Showing posts with label Maniacs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maniacs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Top Gear - Ash Wastes Dune Buggy

I'm still working on my vehicle-based gang for the upcoming Logan's World campaign I'll be participating in. Most importantly, I hadn't got round to painting up any vehicles. In order to rectify this, I decided to paint up my mobile fire support vehicle - a small, light wheeled buggy, armed with a heavy stubber.
The vehicle is a resin and metal (now out of production) Future Warriors buggy. I did some adaptation to it - adding the gun (a plastic Genestealer hybrid autocannon), roll cage from brass tube, rear platform from plasticard, and the mesh (car body mesh):

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Heavy Calibre Maniac with 'Auto Cannon'

I managed to find time to paint up another member of my Maniac Helsreach Mercenary gang this week - this time in the form of some heavy firepower.
RT era human models with heavy weapons are almost exclusively of the 'shoulder-mounted' school of design, but there is a nice Vasquez-style female Imperial Guard who totes a rather nice underslung heavy weapon:
Of course, "Auto Cannon" didn't have quite the right look for my Maniacs, so I rectified that by giving her a head swap from Venus Bluegenes from the Citadel Rogue Trooper range. A little bit of resculpting to the neck and back-pack, and she's good to go.


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Make my day, punk!

Hobby time has been at a premium so far this week, so I've limited myself to a quick and simple paint job for another Logan's World mercenary. I selected the Mad Punk from the Rogue Trader Adventurers range as my newest addition to the mercenaries. With her utilitarian outfit and Mohican, she seemed a good fit.
Mad Punk, second row from bottom, second model from left (image from Stuff of Legends)

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Preparing for Logan's World - Confrontation Maniac Gangers

Following the recent conclusion of the Inquisimunda campaign I was playing in with my Eldar Void Pirates, one of the other guys posted this:

"I quite fancy doing a 40k/post-apocalyptic, rolling road vehicle combat campaign. You'd need around a dozen gangers and several trucks/cars with bespoke terrain. Anyone interested?"

Hell yes! And this isn't going to be just any old 40k/post-apocalyptic setting...its going to be Helsreach on Logan's World. If you're not familiar with the setting, then check out pages 224-228 of the Rogue Trader rulebook, and the fabulous Carl Critchlow illustrations: