Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Public Service Announcement: The "Guardians of the Galaxy" Soundtrack Is Available


Come on, it begins with "Hooked On A Feeling" and ends with "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."  Peter Quill wasn't kidding around when he called the collection "Awesome Mix, Vol. 1."

I'm using Spotify.  You can find it via other services too.

As for the Guardians movie, I've been looking forward to this for months.  It opens tonight, so I will be pretty much useless until then.

Public Service Announcement: How To Cut Up a Watermelon

You only thought you knew how!  Watch and learn, grasshopper.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Public Service Announcement: Shakespeare on PBS Tonight

"The Hollow Crown," the acclaimed BBC production from last summer, is finally hitting American airwaves at PBS.  Here's the official webpage and here's the video:

Once more unto the breach, dear friends.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Society for the Prevention of Shopping to Boyfriends/Husbands

Come on, ladies, let's not do this to the guys.  Let them go.  Everyone's got cellphones.  Just call them when you're done.  (I still love this idea by IKEA in Australia.)  Oh, and kudos to the shops that offer lots of comfy chairs for the guys.  Throw in a TV or two, and that will be a vast improvement.  Poor fellows!

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Public Service Announcement: On Being Gracious

Graciousness is an endangered trait these days, and I am all for bringing it back.  This is excellent stuff here and valuable life advice.  A bit of it:
Remember that the only representation of you, no matter what your station, is you — your presentation, your demeanor. You simply must attend. Stand when someone enters the room, especially if you are lowly and he is the boss, and even if the reverse is true. Look them in the eye. Ask yourself: Does anybody need an introduction? If so, before you say one word about business, introduce them to others with pleasure in your voice. If you can't muster enthusiasm for the people you happen upon in life, then you cannot be gracious. Remember, true graciousness demands that you have time for others.
A friend of mine once said that there are really two commandments in life: (1) Be Cool, and (2) Don't Be A Jerk.  Being gracious and courteous is, I'll argue, part of being cool. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Quote of the Day: Mark Steyn on Equal Justice Under Law

Just look at what l'affaire David Gregory hath wrought. Steyn observes:
Laws either apply to all of us or none of us. If they apply only to some, they’re not laws but caprices — and all tyranny is capricious.
Well, DUH.  Of course, I also feel compelled to offer this PSA: "The Fact That A Law Exists Doesn't Mean That It's Not Stupid."  (On a related note, remember this?  We're all felons now, eh?)  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Public Service Announcement: I Am A Woman Voter, and I Care About Issues Other Than Abortion and Birth Control

FYI, politicians.  There.  I've spelled it out for you.  Do I really have to add that I think it's insulting of you to reduce me to those things?  to campaign to me as if those are the issues that will determine my vote?  I had thought that the DNC's loopy estrogen festival was absolutely hilarious, but I don't think the ongoing attempts to win the "woman vote" are funny anymore.  I'm getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeally tired of this particular brand of campaigning.  Guess what, Poindexter: women care about jobs too, and energy costs and taxes and debt.  To think otherwise would be ... what's the word I'm looking for? ... oh yes, SEXIST. 

Thursday, October 04, 2012

"Standing Like A Girl" Only Works If (A) You're A Girl and (B) You're Wearing Awesome Heels

That's my response to this.  OK, we all know that posture matters in public speaking.  Now I don't care if I sound "sexist" or whatever, so here's my bit of advice: If you're stuck at a podium, guys, you shouldn't put up a foot because it looks stupid and sloppy.  Nobody should, really, because it's a fidget.  

BUT if you're a girl, you can get away with it once a speech/presentation 

  • if you're wearing beautiful heels (and preferably have good ankles and/or great stems) and 
  • if you do it slowly and gracefully and 
  • if you don't also slouch or break eye contact with the audience.
I've done it myself on occasion for the simple reason that high heels can be uncomfortable and it helps sometimes to shift your weight on those teetering structures.  But having said that, I freely admit that it's not fair and it's gendered and all, but if you're a guy in wingtips, you should not do this.  (Besides, you don't have the "high heels hurt" reasoning.  What's your excuse?)

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Fashion PSA: Suit Up, Guys

I stumbled across this hilarious image online, and I simply had to post it because ... well, I think it's mostly true.  I even gave you a real-life bit of evidence after the fold.  Oh, and you'll recall my previous bit of fashion advice. (What do you think, La Parisienne?)

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Public Service Announcement: the "Avengers" Premiere

"Avengers" will premiere in the US at midnight.  It also has 92% on RottenTomatoes!  *stampedes to the cinema*