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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Homeaway. Tampilkan semua postingan

30 Mei 2017

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We all know that sakura season is the best time to enjoy Japan. Despite it'll be way more crowded than usual, you can actually get the best of sakura in Japan, do these things for more memorable, fun and also great photo album to keep for your future memories!


Piknik, makan minum dan bercanda, menikmati waktu saat suhu menghangat dan indahnya warna sakura memenuhi taman-taman yang ada di Jepang. Sakura season is surely best to spend in the park, complete your experience by doing what Japanese do, hanami!
For more about hanami in Japan, also what to prepare, check out my previous post here

Tips: Cari taman-taman yang tidak begitu populer untuk turis, taman-taman ini jauh lebih sepi dengan banyak ruang untuk kita menikmati taman. I suggest Kyu Shiba Rikyu Garden yang berada persis di sebelah Hamammatsucho Station di Tokyo


Strolling the roads and gardens filled with sakura view is even better when you do it in a traditional way, wearing colorful kimono! Cherish the spring color is a fun way! Selain menyenangkan, hangat (yes, bahkan di awal spring yang masih cukup dingin, kimono sangat menjaga suhu tubuh), you'll get many smiles from people around, we got so many compliments from old ladies in Tokyo, probably because there isn't so many people wearing kimono in Tokyo these days :)

Where to rent: Birei Tokyo
Price: 3000 yen/ 2 hours or 5000 yen for a whole day (return at 4 PM)


Setiap musim sakura, berbagai brand selalu mengeluarkan produk-produk edisi sakura, termasuk cemilan seperti cokelat, kue-kue, hingga minuman yang khusus dijual hanya di musim sakura seperti sakura Mcfizz yang sangat menarik ini, don't forget to snap also :)


Bersepeda di musim sakura benar-benar pengalaman menyenangkan. Bayangkan menyusuri jalanan yang dipenuhi warna pink di kanan dan kiri, pemandangan yang tentunya sangat menenangkan, everything is beautiful during sakura season and biking around is surely extra fun!


Kalau foto saat musim sakura biasanya kita akan mencari taman, shrine dan temple yang dikelilingi pohon sakura, namun saat inilah kita dapat berhenti dan menikmati atmosfir di mana saja! We stop at this baseball court that turned so beautiful during sakura season!

There are so many other things to do during sakura season, but most importantly: just enjoy, don't rush things and tried to get too many places. See, breathe, enjoy and make the most experience from each place you visited.

@marischkaprue - planning for more sakura season experience

23 April 2017

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Jika membayangkan jajaran gerbang merah khas shrine di Jepang, kita pasti akan langsung mengasosiasikan dengan Fushimi Inari-Taisha di Kyoto yang telah menjadi destinasi populer dan merupakan salah satu shrine yang paling banyak dikunjungi di Jepang.

Namun jika kita hanya ingin menghabiskan waktu di Tokyo, vibes serupa dapat ditemukan di shrine yang hanya berjarak sekitar 10 menit berjalan kaki dari Nezu Station di Tokyo. Deretan torii gate berwarna merah-oranye memenuhi salah satu sisi jalur utama di Nezu Shrine, lengkap dengan tulisan-tulisan Jepang di sisi tiang gerbang merah ini.

Jajaran torii gate merah benar-benar menyerupai yang ada di Fushimi Inari-Taisha, namun dalam skala lebih kecil, tapi lebih tenang dan sepi karena Nezu Shrine tidak sepopuler Fushimi Inari-Taisha.

Saya menemukan shrine ini tanpa disengaja. Awalnya saya singgah ke Nezu Station karena ingin datang ke toko Marutaro, anjing shiba populer Jepang yang kini bahkan (pemiliknya) memiliki toko merchandise khusus Maru. Usai berkunjung ke toko Maru, saya melihat ada shrine yang berjarak sangat dekat di map sehingga iseng mampir, namun ternyata Nezu Shrine sangat cantik dan menyenangkan :)

Saya menghabiskan banyak waktu di shrine ini untuk foto-foto, sekadar nongkrong dan menikmati ambience, plus mengirim doa positif, bersyukur atas ketidaksengajaan yang menyenangkan ini.

