Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 May 2020

An Epic Lockdown Project - Imperial Knights

There are some fantastic people in the miniatures hobby, and over at the Oldhammer Community Facebook group, Aaron Thompson has run a couple of giveaways. The only rules - "stay home, stay safe and start painting!"

Aaron has kindly gifted and sent a selection of figures out to other hobbyists with the only intention that the recipients will get a few hours of fun from painting them up. I stuck my hand up for an Epic Imperial Knight Castellan and did indeed get a few hours of fun painting it up once it arrived. I painted up a Knight Warden in the same sitting and am now the happy owner of a slightly under-strength and mis-matched Knight detachment!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Original Art - Part 5: Fangorn's Epic Painting

Back in June last year (before I'd started this blog), I sent across some info to Orlygg over at Realm of Chaos 80s on some of my original GW artwork, as part of his 'Where are they now' series.
The largest piece in my collection of artwork, and indeed the only colour piece, is the artwork used for the Epic Eldar Legion and Ork Horde boxed sets, painted by Chris Baker AKA Fangorn: