Thursday, March 27, 2008


PLEASE READ: (at least the bottom part)!

I work... well, I try to work! I was on the plane yesterday coming home from Las Vegas, and I received a call. Let me back up for a minute! I went to LV on Tuesday morning, had my mom work on my teeth (I'm going to be her board exam patient next week), and then came home yesterday evening. I know, we've been traveling a LOT! Anyway, back to the phone call. I had taken my parents to look at a few homes. I received a call from the listing Agent on a particular home and she was wanting to get some feedback on it. I told her that it was a beautiful home, but the backyard was a little smaller than what my parents were looking for, and thanked her for allowing us to view the home. I hung up, turned off the phone (we were about to take off) and the lady sitting next to me said, "you must be a REALTOR?" I told her I was, and asked if she was as well. She has been doing Real Estate for 20 years in Idaho Falls. She said that she had two of her listed homes sell while she was on vacation in Las Vegas... YES! 2 HOMES SOLD WHILE ON VACATION! I couldn't believe it. (Well, I could, but I didn't want to!) Anyway, this gave me some motivation! I want to become more active in my job. Although my #1 job right now is being a MOM, but it's not hard to take him along to show homes. So, this is my little advertising for the week. (I'll be posting something like this often) I need to build my clientele!


I am a REALTOR. I have been in Real Estate for 2.5 years. I love it! Please let me know of ANYONE you know who is looking to buy or sell a home. Thanks for your help!

Erica McGuire

Affiliated Realty Group


Please make sure that your referrals mention your name!! :)

Monday, March 24, 2008


I will be posting some pictures of Brody's First Birthday Party soon! (My camera battery died and I can't upload any pictures until it's recharged). We had a great time! I made WAY too much food, but it's always nice to have leftovers! Brody liked his cake, but didn't eat much of it- ok, he had like 3 bites. We had a great time! Here is the little invitation that my Aunt Becky made for us!!I'll post some pictures of Easter as well. He loved the candy! He was chewing on a Twix that was still in the wrapper, and he made a little hole and was able to get some chocolate. He loved it! He was walking around in circles just chowing down on the thing. It was hilarious...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Faux-Hawk is back and so are WE!

We were trying to grow out Brody's hair to be shaggy for the summer... then, Bobby decided he liked Brody's faux-hawk better. I like both! I loved his little curls in the back, but that was the only place his curls would go. I thought his whole head would have little curls all over, but they never came! So, we got out the clippers one night and brought back the hawk! We love it. He's so darn cute with it!

We just got home from California yesterday. We went out to San Jose, Monterey, Carmel, The Santa Cruz Boardwalk, etc... (Bay Area) Bobby served his mission there, and his mom had a BYU conference out at Asilomar. We tagged along and got to visit his mission. I had never been out there, and it had been 5 years since Bobby had been back. Everyone kept saying... "When you were on your mission, did you think that in 5 years you would be back with your WIFE and SON?!" It's crazy how fast time flies. Speaking of flying, we flew out on Friday- Brody's first birthday! I had one couple say, "If he comes out here for his FIRST birthday, you're going to have to top that next year!" We had a blast! We mainly did sight seeing of Bobby's old stompin' grounds! It was BEAUTIFUL! I imagined it would be like LA with lots of Beaches! Palm Trees! Whatever! But, it was more of a green, hilly, area. There were farms and lots of different trees. Very pretty! I'm glad I was able to go out there... BTW- there were beaches! I loved seeing the ocean everyday! I miss it. We went to Bobby's old Spanish Speaking Branch, which was very fun! There were a lot of members who remembered him and were happy to see him again. I am so proud of him. It was so amazing to feel the spirit in that little branch sacrament meeting, where I couldn't even understand a word! I love that no matter where we go, or what language it's in, the spirit still feels the same. A member of the Branch Presidency was conducting and at the beginning of Sacrament meeting he stood up and, in Spanish, welcomed "Brother McGuire" and his family. He said that he had missed him and they loved him. I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes. I love my hubby! What an amazing experience. We also went down 17 mile drive, which was awesome! I found my dream home, and we took lots of pictures. We went to the Monterey Bay aquarium (We stayed in Monterey) and while Bobby and his dad were golfing at PEBBLE BEACH, Diana, my mother-in-law, and I went shopping in Carmel. It went too quickly, but it was a fun trip! We're happy to be home and Brody is happy to be in his BED AGAIN!!
The 18th Hole at the Pebble Beach Golf Links

Castroville- Artichoke CITY!

