Saturday, November 28, 2009


What a wonderful thing to hear!

We're so glad they won tonight! Way to go Cougs!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm thankful, of course!

It just wouldn't be Thanksgiving if I didn't reflect on those things in my life that I'm THANKFUL for... now would it??

I'm so very thankful for:

My Father in Heaven
The Gospel- I would be lost without it.
A home to keep us warm (I saw "A Christmas Carol with Bobby last night- it was amazing- made me thankful for my home... poor tiny Tim) Which reminds me...

I'm thankful for my WONDERFUL husband and the amazing dates he takes me on :)
My sweeeeeeetttt Kiddies! I LOVE THEM!
Family- we love you all!!
Brody's active nature- he keeps me on the go! (I really AM thankful for this! I love it about him!)
Gavin's smileyness- is that a word? He's the happiest baby!
Gavin's ability to fall asleep on his own- you have NO IDEA how thankful I am for this!)
bobby's job and the money it provides
Bobby's education... and for the opportunity he has to be able to be back in school
My clothes and shoes- without them I'd be- well you know!
my hair- it's growing! YAY!
blogging so I can keep a nice little journal!

And, I can't ever forget to be thankful for the time we were protected on the freeway...

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Happy Shopping tomorrow! WOOT WOOT!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny, funny Brody

Lately, if we tell Brody NOT to do something, his reply is:

(while doing thumbs up, he bends his right elbow and points it behind him-fast!... you really have to see it, but it's hil-ar-i-ous! I'm trying to catch it on video)

"I wanna do THIS!"

Don't ask where he came up with it, because I HAVE NO CLUE! All I know is that every time he does it we BUST UP LAUGHING!

Word number TWO?! Already!

I think so!

After realizing IT IS possible for an almost 7-month old to be saying "mama" Bobby decided to "teach" him to say "dada".

Bobby is amazing at teaching the boys'. He taught Brody a ton of words (one of the first being, "no mom" and one of the most recent being "first down!") I love that he has an interest in helping the kids learn and grow... and has a sense of humor about most of it!

Well, last night Bobby was sitting in Gavin's room next to him. I walked in and hear Bobby saying over and over... "dada, dada, daaadaaa..." After a few minutes, if Bobby would look away from him or start talking to me, Gavin would lean to him and say "dadadada". It was so cute!

Now, I realized it stuck this morning because as I was upstairs checking my e-mail, I heard a cute little conversation (the first of many) between our sweet boys! It went like this:

Gavin: dada dada
Brody: dada!!?
Gavin: dadaaa dada
Brody: dada!! dada!

on and on...

See? Brody even understood what Gavin was saying! How cute is that!?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm NOT crazy!

For the past month or so Gavin has been saying "mama" whenever he is fussy or crying. I thought it was my imagination and hopes of his FIRST word to be "mama" (Brody's first word was "dada") but while I was reading in my book "What to expect the First year", I came across a section in the "6Th month" chapter that said "your child may be able to say "mama" or "dada". Of course, he has no idea what he is saying, but it's coming out of his mouth and I LOVE it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The boys

Brody feeding Gavin some Oatmeal (Gav's FAVORITE!)


Sweet Brothers!
Speaking of Brothers... mine came into town this week!
Uncle Evan and the boys!
Evan walking out from orientation - he's moving here in a month, ladies!!
Brody waiting for Uncle Evan- he waived and said "hi" to everyone that walked by!
My little racers!
how cute are they? and those jammies?? ADORABLE!

knock, knock, knock...

Funny story:

Last night we were on our way to dinner and were stopped at a light before getting onto the freeway. (not stopped by a cop!) As we were waiting for the light to turn green we heard a knock at our window (it was dark outside, and we were NOT at a place where people should be standing, let alone knocking on our car window!) We looked over and could see that someone was standing outside holding shoes! Bobby opened the door and a guy handed him Brody's Nike's and said "these were on your bumper!". We cracked up! We could not stop laughing all night! I couldn't believe I had left his shoes on the back of our car AND we were absolutely AMAZED that they hadn't fallen off. By that point... Bobby had made a U-turn, went around a "round-a-bout", made 2 right turns, and gone up a slight hill! Good shoes, huh?! We are so thankful that someone stopped to bring them to us before they fell off and were lost for good! (they had Brody's orthotics in them- that would NOT have been good!) MY BAD!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Here are some pictures from Halloween. This year, we went to my parent's house for dinner- chili and cornbread, a family tradition for as long as I can remember! Then, we went trick-or-treating around their neighborhood with bobby's sister, Natalie, our brother-in-law, Jeff, and our nephew, McCoy, who was a spider. After getting candy in that neighborhood, we went back to our house and I took Brody around again. He got used to the whole idea of trick-or-treating. He didn't like it at first, and hated anyone in a mask or big costume. He saw a little boy who was dressed as buzz lightyear and he thought that was pretty cool! When we went home, Bobby handed out candy to the kids in our neighborhood- we bought tons and by the time brody and I walked in the door most of it was gone. Bobby said he was giving "handfuls"- I'm sure the kids loved that! Brody enjoyed dumping out his candy and eating a few starbursts... Brody and Bobby both love the fruit candies- I love the chocolate! More for me!Bobby pretending to throw Gavin- the football!

Cutest football I've ever seen!! (my mom made the outfit! thanks mommy!)

Gav looking at Brody's BYU helmet!
Brody (BYU football player), Gavin (football), Jayden (horse), Braxton (cowboy)

Jayden, Brody, Braxton (I love how B is holding his helmet- looks like he just won a big game! probably beat UTAH!)

Brody and Braxton

Brody's favorite find from his candy stash. Thanks to whoever handed out the eyeballs. Brody's been playing golf with this thing all day!
Checking out his treasures!


Brody got a wart burned off of his thumb. It's just an open wound now. he has to have a band-aid on it at all times- his orders!
We stopped by one of my friends homes and Brody peeked his head in her house. He stood still looking at something for a while and when I noticed what he was doing I said "do you have sports on tv?" she laughed and said yes. The world series was on and he was hooked!
Attempting to take pictures of the football, football player, and the spider.

Take 2

Take 3
playing football

yeah yeah!

Gavin started eating solids this week. He likes prunes, and we tried giving him avocado's- he didn't like them very much which made me sad (seriously) but, it wasn't the best "cado" I've had so we'll try again later! I told him he has to like "cado's" to be in our family! :) KIDDING! We love him, and we also love avocados!
A guy bobby works with- he won BEST COSTUME. How awesome does this look?!

Our family at Bobby's work trick-or-treat! Everyone loved Gavin's costume, but Brody... well, let's just say Bobby's office is a little too close to the U. OOPS! :) They still thought he was cute though! (one girl said Gavin was her favorite costume of all. How sweet!) and... look at that amazing view! hope everyone had a great Halloween!