Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Best Dadda"

Yesterday when Bobby walked thru the door, Brody yelled with excitement, "DADDA!!" A few minutes later as Bobby started to go upstairs to change his clothes he said to me..."this is what I've been waiting for... for Brody to run up to me when I get home from work!"
Bobby and Brody have become the best of friends, and I love it! They play all afternoon once Bobby gets home, and Brody has an absolute BLAST with him! I'm not so active right now, so I sit on the couch and clap for him as he shoots his basketball. Bobby's much more fun!

This morning we talked to Bobby on the phone, and I put it on speaker. Brody holds the phone and says "daddda", then we hear "what bud?!" I love hearing their cute little conversations! Brody usually points the phone at whatever it is he is playing with as if Bobby can see it- he's too cute. After we got off of the phone, I said to Brody... "you have the best dad, huh?!" he said right back to me "Best, Dadda!" It was so darn cute!

Thank you honey, for being so wonderful to me and our kid(s) (almost 2)! We love you!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Brody says "again"! For the past 6 months it has been "nih". He really has been able to say "again" for a while, but just WOULDN'T let go of the "nih"- Bobby finally put his foot down the other day and kept making Brody say the actual word over and over (a NICE foot down, of course!)... I think it FINALLY set in, and he has been saying "again" ever since! Good job Brody! Let's hope it sticks!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Set, Hike!"

Bobby and Brody LOVE to play sports together! Bobby taught Brody how to hike a ball, and he loves it! The other day, I had an avocado on the counter, Brody reached up and grabbed it, and began to hike it! I was on the phone with Bobby as I saw an avocado fly into my living room. I said... "Brody just hiked an avocado!" "Bobby always responds with- "that's my boy!"

Brody's hiking starts out with a ball (or any round object) in his left hand. He then bends over to the front, putting the ball in both hands and says "set, set, hike!". He then claps his hands together a few times, with the ball in his left, brings his hand behind him and throws it! He sure does love his sports. He's such a FUN little boy!

Lately, I've been feeling like-

this little guy...

Even Bobby's T-Shirts are too small for me. They all ride up until they are sitting comfortably on top of my belly! However, It's worth it! And, only 5 1/2 weeks left! Hooray!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Brody's new favorite word...

Or is it EVEN considered a word? "Ummmm... " - that's what he says now when we ask him a question. He is such a goofball!

The other day, he got into my jewelry and got his little hands on my wedding ring. I saw him with and went to get it from him... being a little stinker, he decided to THROW it! Lovely! Luckily, we were in my closet, so I knew it was somewhat nearby... but where was it? In a shoe? No! We sat on the floor searching, trying to not to make it get buried deeper into whatever place it could be. I would say.. "Where's mommy's ring?" His reply- "Ummmm" How could I NOT crack up to that response? I tried not to let him see me laughing! Needless to say, we found my ring while having a good laugh!

Brody will often call for Bobby or I and when we say "yes?" his response... "ummmm"

He sounds like such a little man when he says this. Almost like he is SERIOUSLY contemplating SOMETHING! He is so funny and just keeps up laughing! It's AWESOME!

When I told my mom about this little "word", she said, "you know where he learns it, right?" - Do WE say Ummmm THAT often? I'm going to have to start keeping track! It's funny how you don't realize what you say, until your little parrot starts saying it!

**** Brody's 2 year checkup went well! He weighs 25.2 lbs (what would that be like?!) 16th percentile. Length is 34 inches, 38th percentile, and head circumference is 18.9 inches, 31st percentile. He's growing just like he should! He also got his last 3 immunization shots! YAY! We're done with shots until Kindergarten... well, with HIM at least! 6 weeks until Baby Brother arrives!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our BABY boy is 2!

I can't even believe it! Time has just flown by! Brody turned Two on Saturday, March 14. We had a birthday party for him and he absolutely loved it! He would get so excited whenever we would tell him his birthday was almost here. We talked about how he was going to get to have a CARS birthday party and his family would all come over to play! Every time we ask how old he is, he responds with "hap birday". He would sing "happy birthday" all the time- saying, "Hap birday...Brody!" He's such a cute, sweet little guy! We are so thankful for him and LOVE him so very much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY!

playing outside
Aunt DeeDee and Jayden

Cousins playing!

Mommy at 33 weeks!

Cousin Pete

pretty Nana enjoying the sun (that she misses so much!) We need a trip to Vegas, soon!

Mommy, Brody, and Daddy

Blowing out the candle! He did it all by himself!

CARS cake that mommy made!

Cousins McCoy and Jake

Brody's new Tricycle from Grandpa and Nana!

