Saturday, May 16, 2009

night Letters #15 N

night words
for you to keep
secret, hidden little a's
to z's, just like the box
grandpa buried beneath the seat
of his '39 Ford, filled
with french letters.


andie said...

what a tiny perfect poem.

hidden and hid - do you want to sub one of those words? stashed, secreted, stowed?

i sure like this whole premise. letters, and letters. letters about letters.

sms said...

good one Ariel, I'll think I'll go with secreted

Ariel Gordon said...

I wish I could take credit.

Though it's probably deliberate on your part, but "french letters" jars a bit. Because the alphabet is the same in French or in in English, were we speaking literally. And you're not, you mean letters, as in correspondence.

How about "scented paper" instead?

Though that's a mite stereotypical, the elegant Frenchwoman scenting her loveletters with perfume.

sms said...

actually Ariel, I mean french letters as in condoms!!!!
someone told me a story about finding a box of these old (and unused I might add) artifacts under the old man's car seat after he'd gone!

bee said...

French letters? That's one reference I've never heard before. Like the poem.