@marischkaprue – shop and shrine (stops)


113-0031 Tokyo, Bunkyo

From Omote-Sando, take the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line for Ayase and stop at Nezu Station
Nezu Shrine is a 10 minutes walk distance from the station


Try renting apartment when you visit Tokyo, we stayed at HomeAway properties and it surely feels like home :)


27 November 2016

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Jepang adalah salah satu destinasi yang tidak pernah membosankan untuk dikunjungi berulang kali, dan Tokyo adalah salah satu kota favorit bagi hampir semua orang yang berkunjung ke Jepang (also for me!).

Japan is one of the destinations that are never boring to be visited repeatedly, and Tokyo is one of the favorite cities for almost everyone who already visited Japan (also for me!).

Untuk yang berkeliling beberapa kota di Jepang, Tokyo biasanya menjadi kota pertama untuk entry point, dan sebelum kembali ke Indonesia (bagi warga Indonesia). When you only got two days in Tokyo, what’ll you do? I’m sharing some spots that’ll be nice to fill your time while you’re in Tokyo.

For people who travel in several cities in Japan, Tokyo is usually the first city for the entry point, and before returning to Indonesia (for the citizens of Indonesia). When you only got two days in Tokyo, what'll you do? I'm sharing some spots that'll be nice to fill your time while you're in Tokyo.



Kuil Buddha tertua di Jepang ini selalu dipadati pengunjung, dan bukan tanpa alasan. Senso-ji di Asakusa ini sangat cantik, dengan atmosphere serba merah, sebagian pengunjung yang menggunakan kimono atau yukata, dan toko-toko menarik di sepanjang jalan menuju Senso-ji

This Japan's oldest Buddhist temple is always crowded with visitors, and not without reason. Senso-ji in Asakusa is very pretty, with red-paced atmosphere, some visitors who wears kimono or yukata, and interesting shops along the path to Senso-ji

Ueno Park

Ada begitu banyak taman di Tokyo namun Ueno park dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk menikmati ketenangan

There are so many parks in Tokyo but Ueno park could be one option to enjoy the tranquility

Shibuya Crossing

One of the must do list in Tokyo is enjoying the crowd at Shibuya crossing. Why? Because it’s just iconic and, why not?
Tokyo Skytree

Salah satu tempat terbaik untuk menikmati Tokyo dari ketinggian, dengan view 360° dari ketinggian 350 meter di dek observasi. Nikmati juga magic moment saat sunset dan Tokyo diliputi cahaya jingga.

One of the best places to enjoy Tokyo from a height, with a view of 360 ° from a height of 350 meters on the observation deck. Enjoy the magic moment at sunset and Tokyo filled with an orange glow.

Diver City

Masih ingin berkeliling di malam hari? Patung Gundam besar di Diver City ini selalu menarik untuk dikunjungi di malam hari

Still want to get around at night? Huge Gundam statue at Diver City is always interesting to be visited at night


Salah satu toko favorit saya untuk berbelanja di Jepang. Thrift store ini menjual berbagai pakaian second namun layak pakai dan unik, kita dapat menemukan vintage clothes, aksesoris unik dan tentunya beragam kimono dan yukata dengan harga yang sangat menarik

One of my favorite stores to shop in Japan. Thrift store sells a variety of secondhand clothings but it is still wearable and unique, we can find vintage clothes, unique accessories and of course a variety of kimono and yukata with a very attractive price
Takeshita Street

Jalanan ini dipenuhi toko-toko yang menjual barang-barang unik dan yang tidak terbayangkan dapat kita kenakan, terutama pakaian. Namun merchandise seru juga dapat kita temukan di sini

This street is filled with shops selling unique and unimaginable things that we can wear, particularly clothes. But the intriguing merchandises can also be found here


Mencari mainan? Toko 7 lantai di dekat Stasiun Ueno ini akan memuaskan keinginan kita, dan membuat kita lupa waktu saat berkeliling di Yamashiroya ini

Looking for toys? The 7 floors shop near Ueno Station will satisfy our desires, and make us lose track of time while traveling in this Yamashiroya

Don Quijote

Toko serba ada yang menjual – basically anything!, mulai dari cemilan, pakaian, mainan, tas, sepatu, alat dapur, topeng-topeng aneh, adult shops material, hingga tas branded.

The store which sells - basically anything !, ranging from snacks, clothing, toys, handbags, shoes, kitchen equipment, odd masks, adult shops material, to the branded bags.


