Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2020

FLOTUS Friday: Brows with Milani brow fix kit


Hi ya Gorgeous!
Thank you so much for tuning in today! It is another live video as I have been going every which way!
I'm starting a Friday series - FLOTUS Friday to be exact where I track and review the beauty of the First Lady of the United States.


Today, it's Melania's brows with Milani brow fix kit. Yes, I have the e.l.f. brow gel as well and will do in a different video. I bought these both at my local Burbank CVS store.

Overall - I like it! The gel is wearing well and not smudging. There is a bit of a learning curve versus using powder, which is my favorite. I am liking the look and feel. Note to new users, the thinner and firmer the slant tip brush - the better! These two brands are the ABH (Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow dupes!)

Enjoy the video - happy Friday the 13th and here is an Amazon affiliate link to get some Milani brow fix kit for you too!

 Finally - happy Friday the 13th!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, September 7, 2020

3 Must Haves for Labor Day Weekend via Mordor West

Hi ya Gorgeous! 

Happy Labor Day weekend to you and your family! I hope this finds you keeping cool! My area has had record breaking high temperatures, fires and an earthquake.  I liken it to living in Mordor West.

I have 3 things that can help you with a Labor Day celebration - enjoy the video! If you are out and about, please be mindful of your surroundings and know what station to tune into for emergency road conditions. In California, the fire can shift at a wind's notice and close a road down. 
Be alert while having fun!

Amazon affiliate links to help: 
Neutrogena sunscreen 
PeriPera lip ink :



Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day USA!

Hi ya Gorgeous!

In the United States today, we are celebrating the birth of our nation. Today, in 1776 the United States of America became official! 

There are many ways to celebrate. Usually, it is with fireworks and a gathering of friends and family for a meal. BBQ! Or something on the grill? 

However you choose to celebrate today all the freedoms and liberties available to citizens of the USA - please be mindful of veterans who are living with PTSD and animals who get scared with the boom of fireworks.

God bless the USA! 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..” -Declaration of Independence


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day: In the Land of The Free Because of The Brave! Thank you Veterans!

Hi ya Gorgeous,

It's an important day here in the United States - it's Memorial Day.  It's our day to honor and remember those who sacrificed their life for the freedom we enjoy everyday.

All gave some and some gave all! Today there are many free meals and giveaways for veterans and active duty servicemen to enjoy! See the list below.

Final thoughts, the final Rolling Thunder is happening today in Washington DC - thank you. Going forward, I hope that it can be worked out that the tradition will continue.

Free food and meal deals

Participation can vary. To be on the safe side, check with your closest location.
Applebee's: Through May 31, participating restaurants are offering active, retired military servicemembers and their families to dine and receive 10% off their bill. Also for the month of May, get the Dollarita margarita for $1 at participating restaurants nationwide.
Chuck E. Cheese's: Military families including active-duty, National Guard, reservists and retired service members get special deals year-round when they show their Common Access Card, Uniformed Services ID Card or Dependent ID Card at restaurants.
Firebirds Wood Fired Grill: Veterans, active military and Gold Star family members get a free entree with the purchase of another meal Monday.
Fogo de ChãoVeterans and active duty personnel get 50% off meals Monday and up to three guests get 10% off their meals. Military identification required.
HootersVeterans and active military eat free from a special menu Monday with a military identification and drink purchase. Hooters also offers a daily 10% military discount and a special 20% military discount every Tuesday throughout the year at participating locations.
LaMar's DonutsVeterans and active duty military get a free doughnut and small coffee Monday.
Logan’s Roadhouse: Active-duty military and veterans get a free meal from the American Roadhouse Meals menu with proof of service from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday.
McCormick & Schmick’sVeterans, active military personnel, Gold Star parents and spouses and National Guard get a free entree Monday.
Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub: Veterans and active military who purchase any meal Monday get a free entrée from the “9 Real Size Entrées for $9.99 Menu.” Proof of service required. 
Outback SteakhouseThrough Monday, active military, veterans, police officers and firefighters with valid state or federal identification get 20% off. There’s also a 10% everyday Heroes Discount for servicemen and women, police officers and firefighters.
Potbelly Sandwich Shop: All vets and active military get a buy-one-get-one offer on sandwiches, salads and Pick-Your-Pair when they show their ID.
Quaker Steak & Lube: Check with your local location for Memorial Day discounts for veterans and first responders.
Rubio’s Coastal Grill: All military and veterans get a free adult entree with the purchase of another adult entrée Monday with their military ID and a coupon available at
Texas de BrazilVeterans and active duty military get 50% off lunch or dinner Memorial Day through May 29 with military IDs. Plus up to eight guests get 20% off their meals.
Twin PeaksAll military personnel get a free meal from a select menu select menu item Monday with military identification. Also anyone who donates $5 to Folds of Honor at participating restaurants will get a $5 Twin Peaks gift card to use on their next visit.
More deals: Locally-owned businesses and regional chains also may have military free meals and discounts. One of the easiest ways to find out is to check restaurants' social media channels.

