Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who is she??

If you haven't checked out the blog- your totally missing out! i freaking LOVE this girl, she's like my new BFF (I know you're all jealous- but I'm KIDDING!) I always like to say I'm friends with people I don't even know- like Ryan Seacrest (did I even spell his name right?!) My cousin Dana (and Katie) tried out for Am Idol- YAY! But, unfortunately didn't pass through- come on, we all know that show is rigged! Anyway, back to my cousin Dana- she got a pic with RYAN!! Bobby keeps saying he's GAY- but I don't believe it! I like him no matter what! Mini celeb crush! HEHE! I Love you most Bobby- Always DO/WILL! So... looks like this was another "Erica" post... just going on about well, NOTHING! Gotta love me! you know you like these random, entertaining posts that seem to spark out of me every so often! Anyway, go check out this HILARIOUS blog! Enjoy yourself!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Can Mommy have a kiss?"

...Only sometimes! Lately, whenever I ask Brody if I can have a kiss, he just looks at me. I then say "Look! Daddy will give Mommy a kiss" and then I kiss Bobby in front of Brody. Brody will then look at us both and give me a kiss and then give his daddy one too. It's very cute! However, last night I was trying to get a kiss from my little boy and went over the same old routine... "Mommy will give Daddy a kiss... now can Mommy have a kiss?" ... Brody then put his hands on both of our necks and pushed our faces together to kiss eachother. HA! What a smart little guy! We were cracking up as he still had our faces pushed together. He did it a couple of times and then Bobby went and sat on the couch (I was laying on the loveseat with Brody on my stomach) I decided to ask him again if I could have a kiss and this time he held his hand out to Bobby and said "dada"... It was so funny. So, Bobby came over as Brody wanted, and he pushes us together to kiss! He's always keeping us entertained!

On another note: I have been wanting to make a list of what Brody does/says as he is now 16 months (A week ago today!)

16 months: Brody can say-

(In order)

dada (8 months)
mama (12 months)
animal sounds (snake, cow, sheep, etc.) (10 months)
gampa (Grandpa) (12 months)
namma (Grandma) (12 months)
no no (13 months)
ball (12-13 months)
uh-oh! (12 months)
no more (two words together at 14.5 months)
thank you (14 months)
wow (14 months)
Brody (14 months)
Bath (15 months)
marti (my parents dog) (15 months)
none (15 months)
night night (14 months)
more (14 months)
please (16 months)
doggy (16 months)
water (15-16 months)
baba (16 months)
car (15 months)
mine (uh oh!- I'm pretty sure I've heard this, but not in a mean way!!)

i'll figure out the rest- I'm sure I'm forgetting lots! he's a talker!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hey, Look Aunt Mandy!!

I have tan HANDS and FEET!!! (YAY!)

For those of you who are a little confused (basically everyone EXCEPT for Aunt Mandy) I once told her that all I wanted was TAN hands and feet. Silly, I know, but that's my favorite part about being tan! I love it! (She still makes fun of me! In a loving way, of course!) :) I Love you Aunt Mandy!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's times like this...

when I just shake my head and think... "how in the world did this happen?"

It also makes me realize that we are constantly watched over and protected- ESPECIALLY our little ones.

Brody is a very active boy and has no fear. He is a little climber and a very flexible, skinny one at that! He has to be strapped into anything and everything possible to prevent him from escaping- or so we thought.

On Tuesday morning (7.8.08) Brody woke up at 7:30 AM. (The morning before, he slept until 11:30- big difference! So, I jumped in his crib with him) (YES! I sleep in his crib sometimes- I'll do another post on that.) but, he didn't want to go back to sleep. I was exhausted so I decided to put him in his swing, that is in our room, and turn on "tartoons" for him to watch. I got in my bed and fell asleep at about 7:45. At 9:00 AM I woke up to Brody standing next to my bed throwing my phone at the wall. I was in SHOCK!!!

