Showing posts with label wine time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wine time. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Vlogmas | Wine Wednesday - Meet A New Malbec Find

Hi ya Gorgeous!

How ya doin'? How's your holiday and fa la la'ing doin'?

Mine is going good though I don't seem to have enough time in the day or days in the week! It's been real rainy too! What the heck!

This video I have a new find for you that is under $10 and amazing. I hope you get to enjoy it as well!

Thank you for watching and please subscribe and share!

 Oh, and it wouldn't be a Vlogmas post without a lil somethin' from the Amazon Christmas Wish List - can you guess what it is by the link?

Here's a lil hint ...

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wine Wednesday: What You Can Give Wine Wise for Holiday Gifts

Hi ya Gorgeous!
 Who else needed a glass of wine after the vote yesterday? Phew. Ok - moving onward and upward.
No matter what happened, or how it turned out in your neighborhood, please don't give up or give in.  You know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So keep chewing your way ahead!

Now, let us talk about holiday and ways to celebrate.  Today I have a Wine Wednesday review of a wonderful $10 Walmart wine called Robert Mondavi Heiritage Red Blend and it's a special release just for the holiday season. So get some before it's gone!


This is a lovely red blend wine and a beautiful gift to someone else or your self!

Enjoy and please let me know in the comments which $10 wine is your favorite!


TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Would you try this? Wine Wednesday with Beringer Main & Vine

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Do I even need to tell you how fast this year is going? Do I?  My son and I have never really been halloween people but this year it's different for him. He is planning his costume and wanting to go to Knott's Scary Farm. Really? Ok, more on that later. For now you know what day it is!

Today is Wine Wednesday and I have an under $10 gem for you. In the Walmart, this brand is so so similar to the Trader Joe's Two Buck Chuck wine, Charles Shaw. I'm enjoying it and you may too! Watch the video and let me know in the comments if you have a ten dollar wine recommendation!


TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wine Wednesday - Meet BOLLA Chianti

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

Guess what day it is? Right! It's Wine Wednesday! I found this wine somewhere sideways in a Safeway. Personal note, when I say chianti, all I can see and say in my mind is the scene from the movie Silence of the Lambs where Hannibal Lector says "ate his liver with a nice chianti and fava beans" . True story!

My regularly scheduled Walmart $10 and under wine reviews will resume shortly. In the mean time enjoy this Bolla Chianti - it's right at the $10 mark! If you have a recommendation for a great wine $10 and under, please comment!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wine Wednesday : Meet Ravage

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Oh the lovely flip flop of a time continuum in a week that began as a holiday. The Monday feels like Sunday and the clock is set for the week until it resets on Sunday! Tuesday felt like Monday and well, today, Wednesday feels like Tuesday!

It's Wine Wednesday!

 So let's get into the video review of a good wine that is $10 and under and I've been out of my local Walmartian routine and found this at Safeway. Enjoy the video and please comment your favorite wine recommendation!

You know what day it is? Yes, it's hump day - but it's also Wine Wednesday! Woot woot! Today I have a review of Ravage cabernet sauvignon which is a penny under $10 and I did not get this at the Walmart! Enjoy the video and remember to comment which a $10 wine to try!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wine Wednesday: Have you Smoked a Loon Yet? Smoking Loon Cab Sav Review

Hi ya Gorgeous

Last week of August - how the heck did we get this far in the year? I sound silly saying it out loud, though it's true. I'm stumped at how fast the year goes! In my humble opinion, with Labor Day Weekend - we are officially in the holiday season.

Photo credit; Dollface Bettys -Tammy Cochran

There are so many events between now and then - then being the Christmas season, celebrations and get togethers that it's safe to call it "holiday season".  Or, you could also call it a good time to give and get wine!

Today in the Wine Wednesday review of $10 or under wines from the Walmart, I have a suggestion for you called Smoking Loon and it's a cabernet sauvignon.

Enjoy! Please let me know in the comments what your favorite $10 or under wine is!

TWITTER @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wine Wednesday - For The "Common Good" - Labor Day Weekend Prep

Hi ya Gorgeous!

 Who else is ready for a Wednesday? Or a new wine? Or - what? The fast approaching Labor Day weekend!

Ahh! Where does the time go? Where ever it goes, it goes too fast!

Ok, today I have a wine review of a Newman's Own product - Common Good cabernet sauvignon.

Did you know that Newman's Own charity started 30 years ago with a simple salad dressing? To this day, I like that dressing, and I like the Sockerooni marinara sauce too!

Now get ready to experience this wine - it's worth it! So much fun and goodness in the bottle!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Naked Grape Pinot Noir

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Girl, you know what time it is! Wine Wednesday! Time for a wine review of a bottle of red that is ten dollars or under.

So why the distinction of a red wine? Because, in general I prefer red. I will dabble in some rose, or champagne and if you ever see me drinking white wine, I'm most likely signaling for help.

This bottle was under ten dollars and actually came in near the $5 range - apologies for not remembering the exact price though what I do remember is that this pinto noir finished hard, sour, and like sand paper that has been used for a few trees.

