Monday, August 13, 2012

"My sister"

Gavin is so sweet to the baby. He comes up to me and kisses my belly all day long! It is the sweetest thing. Anytime he sees a baby outfit he says "ooohhh!!!!" The boys are both so excited for their baby sister to arrive and I can't wait to see them with her! Gavin always tells me "that's my sister in your belly!" I love seeing the love that they have for her already!
Only 15 weeks left! WAHOO!

Door Lock

I bought some door locks for the boys' room and just barely brought them out of their package a few days ago when Gavin was throwing a fit.
He knocked them off in a matter of 2 minutes.
Didn't go so well.
When he was throwing a HUGE fit (says things like "you guys aren't being nice to me!" or "I'm not playing with you tomorrow") I gave no warning and switched the locks between his bedroom and bathroom. Now, their bedroom has a REAL lock on the OUTSIDE of the door.
This is a "Magic door".
If you throw a fit or are naughty, the door locks. The only way the "magic door" will unlock is by being nice and happy! (Blame everything on something else!) "Sorry, Mommy can't open the door, it won't unlock until you're happy!"
This has been a great teaching tool for Gavin. He can be fairly stubborn. He gets that from his Mommy!
Before the door lock, his fits would be loud and last about ten minutes. He would yell crazy things at us, throw things, hit things, and slam doors. WILD BOY!
I knew that I needed to teach him how to react to those feelings. He can't grow up thinking that's ok. When he gets locked in his room, he knows he needs to change his feelings from anger and frustration to happiness. He is usually in his room for only 2 minutes or so. I'm so proud of him!
Yesterday while getting ready for church he started to throw a huge fit. I locked him in his room and tried to get him to calm down. Bobby ended up talking to him thru the door but kept telling him the door wouldn't unlock until he was happy. I asked Brody to go tell Gavin that he wanted him to come out and play. This is what I heard:
Brody: "Gavin, do you want to come out and play with me?"
Gavin: (serious) "I can't, because the door is locked."
It was hilarious! He seriously thought he couldn't get out. Brody then opened the door and they were all smiles! I love my sweet boys! They are the best of friends!!

Mom's Butt!

Brody saw me walking into the kitchen yesterday and said "Mom, do you know what your butt looks like?" I looked at him confused and he proceeded to show me... he cupped each of his butt cheeks with a hand and lifted one at a time as he walked ... like a hippo!
Bobby and I laughed!
I then went to sit on the couch and walked past him. He tilted his head, looked at my butt, and said "Yep! I was right! That's what it looks like!"

Thank goodness I don't get too emotional about those things - especially while I'm pregnant!
He cracks me up!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Primary songs

I love to sing Primary songs with my boys! They will both sing them randomly throughout the day (at the store) and we sing before bed. The other day, Gavin was upset and throwing a fit (he says "you're not being nice to me" a lot... just to get some sympathy. And it works. How can you be mad at that cute little face?!) He went into his room and started to sing "I am a child of God" with a wimper. It was so cute. He also said the prayer at dinner while acting like he was crying. You can't help but giggle at the cuteness! Tonight, the 3 of us sang "I am a child of God" (Gav's favorite) and "I'm trying to be like Jesus" (Brody's favorite). It was so sweet :)   I love my boys!!!

The pool ... once again

Yesterday while at the pool Gavin was trying to fill up a squirt gun but had no floaties. I kept telling him to get them on but he didn't want them. I was afraid of him falling in (for the third time this summer) but just kept an extra close eye on him. Sure enough, he fell in and everyone at the pool got to see a big pregnant lady (me) run across to save him. As I got up to him I could see that he was swimming but his face was still under the water. He was swimming right to the edge of the pool and reached up right as I got him out. I was so proud of him. He was so scared. It was not a fun experience. I kept telling him how proud I was that he just kept swimming. He held onto me for about 30 minutes after that. I got his floaties back on and he was more relaxed again. I'm glad he learned a little lesson and was just fine.

The boys have loved watching the Olympics and decided to do some swimming races in the pool. Brody has been swimming on his own all summer and is getting quite good! He bends down on the edge of the pool, says "go!" and dives in. He swam races with a 9 year old boy and beat him or tied every time. He loves being competitive!

Today, Bobby was home and we went to the pool again. It was fun. My mom joined us as well. I decided to try and teach Gavin to swim a little more without floaties since the little episode yesterday. He did awesome! We taught him to swim with his face in the water so his legs would be up behind him instead of directly underneath him like they were yesterday. Bobby would hold him and get him started, he would then swim about 7 feet to the stairs. That kid can hold his breath! I'm so proud of my 2 sweet boys.

This summer... both boys are riding bikes without training wheels and swimming without floaties!!! Brody age 5, Gavin age 3.

"Are you being mean to my brudder?"

Yesterday at the pool, Brody came up to me and said that a kid wasn't being nice. Gavin heard him tell me this and thought he should take care of the problem on his own. He swam up to the kid, got in his face and said "Are you being mean to my brudder?" The kid then said "No, I'm not!" Gavin: "Yes, you are!" Kid: "No, I'm not!" Gavin: "Yes! YOU! ARE!" I grabbed him and started taking him away from the situation but he kept trying to swim towards the kid, yelling at him. I put him on the side of the pool where he shook his head, rolled his eyes, waved his arms, and grunted. He is hilarious! He gets so dramatic! This went on for about ten minutes. The kid was 5 years old, like Brody, but Gavin doesn't realize the size difference :)  I'm glad he sticks up for his brother!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gavin's "L"

Gavin doesn't know how to say his "L's" very well.
For example, tonight at dinner he told Bobby "I want a yot (lot)!" Bobby's response? "I want a yacht!!"
It was hilarious!