Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Prime Early Access Deals - shop now for the best savings! Christmas is coming...

Hi ya Gorgeous,

Are you ready for the holidays? Doin' any Christmas shopping?


All the big retailers are doing their "Black Friday" sales now. In my opinion! I am seeing these running days of sales events and I think that this year is going to be a bit different in the normal Thanksgiving weekend of turkey, green bean casserole, movie marathons and epic shopping for Christmas with big deals and sales. It's my opinion.

 To check my opinion, please visit to see what the mass market retailers have scheduled for the weekend sales events. Then notice that right now, Amazon is running pre-Prime day early sales.

The deals are good! These are a few of my faves. The links are affiliate and thank you for shopping with me. Now - let's look at these beauty goodies that any makeup lover would want! 

 Please note that the items have free returns and extended return periods as well as many items I am looking at have additional clickable coupons to help bring down the price. Add in the free Prime shipping and the holidays are lookin' good! 

 Amazon Prime Early Access Deals:

Wet'n'Wild nude shadow palette

Pura d'Or Biotin shampoo / conditioner set

Paula's Choice liquid exfoliant -

There are SO many deals in beauty, hair, skin, nails to choose from! Plus, I've been looking to buy a new laptop and walking desk treadmill and guess what? Both are on major sale! 

Personally, I'm having a bit of a Black Friday weekend already! Let me know in the comments what great sale items you get! Happy shopping!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, September 7, 2020

3 Must Haves for Labor Day Weekend via Mordor West

Hi ya Gorgeous! 

Happy Labor Day weekend to you and your family! I hope this finds you keeping cool! My area has had record breaking high temperatures, fires and an earthquake.  I liken it to living in Mordor West.

I have 3 things that can help you with a Labor Day celebration - enjoy the video! If you are out and about, please be mindful of your surroundings and know what station to tune into for emergency road conditions. In California, the fire can shift at a wind's notice and close a road down. 
Be alert while having fun!

Amazon affiliate links to help: 
Neutrogena sunscreen 
PeriPera lip ink :



Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Where ever you are and how ever you choose to spend this day - I encourage you to pause and give thanks!

Make a list of at least 10 things or people and experiences you are thankful that you have had this year.

I find that I have so much to be thankful for! So from my heart to yours, a big hug and very

Happy Thanksgiving!


Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Movember Dove Men+Care | When Teenagers Give Their Honest Opinion

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
Who else is enjoying the holiday break from regular school schedule? Oh how I love non-commute days!

 Thanksgiving break is in full effect and I have my wonderful helper on task helping me with some Dove Men+Care samples that have arrived.  There is something for anyone, any man from young to senior in the line from Dove Men+Care that can help winter skin!

 Find your favorites or try something new by getting these Dove Men+Care from Amazon, Walmart, or your favorite drugstore like CVS or Walgreens.

Fresh Express
Deep Clean

 Thank you to Dove Men+Care for sending samples for my son and I to try - especially in this month of Movember and bringing awareness to men's health issues. Enjoy!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wine Wednesday: What You Can Give Wine Wise for Holiday Gifts

Hi ya Gorgeous!
 Who else needed a glass of wine after the vote yesterday? Phew. Ok - moving onward and upward.
No matter what happened, or how it turned out in your neighborhood, please don't give up or give in.  You know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So keep chewing your way ahead!

Now, let us talk about holiday and ways to celebrate.  Today I have a Wine Wednesday review of a wonderful $10 Walmart wine called Robert Mondavi Heiritage Red Blend and it's a special release just for the holiday season. So get some before it's gone!


This is a lovely red blend wine and a beautiful gift to someone else or your self!

Enjoy and please let me know in the comments which $10 wine is your favorite!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What the Fragrance Lover Wants for a Gift | Wild Spirit Fragrances

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Today I have a wee sneak peek into what's coming for the Christmas season with Wild Spirit Fragrances.  I received this as a gift from the brand and I just had to share!

Expect this to be coming into stores in the next couple of weeks. If you need a unique gift for a co-worker, teacher, girl scout troop leader, mail lady, sister, friend or yourself, give this!

You may think it's too early for a holiday post - but no - actually it's not. Why you say? Because the clock is ticking! The days from here on to the first week of January are going to go by fast and fill up - so, start on that shopping list!

Now, this brand is a new best favorite of mine. It's a healthy fragrance with no funky stuff in it, like phtalates and parabens!  It is made in the USA and easily available at Walmart and

The base of these scents are essential oils. You can wear one, or mix and match. Fragrance is the ultimate accessory!

This video shows you the upcoming holiday gift package that is going to be in stores soon.  So watch the video and then get ready to find in stores!

Learn more about the brand here:

Music: Be Mine Tonight by Andrew Kopacz
Get yours here:

(*Andy  scored my recent short film THIRSTY starring Leah Nead  as Ebba. Watch on Amazon:   )

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

NOTE: I received this as a gift from the brand

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wine Wednesday: Dearly Beloved Cabernet Sauvignon

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Oh Beauty - you know what day it is! It's Wine Wednesday!

Oh am I ever having fun with this Wine Wednesday wine review series I've got going. Oh! To think of the fun as the holidays approach! This wine I happened upon by accident as you will see in the video. 

 Did you know that Christmas is now 97 days away? I have nothing done! Normally I'm prepared and so far, nope. Nada! Dang! How about you? Are you prepared? Have you started your shopping?