How did he get out?! He was completely STRAPPED in the swing. Anyway, I'm not COMPLETELY surprised that he got out of the swing, I've seen him do stuff like that quite a bit. The thing I don't get is how he got out of the swing, onto the floor by HIMSELF, without making a thump, getting hurt, or making a peep. I mean, the swing is not stable, there is no obvious way of how he could have done such a thing... AND it's all still BUCKLED. WOW! My point - is that I am extremely grateful to my Father in Heaven for watching over my baby while I was just trying to get some rest. I am in awe over the whole situation. (Not mad, just thankful for the little miracle!) I'm glad he's so active, but sometimes I wish he was a little more cautious! HA! How do you teach a one year to be CAUTIOUS?!

P.S. he's no longer allowed to be in his swing in our room alone. Thank goodness I shut my bedroom door behind us- or he would have wandered on downstairs alone! Oh boy!!
Brody in his swing (bowing his head)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth of July!

It all started on Thursday night, when my parents came up from Sandy and spent the night at our house. That's right! We had a sleepover! Brody woke up the next morning (and almost every morning after that) saying ''Namma, Gampa..." we got ready Friday morning, planning to go to the Kaysville breakfast- but heard there wasn't much to choose from, so we ended up going to Granny Annies! yummy pancakes and scones!! Mmmm... After that we met my Sister Danielle and her husband Eric with their little boy Braxton for the Parade! It was a fun parade and the boys loved it! Right after D and her family left, a little boy was run over by one of the floats during the water fights. (Kaysville always does a water fight at the end of the parade on Main street and the people watching bring their squirt guns and try to get the firetrucks wet. It was a mess- as you can see.) So, I guess one of the kids (10 years old) fell off of the float he was on and got his legs run over. They life flighted him to the hospital but he is okay! It was very scary and it happened right in front of where we were. After that we went home to relax, but as Bobby knows- a little too well- I can't just relax. I wanted to get out- so we went to the mall for a couple of hours. Then, we came home, my mom and I made the BEST 4th of July cake ever, and we went to the Fireworks. Bobby and I went to the store and grabbed some soda and ice while my parents went to get some dinner at KFC. We met up at the park and had a picnic and then watched the Fireworks. Brody LOVED the fireworks! Every time they lit one off he would say "wow!" We just love him!!

On Saturday my parents, Bobby, Brody, and I all went to the Oakley rodeo. It was a lot of fun! Brody liked the horses, but it was a tight fit with all of those people on the bleachers, so we had a tough time keeping Brody occupied while having to be held for 2 1/2 hours. He does not like to sit still for very long- Sacrament meeting is hard enough!! (P.S. the pictures from the rodeo are on a different camera- so, if I remember, I'll post some later.)

Then, on Sunday, our friends Jon and Heather came up from Las Vegas to bless their baby girl, London. She's so adorable! They now have 3 CUTE kids!! I was able to take some family pictures for them after the blessing, and I had a blast!!
Here are some pictures from our fun weekend!!

Brody with the stuffed animal that Bobby caught for him from one of the Parade Floats. (Isn't he the best dad?!)

This picture cracks me up- Brody escaped us for 2 seconds and we looked over to find him sitting on someone's chair. Look at that face!! (If you can see it on this small picture!)

Family Photo!! (with some random dudes behind us!)

My favorite Float- it's just COOL! (big sexy hair)

Braxton clapping!

Aww... I love this picture of my two boys!

Watching the parade with Daddy!


Grandma, Brody, Grandpa, Braxton

Another one of my favorites: Brody dancing to the music of the parade. He stood there for a while just stomping his right foot to the beat- I have to say, he's pretty good at finding the beat and sticking with it. If he got off, he would pause until he was back on track!! Way to go!

At the Fireworks

Brody with a light stick- he loved it!

Brody poked a hole in through the saran wrap and was licking the whipped cream off of his finger.


oh! I just LOVE them!! So handsome!

Our Monkey- Mr. Daredevil! Climbs onto everything!


Baby London