On 17 mile-drive. Very windy!

Brody LOVES my blow dryer! Silly boy!

INTRODUCING: Brody's NEW "silly face"... He started doing this one day and we all laughed, now that he knows he's funny, he'll do it to get a reaction out of people! I love him!!

"silly face" at dinner
WHO IS THIS?! ... we are convinced it's some Athlete! He lives on 17- mile drive! Look at that CAR- RR!

Looking at the Fishies at the Aquarium

Mom and Brody on his FIRST Merry-Go-Round! (At the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!) He loved it, but it made him very relaxed and tired by the time it was over!
17- mile drive
Isn't this the CUTEST picture!? This statue is at Pebble Beach GC, and has a plate next to it that says "Just Like Dad"... I love it!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I wasn't able to sleep very well last night because I kept thinking of what I was doing at that exact time last year... I've been doing that all week. (Note: my post underneath this one). I went into labor on Friday, March 10, 2007. We were at Outback with my family having dinner and I started to have some contractions. My mom, who was a L&D nurse for 13 years, had me sit on a big workout ball that night and all weekend. I ended up having consistent contractions for the weekend, and Sunday morning we decided to go into the hospital. My contractions weren't strong, but they were 3-5 minutes apart. (Isn't that when they tell you to go IN?) I wasn't even dilated to a one and I was only 80% effaced. I ended up getting sent home... grrr! That was something I DID NOT want to happen. I walked for the next 2 days, and did a lot of "ball" sitting and rocking. I continued having contractions and ate everything that I heard would bring on contractions (which I really think helped! - Cajun Clucks and Fries from Red Robin, Spaghetti with a LOT of herbs added, and FRESH pineapple). My contractions grew stronger and my mom flew up on Monday night. We were up all night, and continued timing them throughout the day. We ended up going into the hospital on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at about 4:00 pm. When I got there I was dilated to a 2, but the nurse didn't know if I would be able to stay. She called my doctor, who came over to check me, and he said he would break my water to help move things along faster!!! YAY!! He broke my water at 7 pm, and I got my epidural 15 minutes later! I had felt enough and I was only at a 3! :) I delivered Brody James McGuire at 1:38 am on Wednesday, March 14, 2007. He was 6 lbs 6 oz and 18 inched long! (he was 2 weeks early). It was a great delivery! I remember the first time he looked at me, our eyes just connected! It was such a great experience, and we love him very much! Our baby is one! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY!!!

Last night, the 3 of us went to Toys "R" Us and bought his birthday presents. No, we're not slackers, we just changed our minds on what we wanted to get him. I'll post pictures of his party next weekend. Today, I am going to make him a cake and Bobby and I will sing Happy Birthday, and let him eat his FIRST cake! I hope he likes it! He's kind of a picky little eater! Which is funny, because I would (and still do) eat everything!!

Love, Momma and Dadda!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Last year at this time...

I was in the hospital getting hooked up to an IV. I cannot even believe how fast the year has gone. My baby boy will be one tomorrow at 1:38 AM. What an amazing experience it was to deliver him. I loved it!! I loved holding my PERFECT little gift from our Father in Heaven. He has grown to be such a sweet, loving, energetic little boy and we love him so so much! Here are some pictures of "our" little journey through my pregnancy... all leading up to this special day! We love you Brody and are so thankful that you are ours for Eternity!

It's a boy!

Cute little guy!

Christmas 2007- 5 1/2 months pregnant

Fellas Banquet- 6 months pregnant!

Our FAVORITE outfit- black jumpsuit! 7 months

How sweet! 7 1/2 months pregnant. (Warning: NEVER wear stripes while pregnant!!)

Mom being a little anxious for you to come! (8 months pregnant)

8 months

At a shower- 8 months pregnant

Ready for baby!

Mommy, Aunt DeeDee (and cousin Braxton) and Aunt Dayna (and cousin Cole)
8 1/2 months pregnant... 4 days before you were born! (Yes, I know, I was HUGE!)

I can't believe I am posting this picture! Mommy before delivery and 45 pounds heavier!
There you have it! That was a glimpse of my pregnancy, which I LOVED! Tomorrow I'll have a "Happy Birthday Brody" post!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

How cute is he?!

I just love my baby!! He's always keeping me busy, and finding new things to get into. Here are a few pictures all in ONE day- probably one hour! But, I find joy and entertainment in every silly thing he does! I love him!!