As always, thank you for watching and if you have a $10 and under wine to recommend, let me know in the comments! Ciao Bella!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to choose a summer swimsuit with Sunsets Separates

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Who loves swimsuit season? Who loves bikini time? Not me. Not me in the slightest. I love summer and all of the opportunities to be outside in the pool, to stand up paddle board and not be in a wetsuit, ocean swimming and some serious snorkeling!

Before you dread the season, don't buy anything to swim in and sit in the deck chair instead of getting into the pool because you hate how you look in a bathing suit - wait. Read below. I have some tips on how to pick a great suit to feel confident in even if you don't have a body that looks like what mainstream media and magazines airbrush and sell to us!

The secret is, getting separate pieces - the size you need for the body part that needs it! I got mine from Sunsets Separates.

I need a larger top than I do bottom and I got that easily with Sunset Separates!

My number one tip for selecting a swimsuit is know the use you are going to do in it! Teeny string bikinis are not the best for ocean snorkeling because a wave can whip it off your body in one fell swoop!

Gals with a fuller bust or bottom, you need something with support and double stitching!

Darker colors do make you look slimmer, if you care about that - and I personally took a big jumbo risk by finally, not getting a plain black swimsuit! I got all of these fun colors and print too!

It's more important to get in the water and play with the family and enjoy the moment rather than sit out because you don't want to be seen in a swim suit.  Go get 'em girls!

Now, an exhaustive bathing suit guide can be found here, check it if you need to!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's Christmas Eve

Hi ya Gorgeous,
So it's Christmas Eve tonight. Are you ready? Do you have all of your gifts wrapped and ready?

Here's a thought, no matter what you got done for the holidays this year - it's ok, and it's enough. Personally, this has been one of the most non-Christmas like Christmases for me ever. I didn't get the lights up on the house, any gingerbread houses made, no new ornaments created and just flat out, flat holiday season for me.
The pressure at this time of year to perform is insane and un-achievable and to coin a term, Griswold.

So whether it got done or not, please take a moment and relax and enjoy your loved ones.

 This time of celebrating Jesus Christ is about relationship. Some of you may be having a big family get together and some of you may be at home with your fur family and celebrating just as much.

Please be good to yourself and others! You are so loved!

Part of the miracle of the season this year is that Hanukkah begins tonight as well. Enjoy your celebrations and Chag Sameach!

Now let the feasts begin! 

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What To Put In a Christmas Stocking - the Makeup University edition

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is a great day!  Woo hoo! We are less than two weeks away from Christmas - or so says my child who can't wait to get to the LEGO he knows he is getting for presents.

Oh to have that joy and anticipation again!

Speaking of Christmas and gifts and anticipation, today I have a video for you of "what to put in a Christmas stocking!". As much as I love the gifts, the stocking seems to be the real treat!

My family follows the tradition of putting an orange in the toe of the stocking, how about you?

And now for the video - enjoy and if you haven't subscribed to the Makeup University YouTube channel, when would NOW be a good time? Be sure and click the  bell too!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

12 Days of Giving with Burt's Bees and a random act of kindness

Hi ya Gorgeous!

How is your December going so far? Are you enjoying memory making or stressed out about the holidays? Quick tip, no matter what is going on, please remember that the best things in life are not things! Even if work is screaming and deadlines for the end of the year are piling up, please take a moment to watch a short 30 minute Christmas video with your kids! You can find the old Charlie Brown Christmas on Youtube for free!

For your gift giving needs, in a $10 budget, you can get the "Essential Burt's Bees Kit" nationwide at mass retailers or online easily for a gift.

If you're looking for nature’s hardest working ingredients, this kit is it! Filled with generous portions, this amazing collection has all of our perennial favorites. It's the essential complement to your natural beauty.
• Made with natural, hard-working ingredients
  • Soap Bark and Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream (0.75 oz)
  • Hand Salve (0.30 oz)
  • Milk & Honey Body Lotion (1 oz)
  • Coconut Foot Cream (0.75 oz)
  • Beeswax Lip Balm (0.15 oz)


Now for some random acts of kindness suggestions!

Teach someone. We can all teach something, and sometimes the small things make the biggest difference. Olympic gold medalist, professional baseball player and bestselling author Jim Abbott recalls his third grade teacher showing him how to tie his shoes as one of the biggest inspirations of Jim’s life.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Do you KNOW WHEN is the best time to make a baby?

TGIF to ya Gorgeous!

It's a busy day and in my opinion, everyday is a busy day during the holiday season! Before I set out for the weekend, I wanted to share this with you.

For those of you who are believing for a baby this holiday season, this saliva test can help you narrow down the day and time that's best for baby making!

Meet Know When!

Having an innovative, easy to use, saliva ovulation fertility test with 98.9% proven clinical accuracy in the USA, can be the most natural way to determine your five most fertile days. It’s reusable so you can use it daily and watch the savings quickly add up versus buying disposable ovulation test strip refills. Let us be your first source for accurate, safe, ovulation predictor kits to achieve your reproductive goals.

 KNOWHEN® Advanced Ovulation Test Kit is the answer to knowing your unique fertility cycle. Checking and knowing your ovulation cycle can increase your chances of getting pregnant, as it narrows your fertile period so you can better plan sexual activity. Daily checking to learn your unique ovulation cycle is now easy with the reusable ovulation test that saves you money and time.

Get yours today and give as a gift to the ones you know who are waiting to be parents!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!