Memorial Day retail savings

Academy Sports + Outdoors: Through Monday, all active military, military veterans and first responders will receive 10% off their entire purchase.
Blue Star MuseumsThrough Labor Day, active military and their families get free admission to more than 2,000 museums.
Eyemart Express: Through May 31, veterans, active and non-active duty military personnel and their families get a 20% discount on eyewear purchases with a valid military, dependent, retiree, or DD214 card.
Food Lion: 10% off Monday with rewards card and military ID for military personnel, veterans and their family members.
Goodyear Auto Service: Active and retired military can make an appointment for Goodyear and Just Tires through Monday for a free car care check and 10% off Goodyear Tires. Valid ID is required and appointments can be booked for services performed through June 13.
National Vision: Through May 31, active-duty service members, retirees, veterans and their dependents get a 15% discount on eyeglasses, contact lenses and accessories the company’s America’s Best Contacts & Eyeglasses and Eyeglass World locations.
Omaha SteaksActive-duty military, retirees, veterans, military spouses and dependents get 10% off Monday.
Sherwin-WilliamsFor Military Appreciation Month, active military, veterans and reservists as well as their spouses save an extra 10% on paints and stains.
Sleep NumberThrough June 2, active military and veterans save an extra $100 on any sale price when they get a promo code at
WalgreensWith a free store loyalty card and valid military ID or proof of service, vets, active duty and their families get 20% off regular price items Saturday through Monday.

Special thank you to USA Today for compiling the list that I just shared.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Meets March Finds

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Thanks so much for being here today! Wow do I ever love a Monday.
I get so much done! I love the fresh start of it all! Everyday you get a chance to do your best though in the United States, the work week starts on a Monday and I feel like it's a good time to make a great day!

It's also a good day to do your hair with the detach brush to add some volume to the crown of your hair.  Boy this brush is one of the best beauty inventions ever!

Today's video let's you meet a new product I tried, the Flower Beauty Lash Warrior mascara.  Then I introduce you to Cosbar in Scottsdale and share a little bit about what's going on.

Enjoy the video and if you haven't subscribed yet, please do!



TWITTER @Cherelynn

Affiliate link for Amazon to buy this mascara:

It really is a product for those who like bare lashes...just sayin'!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy Presiden't Day - Never Forget What the Founding Fathers Did

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Monday - and, Happy President's Day!

Today in the United States we celebrate the birthdays of two of our influential founding fathers, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

So today is about more than an extra day off and retail sales - there is  a key to the history of a founding father being future oriented and community minded. These greats that have gone before us in history and were about building a strong country and community. Going forward, it's important for each of us to take a civic responsibility for bettering the planet. Start small, start local, just start!

Here is some useful specific details from
The origin of Presidents’ Day lies in the 1880s, when the birthday of Washington—commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first president of the United States—was first celebrated as a federal holiday.

In 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which moved a number of federal holidays to Mondays. The change was designed to schedule certain holidays so that workers had a number of long weekends throughout the year, but it has been opposed by those who believe that those holidays should be celebrated on the dates they actually commemorate.

During debate on the bill, it was proposed that Washington’s Birthday be renamed Presidents’ Day to honour the birthdays of both Washington (February 22) and Lincoln (February 12); although Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated in many states, it was never an official federal holiday.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

VOTE! Today Your Voice Matters - Your Vote Matters - Go Vote!

HI ya Gorgeous!

Today in the United States of America is an important day. It's a mid term election.

Back in the day, our ancestors, those courageous beauties in 1848 began the movement as suffragettes to earn the vote for women.

August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote.

Go ladies go!

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Happy Labor Day to You and Yours!

 Hi ya Gorgeous

Well, here we are. It's here. It's official. For the United States, Labor Day means that Fall, and real life is back on track. The summer oblivion and joie de vivre carefree zestful days of no schedule and no school are officially over.

True, here in Arizona, we have been in school for over a month and professionally for me, I go back to work when my son goes back to school. In fact, I am using this day, to stay in my pyjamas, and ooze from my bed to my lazy boy chair and lay there like over cooked broccoli for the entire day binging on any and all shows and movies that I want to see. Why? Because as of September 4th - my work and production schedule goes full tilt! Like Tilt-a-Whirl at the county fair kind of tilt.

I'm not complaining by any means! I am ecstatic about the upcoming celebrations for Rosh Hashana! So so so looking forward to all of the mega commutes full of new audio books and the commute from here to Burbank and back, and back, and back again! 

So knowing that is coming, I am taking today - to rest- really really really deep in my bones rest to the point of boredom at the end of the day. Because when I awake on Tuesday morning, it's go time. Supersonic go and I'm ready for it!

How are you and your family spending the Labor Day weekend?  Here's a touch of history about the holiday. Which started out as an opportunity to celebrate the work and progress of the country and has quickly spiraled into a political pandering point mess.

I say, enjoy yourself, rest. Enjoy your loved ones - the family, friends and fur family on this day. Take a deep breath and enjoy the day because not only has Fall officially started has the countdown to Christmas.  113 days to be exact!

Wikipedia facts on Labor Day:
Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day - Remember and Honor

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Happy Memorial Day weekend to you!
This day is really important. Like, Fourth of July Independence important in the United States.
Why? What is the significance of this holiday over others?

Because of the sacrifice of life. The saying, "all gave some and some gave all" is so true and we remember on this holiday, the prisoners of war and missing in action as well as those who have died in service to the country. The men and women of the United States military, were doing more than just their job when they went to war.

 They were protecting the freedoms and way of life, the beliefs of a new country and the opportunities that their families would have when their sacrifice resulted in a secure nation.

So, before you enjoy a fabulous barbecue, or if you are on the cruise ship about to hit the buffet, and even in the forest about to rise for coffee from your tent, please take a moment and pray for the families who lost a loved one while in service in the military.

Pray for the safety and security of the USA. Pray for the leadership to have wisdom to lead the country. Pray for those who are active duty military to be blessed and favored of God in their missions. Pray that the loved ones who are hurting from the loss of family to war, are comforted.

Today is a good day to remember the service of our military and then celebrate the good times we enjoy because of it!

Ooh rah!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Remembering Pearl Harbor today

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is a day in history for the United States of America as we remember the attacks on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The phrase for today is " a day that will live on in infamy".

Today, Japan is one of our strongest allies, though it wasn't always so.

The target ship USS Utah, and the battleships USS Arizona and Oklahoma, were the only ships the Japanese left beyond repair. The Utah remains on the Pearl Harborfloor along with the Arizona. The Oklahoma was raised after a massive effort but proved to be too damaged to return to service.

The day before the attacks, the USS Arizona took on a full load of fuel, nearly 1.5 million gallons. Much of that fuel helped ignite the explosion and subsequent fires that destroyed the ship, but — amazingly — some fuel continues to seep out of the wreckage. According to the History Channel, the Arizona “continues to spill up to 9 quarts of oil into the harbor each day“ and visitors often say it is as if the ship were still bleeding.

Survivors of the attack have the option to join their lost comrades and make Pearl Harbor their final resting place. Crew members who served on board the USS Arizona during the attack — the ship that experienced the most devastating damage — may choose to have their ashes deposited by divers beneath one of the sunken Arizona’s gun turrets. Roughly 30 Arizona survivors have chosen this option and less than a dozen of the 355 survivors are still living. Other military survivors can choose to have their ashes scattered wherever their ship was located during the attacks.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sources: Huffington Post, Google, Wikipedia

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bullhead City Native Protects Middle East Skies over Bahrain

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today's post is near and dear to my heart. Myself and my family are huge supporters of the United States Military and many of our family members have served in the Navy, as well as Army, Air Force and Marines.

Petty Officer First Class Kimberly Kustesky

It's with great joy that I repost this story from Lt. Philip Fortnam about a beautiful young lady from my home area in Arizona.  Meet Petty Officer First Class Kimberly Kustesky.  She is hard at work for the United States and deserves this recognition. Please enjoy the story and share it forward while keeping her in your prayers!

