Showing posts with label honor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honor. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Rolling Thunder today in Washington DC - a remembrance for POW/MIA

 Hi ya Gorgeous,

Oh my prayer for you is that today, you are enjoying your loved ones, good foods and fun!  Though, as all of the good timin' is going on, please remember the reason why we in the United States, have tomorrow set aside, it's known as Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces. The holiday, originally known as Decoration Day, started after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate dead.  It has continued to be honored and celebrated as a way to give remembrance and  honor to the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

To everyone riding today in Rolling Thunder, be safe, have fun and most importantly, 

Use the hashtag #ROLLINGTHUNDER on social media to find videos of the ride happening! It's a beautiful thing to see. Ooh rah!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Remembering Pearl Harbor today

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is a day in history for the United States of America as we remember the attacks on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The phrase for today is " a day that will live on in infamy".

Today, Japan is one of our strongest allies, though it wasn't always so.

The target ship USS Utah, and the battleships USS Arizona and Oklahoma, were the only ships the Japanese left beyond repair. The Utah remains on the Pearl Harborfloor along with the Arizona. The Oklahoma was raised after a massive effort but proved to be too damaged to return to service.

The day before the attacks, the USS Arizona took on a full load of fuel, nearly 1.5 million gallons. Much of that fuel helped ignite the explosion and subsequent fires that destroyed the ship, but — amazingly — some fuel continues to seep out of the wreckage. According to the History Channel, the Arizona “continues to spill up to 9 quarts of oil into the harbor each day“ and visitors often say it is as if the ship were still bleeding.

Survivors of the attack have the option to join their lost comrades and make Pearl Harbor their final resting place. Crew members who served on board the USS Arizona during the attack — the ship that experienced the most devastating damage — may choose to have their ashes deposited by divers beneath one of the sunken Arizona’s gun turrets. Roughly 30 Arizona survivors have chosen this option and less than a dozen of the 355 survivors are still living. Other military survivors can choose to have their ashes scattered wherever their ship was located during the attacks.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sources: Huffington Post, Google, Wikipedia

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day - Remember to say thank you and welcome home

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today we take a break from our normally scheduled beauty talk to focus on something near to my heart and important.

In the United States, today is Veteran's Day and it's our chance to honor and remember the men and women of the military who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country.

It's very important, when you see someone, usually an old guy, wearing a Vietnam Veteran hat, that you tell the person, "thank you for your service and welcome home". These boys, when they returned from the war, were met with disdain due to the political climate at the time. It wasn't fair and it wasn't right though it happened.

I do this every chance I get and it's always met with grace and gratitude.

Here's some details from the Veteran's Day website:
Veterans Day is the memorial for honoring American soldiers who served and sacrificed their lives in all the warfare from World War I (WWI). The original name was Armistice Day which marked the end WWI on the 11th hour, 11th day and 11th month of 1918. An anonymous US soldier was laid to rest at the national cemetery at Arlington. Similar events took place in Arc de Triomphe, France and Westminster Abbey in England on the same day. Since 1954 it was renamed as Veterans Day in The US, declaring it as a formal holiday.
World War I started on 28th of July in 1914 between the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire) and the Allied Forces (Empire of Britain, Russia, France, USA, Japan, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Greece, Hejaz and Siam). This war took toll of 9 million military personnel and 7 million civilian lives.

And now a lil beauty talk ... Rosie the Riveter how to video

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Remembering with respect and honor in some videos
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As a citizen of the United States of America, today is solemn and somber day to remember the attacks in New York city on September 11th. Below are some videos, please watch and take a moment to remember.

I love the horses in this next video!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!