Monday, March 1, 2010

Two by Twos

Having two is definitely an adventure. So far, it really isn't that bad because Cason pretty much still sleeps all the time. Adalie is still acting like her normal self so no jealousy so far, I think which is nice too. I have been pretty blessed with low key babies, which is very nice.It is still kind of funny to me to use the words "kids" or "children" when it comes to talking about my own family. It blows my mind that we have two now. But it has been so fun and so sweet around the house with them both here. I have never been peed on so much though...I am having to get used to changing a little boy's diaper. I need to learn to go faster. haha

This past week has been so nice. Brett's mom came to stay with us and it really helped me adjust well to having a toddler and a newborn in the house. I am so glad I can be comfortable around her too. I really missed my mom not being here this time, but LeAnne helped fill the void for now lol. She has been such a good help and wonderful house guest. I have pretty much been braless and in my Pj's all week lol. No make-up or fixed hair either. It has been great to have a little break and just be really, really lazy. I am still kind of sore in my back and my stomach has been really upset, but I need to start a schedule soon. Everything I ate while I was pregnant has caught up to me and I am fat all over again. I think I will give myself one ore week and then it is back to the gym!! I've got 35 lbs to lose before I am back to pre baby weight and another 20 to want to be at my ideal....I will just focus on the baby weight for now and we will see how the other comes along. Anywho, here are some more pictures of my cute little baboos. I love them so much!!

My first Mo-hawk (sp?)

My poor baby girl had a run in with hot Bacon grease this looks better now though. I am so glad it didn't get in her eye though!

1 comment:


I still have 20 I want to lose. I am 30lbs down since leaving the hospital w/Malachi (and he is 9 months old!) I am taking the slow approach but working hard. You can do it!