Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oh, Those Stoic Singaporeans

"Polls" like this aren't good for much more than a giggle, but here is this ranking that says Singaporeans are the least emotional folks in the world.  Really?

(Now I can't get the "Clearly you've never been to Singapore" line from Pirates of the Caribbean out of my head.)

Friday, January 13, 2012

The 2012 Index of Economic Freedom Is Out

We're not doing so well?  The US is out of the top tier at #10. What would Milton Friedman say?  By the way, the top tier rated "Free" consists of Hong Kong at #1, followed by Singapore,  Australia, New Zealand, and (the first non-Asian country on the list) Switzerland.  Taiwan is #18.  C'mon, guys, we can do better than that.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friday, July 08, 2011

Say WHAT? Quote of the Day About Interpersonal Relationships

This is the source of the quote -- a news story that is more than a little disturbing in itself -- but since I'm rating the quote PG-13 at the very least, it's after the fold:

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The 2011 Index of Economic Freedom

Here are the top 3 nations in this year's Index of Economic Freedom:
  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. Australia
You notice who's not up there?  Ummm ... yeah.  The U.S. finished barely in the top 10 at #9.  What would Milton Friedman say?  Here is some commentary.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The 2010 Index of Economic Freedom

The new rankings are now available. (Insert here my usual caveat that all rankings are a bit subjective and methodologies open to scrutiny and debate, but this is a useful rough sketch of different nations' economic freedom status.)

The US is still in the top 10, but we've slipped in the rankings. (Technically the US ranking is no longer fully "Free" but "Mostly Free," and Canada's ahead of us now. Really?! HopeChange!)

Number 1 in the world for economic freedom? Hong Kong.

In fact, Asian/Pacific nations rule supreme: HK, followed by Singapore, then Australia and New Zealand.

Dead last in the list is also an Asian nation. North Korea, natch. I do mean DEAD last. It's even worse than Zimbabwe.

The survey has this useful little definition of "economic freedom":
Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself.
Oh, yes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Taiwan: US Troops Land with Typhoon Aid

American troops are in Taiwan for the first time in 30 years, and they are on a humanitarian mission.

(OK, I await the first wild-eyed crazy campus uber-leftist to yell, "US out of Taiwan!")

On the other hand, some folks are quite pleased to see the Americans, who left from their base in Okinawa. I for one am very happy indeed to see my home country help out my ancestral country. I just wish those GIs could stay.

Oh, and the indispensable Michael Turton notes that thus far Taiwan has refused military aid from Beijing. OK, but there's no rescue for Ma Ying-jeou, whose approval rating is in the basement (down to a miserable 29% post-typhoon from over 50% recently). The basement's flooding, Ma.

More: China has sent some prefabricated houses, and the always-dependable Aussies have sent medical supplies, as did Singapore, Great Britain, and Israel. South Korea has sent rescue workers.

By the way, my dad is back in America from his trip to Pingtung. He's fine, and he reports seeing the water and buildings collapsing, including a hotel that later filmed by CNN while it fell into a huge rush of flood water. Yikes.

Almost forgot: here's how to help if you like.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Taiwan: More on the Recession

OK, things are pretty bad in terms of the US economy. Nevertheless, in the grand global scheme of things, things are worse just about everywhere else. Look at Europe . . . and look at the imploding economies of Asia (check out Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and miserable Japan).

I posted previously about Taiwan's economic woes, and the latest set of numbers aren't too good. The unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 6.5 years, and the Taiwan dollar is the lowest it's been in that same timeframe. The exchange rate is now $1 US = $35 Taiwan.

Silver lining in the cloud? I can get more bang for my American buck in Taiwan . . . but I actually can't afford to go back there this summer (in terms both of time and money), so I guess I'm STILL all out of luck.

Oh, I'm depressed! You too? How about a cute pink baby dolphin to cheer us up?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ranking Courts and Judicial Systems in Asia

The China Law Blog has the link. Short version -- here are the 12 nations involved, ranked from best to worst. Look, of course, for Taiwan and China.
  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. Japan
  4. South Korea
  5. Taiwan
  6. Philippines
  7. Malaysia
  8. India
  9. Thailand
  10. China
  11. Vietnam
  12. Indonesia

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Photoblogging: Singapore Cuisine!

A very lucky member of Samizdata had a chance to go to Singapore and sample the lovely food.

He has blogged and photoblogged the entire experience.

Oh, I am envious of his good fortune! I don't know when I'll have the chance to go to the Far East -- maybe not this year at all. *whine*