Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

REsolve Tuesday - Let's Check In On Your Goals - and how to amplify

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Thank you so much for tuning in today!
I appreciate you for being here.

Today as we wrap up the near bottom of the first quarter of the year I think we need to take a good look at how you are serving others. Not yourself. Not your own personal goals. But others. How are you serving in your community? Maybe that is the beauty community but really, maybe it's about being beautiful and hands and feet and serving in your physical community with a visit to your local veterans shelter, orphanage, and animal shelter.

There is so much work relief satisfaction and soul healing in serving others. That's when and how you really get a great perspective on you, yourself, and what you are up against, what you have accomplished and what you need to do next.

So for today, let's start with, how are you serving! Let me know in the comments what is going on for you!

Today - it's all about you serving others.
Enjoy the video.

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#GivingTuesday - Give What You Can

Hi ya Gorgeous!

Quick note for today, that it's important, in all of the busy and hullaballoo that you take a moment, and consider giving of your time, talent or finance to a charity today!
Any and every little bit matters!

So go give!
If you can't give today - pledge for a later date and time. You can do it!

TWITTER  @Cherelynn

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Remembering Pearl Harbor today

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today is a day in history for the United States of America as we remember the attacks on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The phrase for today is " a day that will live on in infamy".

Today, Japan is one of our strongest allies, though it wasn't always so.

The target ship USS Utah, and the battleships USS Arizona and Oklahoma, were the only ships the Japanese left beyond repair. The Utah remains on the Pearl Harborfloor along with the Arizona. The Oklahoma was raised after a massive effort but proved to be too damaged to return to service.

The day before the attacks, the USS Arizona took on a full load of fuel, nearly 1.5 million gallons. Much of that fuel helped ignite the explosion and subsequent fires that destroyed the ship, but — amazingly — some fuel continues to seep out of the wreckage. According to the History Channel, the Arizona “continues to spill up to 9 quarts of oil into the harbor each day“ and visitors often say it is as if the ship were still bleeding.

Survivors of the attack have the option to join their lost comrades and make Pearl Harbor their final resting place. Crew members who served on board the USS Arizona during the attack — the ship that experienced the most devastating damage — may choose to have their ashes deposited by divers beneath one of the sunken Arizona’s gun turrets. Roughly 30 Arizona survivors have chosen this option and less than a dozen of the 355 survivors are still living. Other military survivors can choose to have their ashes scattered wherever their ship was located during the attacks.

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Sources: Huffington Post, Google, Wikipedia

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day - Veterans of the United States of America - THANK YOU

Hi ya Gorgeous,
Today in the United States of America, we celebrate and remember the men and women of the military armed forces.

I have had many family members in the military.  Some came home from Vietnam and have never been the same.

So today, myself and Makeup University say thank you. Thank you Veterans for your courage and sacrifice.  You will not be forgotten!

Happy Memorial Day and Semper Fi!

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, December 9, 2016

12 Days of Giving with Burt's Bees and random acts of kindness

 Hi ya Gorgeous!

TGIF! Woo hoo! Who is ready for the weekend? I am. This year, instead of seeing the very traditional The Nutcracker ballet, we are going to see Mamma Mia! the music of Abba as told through the story of a young girl finding out about her life through her mother in their Greek hotel.

So much for tradition this year and actually that lines up with how odd 2016 has been. 

Today, in the 12 Days of Giving, if you need a quick ready to give gift that is healthy and healthy for the planet, get some Burt's Bees! 

There are several gift sets available and this one is the "Best of Burt's Bees" set.

It contains the luxurious and delectable smelling Burt's Bees Almond & Milk hand cream!

The Lemon Butter cuticle cream and Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Cream with vitamin E which is more of a thick and rich unguent.

If you have chapped and cracked heels - the Coconut Foot cream is for you!

This set is a holiday exclusive and $14.99 for some amazing products all ready to give in a gift box set!

Get yours on the Burt's Bees website here :

Now for some random acts of kindness suggestions for you!

There isn’t enough work for the military personnel who have returned home, so many of them survive on odd jobs. What do you need done around your house? Post your odd jobs on Hire Patriots and give back to those who have given so much. Plus, you’ll get someone who knows how to get a job done. You might also want to check out Support our Troops – Over a Dozen Ways to Thank Our Troops and 10 Incredible Entrepreneurs Serving Veterans, How they Got Started, and How You can Help.

This suggestion came from the blog:
Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!