Playing with the tire on the jogging stroller...

Yes, he is eating the tire.

He loves unrolling the toilet paper! (Which ends with a big wad of it on the counter!)

I know, I needed to clean out my wallet anyway!

WHAT MOM?! No big deal!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vote for Emma...

Here is a picture of our beautiful niece, Emma, who is in a contest to become the "new face of Haley Bean Photography". (Haylee is our cousin)Emma has been chosen to be in the top 7 finalists, and we need your help to get as many votes as we can! (Not that you wouldn't vote for her anyway, she is the cutest!) :) Click here on and cast your vote! She's number 7 and all you need to do is click and submit! It's that easy! (Now I'm sounding like that lawyer) Anyway, thanks so much!! Hopefully she'll win- I'll keep you posted! (Voting ends on March 7th at midnight). Also, this is the same picture you'll vote for-keep an eye out for it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I miss the SUN!

Last week, (Sunday 2/23 to Saturday 3/1) Bobby went to NYC for business. Yes, he was spoiled and flew first class, stayed in a 5 star Hilton Hotel, and got to eat whatever, whenever... but he sure did miss his family. Since he left, I decided (insisted) to go to my parents home in Las Vegas. I don't like to stay home alone- I'm a wimp! So, we both went to the airport together, but left on separate planes. (This was the 2ND time we've done this!) So, Bobby's week consisted mainly of going to work and cruising around NY. Of course, when I say cruising, I mean taking the subway, a taxi, or his own two feet. He says he would hate to live out there because you have to use public transportation and there isn't any's all buildings unless you're in Central Park. I've never been to NY, but want to go SOOO bad! I'm planning on going out there with him on his next trip. I couldn't leave Brody this time because he's still nursing. Anyway, here are some pictures from my time in Las Vegas- it was so nice! (About 75* everyday!) I miss the sun!! I can't wait for Spring! (Besides, Spring clothes are absolutely adorable!)

My mom is in the Nursery, so we went in with her during the first hour. Brody had a blast! He went straight for the cars- of course! Later, he saw a doll on the floor, went and picked it up, looked at it for a second, and then threw it over his shoulder. It was HILARIOUS! I'm so glad he didn't want to play with it! (Bobby's proud!)

Somehow, he gets up onto EVERYTHING! I had to block my mom's fireplace, because he would crawl on that, too!

Playing at a park

With Grandma at her School. Sitting in the Dental Chair

Look Closely! That is definitely a THONG hanging from the stroller!! I went into Frederick's (a Lingerie store) and when I left, my stroller snagged a nice little something! There is Velcro holding a strap on the stroller, which is what the thong got caught on. I was walking around the mall for about 15 minutes before I noticed it hanging there. I stuck it in my bag, went back to Frederick's and returned it to them!

Poor Baby :( Brody got his first fat lip(s). He was crawling on the tile, and fell face first. It was the first time I had ever seen him bleed. His lips swelled up fast, and he kept trying to pick it off of his mouth, he thought something was on him- it was so sad. We gave him a Popsicle. Later, we noticed that he had ripped the (phrenom?) It's the line that connects your gums to your top lip. He's so tough!

Playing in the sand at the park

Cutest park ever! (the Butterfly park)

Brody with some (cousins? Distant relatives) left to right: Brody, Allie, Maddie, and Austin

Yes, I'm retarded and took Brody down the PINK slide. I thought it would be best just to go straight- yeah right! It was the fastest and we FLEW out of there! Never go down a big, straight slide, especially with a baby!

LOVED Austin's bike.

Me, Brody, and My Aunt Mandy (Brody's great Aunt) We had a picnic at the park!

AHHHHH!!! (Imagine me singing that!)

Town Square Las Vegas- a new shopping center that is AMAZING! Cute little park for the kids, too! (At TS) How smart is that?! A playground at a shopping center! (And a NICE one, too)

At Macayo's for lunch with my brother Evan. "Uncle Evan"

Grandma feeding him beans! One of his favorite foods!

Relaxing in the sun by Grandma's pool.

Grandma and Grandpa's getaway backyard! This is where we sat every morning! So relaxing to be by the pool and palm trees!

Out for Frozen Yogurt with Grandpa and Uncle Brent

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma

On the Airplane... going home!
Worn out
DADDY!!!! We missed him sooo much!!