Tokyo Disneyland & Tokyo DisneySea

Happiness is here, well gotta agree on that karena a visit to Tokyo Disneyland dan Tokyo Disneysea selalu memberi kebahagiaan. Anyway, who doesn’t like a lunch with pluto anyway? 

Happiness is here, well gotta agree on that because a visit to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disneysea always gives happiness. Anyway, who does not like a lunch with Pluto anyway?

Robot Restaurant

Dinner bersama robot? While in Japan, nothing impossible including this unique restaurant. Pengunjung dapat menikmati makan malam sambil menonton pertunjukkan robot-robot random yang akan “perform” di depan kita

Dinner together with a robot? While in Japan, nothing impossible including this unique restaurant. Visitors can enjoy dinner while watching the show  of random robots that will "perform" in front of us

Selama ini saya selalu menginap di hotel saat berkunjung ke Tokyo dan di trip bulan ini, saya mencoba menyewa apartemen melalui HomeAway, Pertimbangan pertama saya adalah akses, karena selama ini saya memilih hotel agar mendapat penginapan di dekat stasiun, namun ternyata banyak opsi apartemen yang berdekatan dengan stasiun-stasiun utama di Tokyo.

Previously I always stay at the hotel during a visit to Tokyo and in the trip of this month, I tried to rent an apartment through HomeAway, my first consideration was the access, because all this time I chose the hotel in order to get an inn that is near the station, but there are many options of apartment with major stations in Tokyo.

Area near Maki's HomeAway apartement
Saya memilih apartemen milik Maki yang terletak hanya 5 menit berjalan kaki saja dari Komagome Station, salah satu stasiun di jalur JR Yamanote, jalur utama yang melewati spot-spot utama seperti Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku dan lain-lain.

I chose the apartment belonged to Maki located just 5 minutes walk away from Komagome Station, one station on the JR Yamanote line, the main route through the main spots like Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku and others main attractions in Tokyo.

Usai booking, Maki memberikan petunjuk sangat detail mengenai lokasi apartemennya, fasilitas dan lain-lain. Saat tiba di apartemennya, saya sangat senang, it’s exceeding my expectation. Apartemen Maki ini luas, dengan kamar tidur yang dapat mengakomodasi tiga orang, ruang tamu dengan sofa yang juga dapat diubah menjadi tempat tidur, dapur dan ruang makan, serta kamar mandi dan toilet yang terpisah ruangan, sangat spacious untuk ukuran akomodasi di Tokyo :)

After booking, Maki gave very detailed instructions regarding the location of the apartment, facilities and others. When arriving at the apartment, I am very happy, it's exceeding my expectation. Maki's apartment is spacious, with a bedroom that can accommodate three people, a living room with a sofa which can also be converted into a bed, kitchen and dining room and a bathroom and a toilet which are separated, very spacious for the size of accommodation in Tokyo :)

Another great thing is that Maki prepare a wifi router (free) for us, dan menuliskan pesan di kertas tentang hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan di apartemennya, seperti cara menyalakan penghangat dan lain-lain.

Another great thing is that Maki prepared a wifi router (free) for us, and wrote a message on a paper about the things that need to be considered in the apartment, such as how to turn on the heating and others.

Great weather when we stay

Menginap di apartemen Maki melalui HomeAway terasa seperti menginap di rumah teman (namun dengan tetap memiliki privasi penuh), It’s a nice way to stay and feels at home when you’re away, surely will do this kind of bookings again :) (and I already did!)

Staying in Maki's apartment through HomeAway feels like staying at a friend's house (but still getting full privacy), It's a nice way to stay and feels at home when you're away, surely will do this kind of bookings again :) (and I already did!)

@marischkaprue – feeling home even when she’s away



Bayangkan tiga tahun mendapatkan value 6000 SGD untuk menginap di akomodasi yang tersedia di HomeAway, dengan jatah 2000 SGD per tahunnya, how great is that?

Imagine three years of getting value 6000 SGD to stay in accommodation which is available at HomeAway, with a quota of 2000 SGD per year, how great is that?

Caranya mudah, hanya booking melalui HomeAway (click here
) dan dapatkan diskon 10%, plus email untuk bergabung di kontes #GetAwayWithHomeAway

It's easy, just booking through HomeAway (click here) and get a 10% discount, plus e-mail to join in the contest #GetAwayWithHomeAway

Again, how great is that? :)

See more on HomeAwayFacebook page
