Showing posts with label Do Something Useful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do Something Useful. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Cajun Navy

DIY rescues down in flooded Louisiana. That's some can-do spirit, initiative, and neighborly feeling: see a problem, do something about it, save some stranded folks.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy 2015!

Delightful Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has a great message about optimism and the conscious resolution to do some good this year to make the world a better place:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Awesomeness: Resurrecting "Reading Rainbow"!

Remember this?

Yes, I'm one of the 53,000+ backers, and I hope you will consider joining me!

Here's one take on this, but I prefer to say, Let's all pitch in and do something useful.  See a problem like illiteracy among our kids?  Don't moan about it, wring your hands, and wait around for someone else (much less the government) to do something about it.  Go and do something yourself!  This is a great use of crowdfunding.  And three cheers for LeVar and his 30+ years of encouraging kids to read!  

Since fun is a huge part of Reading Rainbow, let me give you this hilarious video with Jimmy Fallon:

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Public Service Announcement: On Being Gracious

Graciousness is an endangered trait these days, and I am all for bringing it back.  This is excellent stuff here and valuable life advice.  A bit of it:
Remember that the only representation of you, no matter what your station, is you — your presentation, your demeanor. You simply must attend. Stand when someone enters the room, especially if you are lowly and he is the boss, and even if the reverse is true. Look them in the eye. Ask yourself: Does anybody need an introduction? If so, before you say one word about business, introduce them to others with pleasure in your voice. If you can't muster enthusiasm for the people you happen upon in life, then you cannot be gracious. Remember, true graciousness demands that you have time for others.
A friend of mine once said that there are really two commandments in life: (1) Be Cool, and (2) Don't Be A Jerk.  Being gracious and courteous is, I'll argue, part of being cool. 

Sunday, May 05, 2013

From Russia With Love

Via Neatorama comes this great collection of video clips from Russian dash cams.  You know, the news lately has been so full of awful reports, so jammed with terrible people doing terrible things.  We could all use a reminder that (a) there are good people out there doing good things, and (b) we should be among them.  Pretty darn fitting for a Sunday, actually.  Enjoy some lovely video, stay positive, and go do some good, gentle reader!   (PS: Chivalry lives!)

I think I have something in my eye.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thank Goodness It's a New Week

Last week was almost unremittingly horrific: the Boston Marathon bombing, the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas, the earthquake in China.  The admirable behavior of decent common folks who rushed to help in bad circumstances was almost (but NOT) outshouted by the incredibly awful behavior of some news media and partisan pundits looking to score cheap points.   Let's not give any more time to people behaving badly; instead let me encourage you to donate to one of the many charities who are working in the aftermath of these disasters.

The highlight of the entire week of dread is that the bombing suspects did not escape.  Add the funeral of Maggie Thatcher, not that it happened, but that it was a reminder of that great lady, the first woman to be head of a major Western nation.  We're all emotionally exhausted.  Here's looking forward to a new week, as I wish you all the very best.  I'm not feeling too well, so there might not be too much posting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Do Something Useful: the Red Cross's Hurricane Relief

The thought finally occurred to me as I was watching the news that a lot of folks are much worse off than I am (as I'm sitting here with power and water and Internet) and that maybe I should do something, anything other than be mutely horrified at what I'm seeing.  Please to donate to the Red Cross's massive effort.  It's easy, it's fast, and you can do it with that smartphone that's already glued to your hands anyway: you can text the word "REDCROSS" to 90999 to make a $10 donation.  Take a look at what the Red Cross has been doing for hurricane relief:
More than 3,200 people spent the night in 112 Red Cross shelters in nine states – New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and Massachusetts. The number of people going to shelters is expected to grow as the storm comes ashore. 
The Red Cross has deployed more than 1,300 disaster workers to the region from all over the country to help those affected by the storm. As many as 160 emergency vehicles are ready to respond when it is safe to do so, and more than 230,000 ready-to-eat meals have been sent into the area.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thoughts on Livestrong

Read this, please.  If you are interested, Livestrong's website is here.  You know, you can slam Lance himself all you want, but his founding Livestrong was a big and big-hearted act of philanthropy, and that remains true.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Newark Mayor Cory Booker Pulls a Gosling: Chivalry Lives ... And Is Hot Again, Thank God

I've noted Booker before and his undeniable flair, but look at this!  He just saved a woman from a burning building!  (Here's even a tweet from him.)  The Internet, of course, went bananas immediately.  Here's a hilarious example:

OK, last I heard, the beneficiary of Booker's heroics hasn't written any self-involved silliness for Gawker, but these are early days, hm?

Here's something more important: there's going to be a Gosling-Booker superhero comic on Tumblr done by some playful artists!  Bookmark  Check out the cover art at the link where one of the artists also mentioned another real-life hero, Captain Sully (of the "Miracle on the Hudson"). On a related note, is the greater New York/Newark area some kind of hotbed for dashing heroes?  

OK, guys of the universe: the bar's just been raised.  Just kidding ... or am I?

Look, I'm just happy that there are people out there who are still willing and able to lend a helping hand when they see a need.  They're real human beings and real heroes.  And that's something all of us can aspire to. 

Monday, March 05, 2012

I Heard It on the Gripevine

A new way to kvetch about bad customer service!  There's no excuse for what the Cine-Sib calls "customer disservice." BONUS: Gripevine would not have been born if not for a now-infamous incident of bad customer service by United Airlines.  You know what it was!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Naming Names: SOPA Supporters

Here's the list with contact information.  Tell 'em what you think ... and while you're at it, contact your Congresscritters!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor: Massive Taiwanese Aid to Post-Earthquake Japan

Here are some rather astounding numbers:
Taiwan, a country of 23 million people, has to date pledged approximately 5.9 billion New Taiwan dollars (about ¥16.7 billion) in relief funds following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11. 
By comparison, South Korea's 49 million people have raised 55 billion won (about ¥4.1 billion), while the United States, a country of 300 million, has donated $120 million (¥9.8 billion).
I shouldn't have to tell you that this is is neither a contest nor a critique of other nations' generosity and fund-raising on behalf of Japan.  Kudos to everyone from all countries who pitched in to help that beautiful but stricken country -- a lot of the money came from just normal folks donating what they could.  On a personal note, a Japanese friend of mine recently emailed me about her gratitude to Taiwan for its help.  We tiny Asian democracies gotta stick together, after all.