Showing posts with label Palestinians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestinians. Show all posts

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Quote of the Day: Self-Debunking Middle East Policy?

My colleague Alessandra called this long ago: Obama's Middle East foreign policy debacles would induce the Saudis and Israelis to work more and more closely, even flat out openly, against Iran.  A common fear of a regional nuclear hegemon makes strange bedfellows?  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

There's also this observation (my emphasis in boldface):
Obama came into office convinced that U.S. influence in the Middle East, as well as regional stability, revolved around one problem: the plight of the Palestinians. Resolving their conflict with Israel was the president’s top foreign policy from his first day in office. His belief that the U.S. was too close to Israel and that by establishing more daylight between the two allies, he could help broker an end to the long war between Jews and Arabs. To accomplish that goal, he picked fights with Israel, undermined its diplomatic position, and did his best to pressure the Israelis into making concessions that would please the Palestinians. The failure of this policy was foreordained since the Palestinians are still unable to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are drawn.

But the events of the past six years have also shown that his focus on the Palestinians as the source of the problem was a disastrous mistake. The Arab spring, civil war in Syria, the rise of ISIS, and the Iranian nuclear threat proved that the Palestinians had little or nothing to do with the most serious problems in the region. Indeed, by forcing Israel and the Saudis to cooperate against Iran with little attention being paid to the dead end peace process with the Palestinians, Obama has effectively debunked the core idea at the heart of his foreign policy.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cartoon Commentary on Hamas in Gaza

As Israel-bashing in the media and commentariat reaches new heights (or depths?), maybe we can remember just how the current Gaza situation started.  Palestinian civilians are suffering for it, but I'm pretty sure Hamas doesn't care about civilians.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Kurdistan Rising? A Referendum on Independence

It begins.  There are considerable concerns, of course.  Elsewhere, Israeli support for Kurdish independence is fueling criticism that this further oppresses the Palestinians and marginalizes the Kurds.  I haven't looked into reactions in Turkey yet, but you're perfectly capable of doing that on your own.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Auschwitz and Academic Freedom

Can you get in trouble for taking your students to Auschwitz to teach them about the Holocaust?  Apparently you can.  The situation seems very odd, though, and there might be legal action pending.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Canada Vs. the UN

I hadn't posted about the kerfuffle in the UN on the upgraded status for the Palestinians, but now I think I have to because Canadian-raised Alessandra just alerted me to a news item with the pleased comment: "Did you hear that the Canadians grew some balls?"  There's no way you can ignore a news item like that!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quote of the Day: Clinton on the Middle East

Quoth Bill Clinton recently:
"The two great tragedies in modern Middle Eastern politics, which make you wonder if God wants Middle East peace or not, were [Yitzhak] Rabin's assassination and [Ariel] Sharon's stroke."
Oh, come on, Bubba!  So God doesn't want Middle East peace?  But I thought Jesus supported Abbas's UN bid for a Palestinian state!  Of course, this discussion so far only covers 2 of the 3 members of the Trinity.  No word yet on what the Holy Spirit thinks.  I repeat my disdain for people who muddy up foreign policy by invoking religion, especially where it's completely unnecessary and irrelevant.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nerd Analysis: Obama's Middle East Foreign Policy

Professor Shai Feldman (Co-Chair of the Crown-Belfer Middle East Project at the Harvard Kennedy School) has some analysis to go with the Palestinian statehood efforts at the UN.  Here is a piece of it:
... brilliant speechmaking became a substitute for establishing policy and devising strategy. While masterfully articulating his understanding of Arab-Israeli realities, Obama’s speeches rarely provided or were followed up by an action plan incorporating practical steps that would enable the U.S. to achieve the administration’s stated objectives. Indeed, the administration seemed to have lacked any strategy for moving the parties to where they did not volunteer to go or motivating them to assume risks they were not prepared to take.
Empty words?  Well, DUH.  Not, of course, that I think the speechifying really is all that "brilliant" or "masterful."

Jesus at the UN

You know, I really wish people wouldn't mix religion and international politics.  Each one is hard enough on its own.  Bringing the "WWJD" idea to the UN is a seriously bad idea.  Besides, isn't it kind of ... um ... presumptuous to say "Hey, Jesus would totally support the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN"?  So ... are you now saying that everybody who professes to be a Christian must also support this (let's get real here --deeply flawed and probably doomed) bid? 

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Thoughts on Repression in the Middle East

Read this and this (via this).  The second link to a Dubai-based Arab op-ed basically says, the Zionist entity is bad, but our own Arab dictators are even worse!  It's a start.  Here's a bit of it:
Unlike in some Arab countries, Arabs living inside Israel can organise sit-ins very comfortably. And when the Israeli police intervenes, they never beat demonstrators to death. And if we compare how Israel treats Shaikh Raed Salah with the way some Arab dictators treat their opponents, we will be horribly surprised, as the Israelis are very much less brutal ... 
Israel can always claim it is facing an enemy, whereas Arab dictators are facing their own people.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu Addresses Congress

After the previous fireworks, I simply have to watch this speech live.  Sorry, Nerd Lords, no research for an hour at least.  CNN's talking heads are being as obnoxious as ever, but I'm not really here for them.  Goodness, I haven't been this interested in a major policy speech since ... well, forever.  Bonus: Netanyahu's a great speaker.  

Heck with it: I'm liveblogging.

AFTER-SPEECH UPDATE:  In a nutshell?  Epic speech was epic.  Transcript as released by Netanyahu on his Facebook page.  Full video of the speech here.  My liveblogging is after the fold.  Oh, heck.  Let's just embed the video:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

History Lesson: Israel, Security, and Reality

Check out Netanyahu's lecture.  Wow.  He's giving a lecture in general, but he's also lecturing to Obama in particular.  Well, it looks like somebody just got schooled.  And deservedly so.  Some details here, including photos that speak for themselves in terms of body language alone.  (No, I'm not going to heap blame on Netanyahu, given the shenanigans that Obama's Middle East foreign policy pratfalls have committed, not to mention his previous ham-fisted approach to a very important alliance and even Netanyahu in particular.) 

And for goodness sake, if you're a bit fuzzy on the fuss about pre- and post-1967 lines and Israel, read this immediately.  Some more here.

Transcript sort of.  An additional thought.

UPDATE: See this archival footage from 1978:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Quote of the Day: Egypt and the Middle East Narrative

The anti-Mubarak revolution won't only topple an authoritarian regime. It will also topple 40-plus years of wrong-headed thinking about the causes of Middle East instability among the world's foreign-policy cognoscenti. 
In that view, the horrible relationship between Israel and the Arabs is the dominant issue for the Near East's 20-plus nations and its 250-million-plus people -- and the root cause of the region's tempestuousness. 
But now that Tunisia's street revolt against a corrupt dictatorial regime has led to Egypt's similar revolt only in a matter of weeks, with God knows what to follow elsewhere, the plain truth can no longer be denied: Israel is a sideshow.