Monday, May 11, 2009

Crow 5

the bird
the body

the victim flesh
killed by the court

and banned from the graveyard
these crows black once red now


sms said...

o these are so interesting jonathan... the one comment on Crow 5, and bear in mind that this comes from the queen of crappy punctuation, is that I think you need a , after "black once, red now" unless you want the ambiguity... it reads "once red" which I'm not sure is correct.

forgive me if I'm off on this one (I usually am)

andie said...

yay jonathan been missing the corvids

hm yeh the last line did confuse me i read
these crows, black, once red, now

(inserting my own commas incorrectly. do all readers do this?)

i like "killed by the court, banned from the graveyard"

Curiosity & Joy said...

This is a great set of images. I like the use of one syllable words. Actually the the way you dole out syllables to conrol the rhythm is a pleasant economy.