Showing posts with label Elves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elves. Show all posts

Friday, 20 June 2014

Nearly Midsummer: A Mid-Way Hobby Pledge Review

OK, it's a couple of days premature...but never mind!

Back in the dying days of 2013, I took a look at my hobby achievements for the year. Given that summer solstice or midsummer is nearly upon us, I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on my ambitions for 2014, and my progress towards them.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Oldhammer Legacy Warband - WIP Elf

A few posts ago I showed you a conversion I've made for the Talk Fantasy Football forums 'Legacy Team' project. I also mentioned that we're starting a 'Legacy Warband' project over at the Oldhammer forums based on the same concept (interested people paint and contribute a model, a lucky winner scoops the entire warband).

By popular vote, it was decided that the theme of the Legacy Warband was a multi-race 'good' warband; think Realm of Chaos warband, but with law-abiding, tree-hugging jolly good chaps instead!


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

When Trolls Meet Elves Part 3: Painting

Hopefully you'll have seen my earlier posts on my Blood Bowl mini-diorama I'm entering at the NAF Championships in Nottingham in May. If not, you can catch up on the earlier posts:

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Build

Colour selection
Over the course of the last week I've been painting the model. I started off thinking about colour schemes. I wanted the elf to match my elf team, as I'm fond of the bright turquoise and white strip with the red. I used the online colour wheel tool I've used previously to establish a nice looking colour scheme; with the turquoise strip on the elf, I could go for a sort of mustardy-brown colour on the troll's skin and a purple strip.

On with the painting
With the colour scheme decided, it was onto the painting. I painted up the troll first using Vallejo heavy goldbrown for the base coat on the skin. The skin was washed with Citadel brown ink and Asurmen blue wash, before being higlighted. The highlights were simply adding white to the heavy goldbrown. The pustules were then given a wash of Citadel Baal red and a dot of pale yellow in the centre.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

When Trolls Meet Elves Part 2: The Build

Back in December, I showed off the WIP conversion of my Blood Bowl mini-diorama I'll be entering into a 'Duel' modelling competition at the NAF Championship in Nottingham in May.

The project started off purely on the premise that I happened to have lots of spare Elf catchers kicking around, as well as a lonely Troll. These two chaps in fact:

Blood Bowl 2nd edition Troll (Michael Perry) and Elf Catcher (Jes Goodwin), from 1988

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

When Trolls Meet Elves...

This is a bit of a sneak preview of something I'm working on alongside my Dark Elf Blood Bowl team for the NAF Championship 2014.

Historically there has been a Best Painted Team competition as well as prizes for tournament play. This year there is an additional mini diorama 'Duel' category, which unlike the Best Painted Team, is a stand alone competition. The rules are simple:

Two single models mounted on a single 40mm or 50mm Slottabase. The judges will be looking for a dynamic pairing of two well-matched opponents in some kind of dramatic situation occuring as part of a Blood Bowl match.