
Xmas Tree

This week at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge we're thinking about


Simon Says Stamp Store   is offering the $25 voucher.

It seems I keep crafting with my fave purple color. 
Even a Christmas card is made in a bit of Halloween color palette. 
The Xmas tree was composed with Sizzix Artsy Leaves :)

Products used:





Nie samą rdzą i steampunkiem człowiek żyje. 
Dziś lekko, romantycznie i pastelowo czyli zupełnie inaczej niż zazwyczaj. 
Zrobiłam dwie bliźniacze kartki ślubne z pięknych papierów Alchemy of Art

Man doesn't live by rust and steampunk alone.
Today's project it's light, pastel andromantic, which means completely different than usual.
I made twin wedding cards using beautiful Alchemy of Art papers.



Hej, hej. 
Odlewy żywiczne to jedne z moich ulubionych elementów dekoracyjnych na kartkach. 
Dodają niesamowitej tekstury i wymiarowości i są zazwyczaj najsilniejszym detalem. 
W tym przypadku jest ich całe mnóstwo a to dlatego, że kartka powstała dla 40-latki, która jest zakręcona na punkcie kolekcjonowania perfum, ma ich ponad 100 flakonów.
Do tego celu nie mogłam wykorzystać lepszej formy niż ta od Stamperii. 

Hey, hey.
Resin castings are one of my favorite decorative elements on cards.
They add amazing texture and dimension and are usually the strongest detail.
In this case, there are a lot of them, because the card was made for a 40 yo, who is crazy about collecting perfumes, she has over 100 bottles.
For this purpose, I could not use a better mold than the one from Stamperia.



This week at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge the theme is


and we're showcasing Simon Says Stamp amazing products since September is a special month over Simon Says Stamp site celebrating STAMPtember all month long.


Simon Says Stamp Store   is offering the $25 voucher.

I used a previous release stamp Leaf Edges and decided to fussy cut the leaves 
instead of just stamp them on the background. Although the main elements are the amazing Mushroom Stems which I got some time ago and was waiting definitely too long to use them cause I totally fell in love! 

Products used: