS! haha! Seriously, what would it be like to weigh 18 or 31 pounds???