Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Funny kid

I love that Brody is at the "funny kid" age. He says and does stuff all day, every day that keeps me entertained! Last night, my parents stopped by for a few minutes. Brody was showing them the veggies we picked from our garden yesterday. He began by showing them a tomato, then moved on to show them a "green dr. pepper". We were all cracking up! It was hilarious! Love this kid!

More Brody funnies to come- I have a whole list downstairs, but had to share that one!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My boys are asleep... shhh

I like to blog on Sundays while everyone else takes a nap... I don't take naps. Never really have. Weird? Ok.

Here are some pictures of what my camera has captured so far in September.

Gavin next to his newest cousins Maddie, Hunter and Molly. He is 3 months older. They'll catch up to him, but, as for now, they are just adorably tiny! We had to lay him farther away because he was waving his arms all around.
Gavi and Daddy

Eyeing his favorite toy!
he got it!
he really attacks this thing!
Trying to wake up his big brother :)
2nd time in his high chair- he likes to be doing things with us now- it's fun!
Brody's "new train" . He lays next to it and just pushes the train around the track. He put that track together by himself. (he's really into doing things by himself now- he loves getting in and out of the car by himself... kinda sad for me :(One day I was upstairs and I heard Brody yell "Mom! I'm under the bouncer!!" Sure enough- there he was!
Our first Davis game!

Loves holding his baby brother! (Every time he holds him he says "I want mommy take a picture!")

Mommy and her sweet boys!

My birthday cake! (from Mom!) (Grandpa doesn't like the frosting. There is an unfrosted corner on every cake we make)
I'm saying 24... in case you don't understand!
I turned the big 2.4. on September 7!

Grandpa, Nana, and Gavin
Daddy playing with Brody
The boys kicked the ball into the neighbors yard- they stopped until someone else went to get it!
Birthday party/BBQ on my birthday/Labor day at the McGuire's

My birthday dinner at McGrath's.
I got to wear the big birthday fish hat...
and Bobby got to enjoy my birthday sundae! (I can't have dairy while nursing Gavin)
My mom took me to lunch at the Gateway for my birthday. We let Brody run around by the fountains.
Cute Gavi!
Cute boys!
Brody fell asleep while waiting for daddy to get home on a school night.
He fell asleep again... with his rockin' shades on! (Go BYU!)
Daddy and his boys getting ready for their Sunday naps!

Love my family!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Consider this my advertisement!

Gavin in the middle of the madness! Cards were flying by his head- he was quite entertained!

As you may or may not know, I'm a REALTOR. BUT! I'm a Mom, first! There is NEVER a dull moment at our home and I love it that way! (800 business cards scattered all over my house. ACTUALLY kicked around, after all, this IS Brody we're talking about!)

That's Brody for ya!

I ALWAYS find cars around my house. And they're ALWAYS lined up in a perfect row!

Gavin is 4 months (plus)!

sorry again, mom, for the magic marker!
HOLY COW! Time is going by so much faster with Gavin... I remember wanting Brody to grow up quick just to fit in a certain outfit (first time mom thing, i know!). Now that I know how fast he'll grow I'm trying to keep him little for as long as possible... nothing works! He still seems to grow out of his clothes overnight and doing new tricks every day. We are loving every minute of him. He is the happiest little baby... doesn't cry unless he really needs something, such as: something to eat (that's reasonable!).

I took him to his 4 month appointment this week. Here are his stats:

9/2/09 - 4 month check-up
weight: 14 lbs 6 oz (50%)
length: 25 in. (50%)
head circ: 16.1 in (25%)

His doctor says he's doing great! He told me I could give him some rice cereal before bed to help him sleep a little longer. He had been waking up about 3 times a night... Since his app he's been up only once! I haven't started the cereal since he's doing better, I'd rather wait as long as possible on giving him any food. (well, closer to 6 months!).
Gavin is almost rolling over from his back to his stomach! He gets completely on one side and just lays there. I've been giving him some stuffed animal toys that play music and he grabs onto them, eats them, and rolls onto his side with them. It's hilarious- mainly because they're all just about the same size as he is!

He loves to laugh and he smiles at EVERYONE! He absolutely loves his big brother and daddy (he just stares at Bobby whenever he's within seeing distance.) He loves mommy, too! He tells me all day long! We love our baby boy/brother and are so grateful he's a part of our family!