Bullhead City Native Protects Middle East Skies over Bahrain

By Lt. Philip Fortnam, Navy Office of Community Outreach

U.S. 5th FLEET AREA OF OPERATIONS – A 1998 Mohave High School graduate and Bullhead City, Arizona native is a part of a Navy team tasked to protect the skies over the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations.

Petty Officer First Class Kimberly Kustesky is a master-at-arms, which involves enforcing the rules and regulations on the base to maintain good order and discipline. We provide security, anti terrorism and force protection, according to Kustesky.

“I work in training and I enjoy teaching a new concept to my Sailors,” said Kustesky. “I love the expression on their faces when they get it.”

Within this undisclosed location in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations, Sailors from all over the United States come together to form one unit, providing unparalleled support to multiservice personnel within the area of operations. These Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen and Marines work together to deter and counter disruptive countries, defeat violent extremism and strengthen security and stability throughout the region.

She is one of thousands of Sailors forward deployed to the Middle East in the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.

The Navy’s 5th Fleet’s area of operation encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. The expanse comprises 20 countries, including three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal and the Strait of Bab al Mandeb at the southern tip of Yemen.

Kustesky is receiving firsthand experience working in a foreign country alongside coalition-focused forces who are executing the full spectrum of maritime operations with foreign counterparts, to keep the world safe from hostile forces.

“This command is a multi-national, multi-service environment. Working with the other services and the host nation is really interesting, seeing how they’re similar and how they’re not,” said Kustesky.

Kustesky realizes the significance of serving her country abroad and is proud of the work she is doing in the Middle East, helping protect America halfway around the world.

“The Navy is family. That means wherever I go in the country or the world I have friends and acquaintances. That's very different from the civilian world,” said Kustesky.
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

VOTE VOTE VOTE! Citizens of the USA - vote today!

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Today is a very important and solemn day in the history of the United States of America. Today is a day where we decide what the future of the nation is going to look like. It's not about the next four years, it's about the next forty years and then some.

I have already cast my ballot in early voting - but for those who have yet to cast their vote or who are thinking that they don't like either candidate so aren't going to vote at all, I share an excerpt from Dutch Sheets.  You can read it in it's entirety here on his blog.

To see how Trump would actually lead, I would challenge you to look at those with whom he has surrounded himself: Pence; Carson; Huckabee; Giuliani; Christie; Gingrich; Palin; trusted generals; law enforcement officials; border patrol officials; evangelical leaders of all races; and otherwise, ethical, conservative leaders. What does this tell us? It is probably the greatest indicator of who Trump now is, clearly making the case that he has changed his moral ways over the past 10 years, as he claims. I personally believe he has changed. I also believe God has gripped his heart for the nation, and is in the process of further transforming Mr. Trump. God has certainly allowed him to be humbled. Of course, the statements made by Trump on the video released from 2005 were despicable. However, if we reject him because of the sins of his past, we would also have to reject Abraham, King David, Rahab, “the woman at the well”, Mary Magdeline—all adulterers in their unrighteous past. And don’t forget murderers like the Apostle Paul. A lot of formerly despicable people will be in heaven! And a lot of them, by the way, became great leaders and champions for God. Some changed the world.
These associations also tell us that Trump’s stated conservative bent is genuine, and they state that he is wise enough to know what he doesn’t know! I believe Trump is showing us that he will function, if elected president, as any wise businessperson does: find qualified people who know how to get the job done, as in the above examples, and empower them to do it. I like those whom he is signaling to us would be those leaders. They are proven, trustworthy and honorable. If you cannot vote for Trump, vote for them.
Hillary, on the other hand, would give us 4–8 more years of polytheists, liberal progressives, media elites, police-haters, global statists, financially irresponsible leaders and a weak military.
Perhaps a better way for the disenchanted to approach this election is to vote AGAINST someone. I would suggest to you that voting against a candidate is a good reason to vote! “Neutrality” is not a valid option at this critical crossroads in history. The times demand that we make a stand! If not for, make your stand against:
• Vote against the foolish, selfish, shortsighted, establishment Republicans fighting to maintain their power.
• Vote against an immoral, ungodly Democratic Party. (To those who take issue with this characterization, don’t forget that they booed God at their convention in 2012.)
• Vote against an unelected, unaccountable, overreaching, out of control Judiciary that believes it has the right to reshape America.
• Vote against the unethical, biased, lying and untrustworthy media. (We will never reclaim America until we reject their influence. They may be the single greatest obstacle to America’s recovery.)
• Vote against a weakened military.
• Vote against a loss of national sovereignty and a one-world government.
• Vote against open borders.
• Vote against policies that enable radical Islamist terrorism.
• Vote against the removing of our 2nd Amendment rights.
• Vote against higher taxes.
• Vote against Obamacare.
• Vote against the redefining of marriage. (It is not too late to reverse this.)
• Vote against abortion-on-demand, partial-birth abortion, and Planned Parenthood with its selling of babies’ body parts.
• Vote against liberalism and progressivism.
• Vote against the silencing of the church. (Only the totally naïve do not see this coming quickly.)
• Vote against revising our history and the loss of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
• Vote against the politicization and exploitation of racism, and the polarizing of America.
• Vote against the slandering and weakening of law-enforcement.
• Vote against the politicization of the Justice Department, the FBI and other important departments of government. (Both departments are now undeniably and shamelessly used for political purposes and to oppose Christians and conservatives.)
Pastors, if you’ve ever made a stand, make one now—it may be your last chance. Tell your people the truth…clearly. Pray and fast! Turn your services into prayer meetings.
To all believers, if you agree with what I have written, forward it to all of your friends and family members. Most of them hear only from a hypocritical, lying media, which is now the propaganda arm of the liberal agenda. Speak up. Appeal to them to read this and think about it.
And vote!
Vote for a future, one that includes what you love and believe in. Trump has flaws, but Hillary will be fatal.
Dutch Sheets

Treasury Direct. “Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual 2000-2015.” Last updated June 8, 2016.
Wolfgang, Ben. “Clinton admitted she’s for ‘open borders’ in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks.” The Washington Times. October 8, 2016.
Vogel, Kenneth P. and Isenstadt, Alex. “RNC TV ad spending for Trump: $0.” Politico. October 13, 2016.
Murashko, Alex. “DNC: Christian leaders comment on night ‘Dems booed God.” The Christian Post. September 7, 2012.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

National Day of Prayer: pray today

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is the National Day of Prayer and there are major events going on in every nook, corner and cranny of the United States of America.

No matter what your faith is, be sure and set aside some time today to pray for your state, town, city, country, family and planet today!

Every prayer matters and counts. So get your prayer on today!

Theme and Verse

The 65th annual National Day of Prayer, May 5, 2016, will have profound significance for our country.  It is an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on citizens to humbly come before His throne.

NDP_Theme-PPSlide.jpegOur theme for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of our Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name. To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen Isaiah 58:1a as our Scripture for this year:  “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.

For the May 5th observances, Dr. Tony Evans, the 2016 Honorary Chairman, wrote a special prayer to be simultaneously read throughout the nation at noon (ET).  This recitation will create a huge wave of prayer, flowing from one coast to the other, illustrating the unity of God’s people and acknowledging His dominion over the circumstances facing us.  Millions of people will gather to pray at thousands of events facilitated by our volunteer coordinators and people just like you!  We hope you’ll join with our staff again as we seek to bring more communities than ever before together in prayer.  As a way of assisting you, we have assembled a variety of resources that equip you to organize and publicize prayer gatherings, citywide prayer breakfasts, worship services, and rallies.  These materials also present creative ideas geared toward helping individuals and families to establish meaningful devotional times.  If you have any questions after reviewing these items, please don’t hesitate to contact our NDP staff at (800) 444-8828.  We would count it a privilege to lend a hand in whatever manner we are able.

At this crucial time for our nation, we can do nothing more important than pray.  Thank you in advance for making this spiritual discipline a personal priority and for standing with us as we encourage others to incorporate prayer in their lives.  The Lord has graciously anointed our efforts, empowering them to touch and change many hearts and lives.  We look forward to seeing His hand move across our land in exciting ways each May in response to our petitions!  In closing, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer in your church or community to lead a National Day of Prayer gathering. May the Lord’s peace fill your heart as you rest in Him throughout the days ahead.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

National Day of Prayer: woo hoo!

Holla Gorgeous!
I have a passionate hobby of praying. I love prayer. I love to pray for others. I love praying for someone and watching God move on their behalf. It's the proof that He is a good God, who LOVES you and wants you to be loved and fulfilled in your destiny that He has called you to.

