Our trash has doubled this week. I am throwing a diaper away every minute. Cason seems to go through them like nobodies business, he might just drive us into the poor house. And he always needs a clean diaper to poop in two seconds after I change the first one. Laundry has definitely increased too. He pees through lots of his outfits or spits up on most too so I do his little cycle of newborn clothes (I have about 5 or 6 that he rotates throughout the days) almost everyday. On another note, Cason had his circumcision a few days after he was born in his pediatrician's office (our insurance didn't cover it in the hospital) and I stayed in the room holding his little hands. It was the worst thing ever. Not so much for baby who got a few little shots to numb the whole area, but for
me who watched it all!! It mad me hurt so bad for my little man!! He did really well with it though until right after it was all done and cried like I have never heard him cry before. Brett was in the room with me (he met me there in another car) and I started crying too. I made Brett bring him home in his car because I couldn't listen to him cry all the way home....poor baby. I am so glad that is over and I think that just might be the worst thing about having a little boy...Brett is going to have to go in with them from here on out I just don;t think I can do it again!!
Oh he is so cute!!! I"m glad to see him sleeping peacefully after going through such an awful event at the doctor's office. You are making me nervous to have another baby hearing about all the diaper changes and laundry. Yikes, two kids!! How do people have more than that?
Hyrums circumcision was awful! Cason looks so peaceful, hard to imagine him having such an experiance. Yeah two kids sure make a lot more messes then one-but it gets tons better after they stop pooping every 2 minutes :)
Oh poor thing! I was totally interested in how they did circumcisions and it didn't bother me a bit watching them do that to my little baby.. I think that might make me a bad mom :) It helped that Ethan didn't cry at all too I guess! Make sure to figure out some way to clean the spit up off his clothes. I hear washing all his clothes with Clorox 2 will help the clothes not to stain so bad. Although the clothes may appear to come out of the dryer free of spit up, the nasty yellow stains will appear much later. I just pulled out all of Ethan's clothes and what appeared to once be clean clothes are now all ruined with spit up stains.. It makes me so sad and I had no idea it could do that!
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