This is where he stores all of his cars- in his trunk!
2-year pictures at the park
Cute boy!


Lightning! Ka-Chow!
Brody and Braxton getting Grandpa and Nana with his new swords... (from aunts Natalie, and Julianne, and Uncles Jeff and Bracken)

What Brody's been learning/up to...

*counts to 20

*counts backwards from 10

*sings the ABC's

*his favorite songs to sing are: "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" (he pops up when you say BEAM!) and "Popcorn popping", he loves to do all of the hand motions and says "I looked..." until we start singing along.

*He absolutely LOVES sports

*His favorite sport (right now) is basketball. As soon as Bobby gets in from work, Brody says "Basball, tv!". Bobby will turn it on (without ANY hesitation!) and Brody will watch the guys on the court and copy them by running around in the living room and then go dunk his basketball in the basket. Sometimes, while we're out he'll say, "basball, home" meaning he wants to go home and play with his basketball.

*While he shoots baskets, he looks at Bobby and I and says "Mom, Dadda, pap!" and we clap for him every time he makes a basket.

*He has all of his teeth (has had them all for quite a while now, I just haven't written it down! oops!)

*His favorite foods are: Chicken, Spaghetti, rice and beans, and hamburgers. When he asks for rice and beans it sounds like "Rynbeam" It is so cute how that one all rolls together and sounds like he has a southern accent!

*He loves to play with his cars

*his favorite show is still "Buddah" - Mickey Mouse

*loves to watch movies, but would prefer watching sports with his daddy

*every time we go to the store he says "TOYS!" SO EXCITED!

*loves to "ride" in the car... meaning, when the car is off, we let him play. He pushes every single button and acts like he is driving!

*He gets leg cramps at night when he's too tired. So sad. It only happens every so often, but I always feel so bad for him.

*He has been sleeping in his Twin Bed since he was 18 months old, and loves it!

*He still loves to "help mommy" and vacuum.

*He loves his grandparents and cousins
*He is very excited for baby brother to arrive!

*He really likes cupcakes! He kept asking for them on his birthday.
Opening his present from Grandma and Grandpa
Enjoying Grandma's cupcakes!

Blowing out the candles. (Bobby's parents were out of town on Brody's birthday, so they had a little party for him before they left. He loves his cars and racetrack!)

He has his 2 year check-up on today, so I will post his stats later! All I know is he's growing like a weed! All of his clothes get too short before they get too tight! That was NEVER his mommy's problem with clothes! :)

Our Special Stake Conference

On Sunday, March 15, our Stake had a special conference with Elder Dallin H. Oaks (A member of the Quorum of the 12 apostles). Bobby got to our stake center about 1 1/2 hours early to get a seat. They asked that nobody save seats, but what's one seat for his pregnant wife?- no big deal!! I got there about 15 minutes before it started and saw Bobby sitting in the 4Th row back. We were so close to Elder Oaks and I just kept watching him the whole time. What a sweet man. The spirit was so strong in the meeting, and the room was almost completely silent... my mom was watching Brody for us! :) Elder Oaks has a great sense of humor and was very easy to listen to. He truly is a man of God and my testimony of that was strengthened that day. Bobby got to shake his hand while he was waiting for me to arrive, so I went up and shook his hand after the meeting. He looked at me with sincere eyes, and said "HI!". Normally, if someone had been shaking hands all day, you would feel like you were just one more person to them. I really felt his sincerity and kindness. He was so sweet! I'm so thankful I got to meet and listen to him that day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home!"

Brody absolutely LOVES when Bobby walks in from work. I start telling him that "daddy is on his way home" as soon as Bobby calls and says that he's left the office. Lately, if the weather is nice enough, we go wait out on the driveway until he gets home. The other day, I told Brody that daddy was on his way home and we would eat dinner as soon as he got home. So, about 5 minutes before Bobby would be walking in, I said "guess who's almost home?!" (I was cutting veggies) Brody then opened the dishwasher (clean dishes, thank goodness!) and grabbed a plate, put it where I sit at the table then went back to the dishwasher while saying "dadda, dadda" over and over. He grabbed another plate and put it in Bobby's spot on the table, then grabbed one of his (Brody's) little plates and put it right in his spot. It was so darn cute! He knew that when Bobby got home we would eat, so he decided to set the table! Bobby walked in soon after and Brody made him sit down in his seat then he got in his seat. He sure was ready to eat, and glad to have his Daddy home!! (Bobby LOVED hearing that he set the table by himself. He kept saying "so, you didn't tell him to set it?", "he opened the dishwasher by himself and got everything out?"... he sure was proud of his boy!)