So, in that, I welcome all prayer requests today.
Post a comment or send an email. Reach me by Twitter @Cherelynn or Instagram (cherelynn.baker)
and rest assured that I am fasting and praying for you throughout today.

Because He so loved the world that He gave his only Son for us. And if He can give his son, than I can give my time, my hunger, pain and discomfort, for a wee day, to spend time seeking Him on your behalf.

See, I have a son, he is my heart and joy. I can't imagine giving him up for anything.

That right there. Humbles me.

So please, whatever you have need of, just ask. It's between us, and Him.

p.s. This is what  I look like when  I pray. No makeup. No hair curled and done. Just pure fierceness on the hunt lioness ready to bring down any enemy and pull back to the pride any one that's been left behind.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Vichy for you? Yes!
11 Secrets Your Body Waxer Would Never Reveal

We got the scoop, from what they're really thinking when they're waxing you to their craziest clients and more

11 Secrets Your Body Waxer Would Never Reveal

Ever wonder what's going through your waxer's mind while you're spread eagle on their table? You could ask, but that whole hot-wax-in-your-private-areas thing can be a little preoccupying, you know? That's why we tracked down these waxing salon owners: Jodi Shays of Queen Bee Waxing in Culver City, Calif., Cindy Barshop of Completely Bare Salons in New York City, and Leah Nacion of The Waxing Co. in Honolulu. They gave us uncensored scoop on everything you'd ever want to know (and then some) about what goes on in waxing salons.

See secrets

Liftactiv Retinol HA Night

Total wrinkle plumping care with triple dose Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol + A1 to fight all 3 types of wrinkles: permanent, reversible and programmed.

- Plumping effect visible from the 1st morning2
- With triple dose Hyaluronic Acid for a deeper, more stabilized filling action and Retinol + A1 for an accelerated skin resurfacing effect
- Patented double-gelled-phase formulation technique provides moisturizing and nourishing yet light and smooth texture
- Suitable for sensitive skin, tested under dermatological control, allergy-tested
- Formulated with soothing & fortifying Vichy Thermal Spa Water

Okay! Now that you've read some details about the Vichy line, visit the website and take a peek at their makeup. I'm thinking I need to try this stuff! It looks like a cross between the coverage of Dermablend/Exuviance/Smart Cover with the flex, feel and texture of a moisturizing and hydrating foundation? We shall see.

Well, I've used the Lieftactive Retinol HA for night several nights in a row and my experience has been good. I like the scent, it's European in origin so that means fragrance is added, but I like it and I'm not sensitive to scents. It has a very soft, velvety rich texture and smoothes on the skin with rapid absorption. So, I enjoy it! Why not try it if you are looking for something new in skin care?

Today is the last day of the April "Military Appreciation" month. Thank you to all of our soldiers and veterans for the enormous sacrifice and faitful service. I appreciate you!
Remember: you are beautiful!
Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Olympic beauty with Tanith Belbin of Team USA Ice Dancing

See the effects stress has on your hair, skin and nails then learn how to prevent it
Why Stress is Beauty's Worst Enemy
Is the stress monster starting to rear its ugly head? Well, you'd better make it stop (for your looks' sake). See how -- quick.

Today is so rainy and wonderful and perfect for relaxing fireside and watching the Olympics!
As I have continued to watch and enjoy my favorites: I have started to watch a wee bit of the Ice Dancing when I first noticed Tanith Belbin.

Photo credit: NBC Sports / USOC
In this photo she is with her skating partner Ben Ogosto. She is from Kingston, Ontario and raised in Kirkland, Quebec. She lived and trained in Canton, Michigan for years, before moving to Aston, Pennsylvania to train at Ice Works.

I think what stands out most about her is her amazing smile.

I was looking along the internet for some information about what she uses for products and came across blog and it had an interview with Tanith sharing that her favorite beauty products are Cover Girl Lash Blast Length mascara and the Outlast lip stain.

Now I'm a L'Oreal Voluminous girl myself though I have been wanting to try the Outlast lip stain for some time now due to my preference in using them on makeup clients and for my own busy lifestyle.

Good luck to you Miss Tanith Belbin, 2010 Winter Olympic Team USA Ice Dancer!

Special thanks to for posting the Tanith/Marta interview!
Remember: you are beautiful!
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