It always surprises me when I don't like something, and I have to say, this is not a favorite. Enjoy the video!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wine Wednesday - Featuring Carlo Rossi Cabernet Sauvignon

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Wednesday - Wine Wednesday that is!  Here at home, we are in the last week of summer vacation and trust me, I need a glass of wine.  Also, we are in the final days of a week long extreme heat advisory that has been no joke. Normally, I can handle the heat - but this high temp with high humidity has us stuck in the house! Did I mention that it's the last few days of summer vacation!

Thank you for watching today! If you could, would you please subscribe! Now, this video could possibly be the last Wine Wednesday review for awhile because it's officially back to school as of next week!

Plus, when you see the wine I'm reviewing you'll understand why I won't be buying wine any time soon! Thanks again for watching!

TWITTER @Cherelynn 
INSTAGRAM @cherelynnbaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Back to School Already! What Do You Need to Prepare?

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Monday - I love Mondays and this is the last Monday before school gets back in session.
So. Not. Ready.

When I was a kid, I loved going back to school! Especially the new school supplies!

Today's video is a quick inquiry about what do you need to get ready for back to school?
Let me know in the comments!

And...a special shout out to my amazing niece who has just started her YouTube channel,
Adventures of Bella and Tenney. She does American Girl Doll reviews and toy reviews with a touch of family fun too! Please take a moment and check out her channel here:

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Wine Wednesday: California Dream Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Phew! Just got back from a whirlwind trip from my small town to the big city to do back to school shopping.

Yes. You read that right. BTS is here in the state of Arizona. We still have a few weeks, though the big sales ended today and I wanted to take advantage of those.  Since we start so early in August, when the national back to school sales start in late September, we've already been in school for weeks!

Now, to the blog post. It's Wednesday - that means wine time! Today I have a great under $10 wine review for you of California Dream. It's a medium bodied fruity cabernet sauvignon and if you like cherry, you'll like this wine! Enjoy!

Thank you for tuning in today! This video is a review of a great under $10 wine from Walmart.
I liked it - and you may too!
Please comment if you have a wine recommendation for me to try!

Subscribe if you haven't yet!
TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wine Wednesday: What Kind of Wine Can You Get at Dollar General?

 Hi ya Gorgeous,
 Woot woot! It's Wednesday! You know what that means this summer on MakeupUniversity time!
This has been a fun series to do while my son has been away on a road trip and at aviation camp.

 So today's wine review has a funny story to it and I tell it in the video. Now what's coming up next is a review of the BeRad lashes and the cleaner kit that came with them. Stay tuned for that and for now, enjoy the video!

Thank you for joining me today! Welcome to the new visitor and welcome back to those returning. If you haven't subscribed yet, please do!

Today I have a wine review and it just might be the best yet. Why? Is it because it's a super high point fine rare vintage wine. Nope. Better.

Watch the video and enjoy! If you have a recommendation for a great $10 and under - please comment below! I just may review your suggestion!


TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wine Wednesday featuring Three Thieves Cabernet Sauvignon

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Welcome to Wine Wednesday!

Ok, the 4th of July holiday is coming up and this wine is perfect in budget and palate range for a bbq get together!

I found this at the Walmart though it is also available at Total Wine. The Three Thieves brand has 4 varietals and a really unique story to how they got their start!

Hope you enjoy the video and if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet - please do!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Montepulciano D'Abruzzo

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Happy Hump Day! It's luck 13 today! I was born on the 13th and consider it to be lucky!  Lookin' forward to some great answers and confirmations today! Woo hoo!

Now, per the Wine Wednesday track that's going on this summer, here is a review of a $10 wine from Italy and available at Total Wine stores. You can order it online from Total Wine if you do not have a store close to you ...ask me how I know!

Thanks for joining me today for a Wine Wednesday review of a great $10 bottle of wine. Meet Montepulciano D'Abruzzo available at Total Wine and More stores for $8.64!

If you have not subscribed yet, please do! Then ding the bell so you don't miss a video!


TWITTER @Cherelynn
INSTAGRAM @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Wine Wednesday with Guenoc from Gelson's in Hollywood

Hi ya Gorgeous!
Happy Wednesday! Before I get started on the wine review, a very deep and heartfelt thank you to the men who fought in the battle of Normandy on this day, freedom is not free! Thank you veterans!

I am home for a few days before launching out again - and this wine and photo is from the recent trip to Burbank. Before I got started to work, after a long but easy drive from Arizona to Burbank, I went for a 6 mile uphill hike to the Hollywood sign.

 Oh such a good time! As nerdy as it sounds, I was so overcome by the beauty, the flora, fauna, foliage, animals and people I met a long the trail. I hiked 2 of 3 legs of the Hollyridge trail and oh if only I had more time I would have completed the Mt. Ada and Bronson caves trails too!

Now for the video, this wine, Guenoc was a delightful find to kick off a short Shabbat and rest my aching self from the hike. I really need to work on my fitness more!

Tlhank you for watching - please subscribe and ding the bell so you don't miss a video!

Twitter @Cherelynn
Instagram @CherelynnBaker

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy Passover - Chag Sameach~!

Hi ya Gorgeous,
To each and every person and family entering into the celebration tonight, I pray a special blessing over you!

This season means more than passing over - it's about passing into the promise and destiny that is waiting for you!

Cheers to your memory making celebrations!

Happy Passover!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!